| Ämne | Författare Svar (Vyer) Senaste inlägg |
| Reviewing, editing, proofreading differences | 8 (13,773) |
| Problem: Japanese reviewer | 1 (3,117) |
| Can one make money reviewing translations? ( 1... 2) | 21 (9,060) |
| Grammar checker tool | 9 (3,973) |
| Translation feedback English-to French please | 6 (2,843) |
| How to know if a translation is good? ( 1... 2) | 28 (14,656) |
| Tip of the Week for Editors - Enhance Your Networking: | 0 (1,649) |
| Proofreading and Editing Software (2013 versions) | 6 (6,592) |
| Proofing your messed up translation ( 1... 2) | 24 (8,502) |
| Editing Machine Translation | 14 (4,919) |
| Daily output for proofreading to calculate the rate ( 1... 2) | 20 (16,487) |
| Agency sent a proofreading test which is not really understandable | 14 (5,208) |
| I am unable to find or use a bilingual spell checker | 3 (2,117) |
| Where have all the proofreaders gone? ( 1... 2) | 19 (8,398) |
| Help evaluate EN>JP translation: is it disaster? | 11 (4,310) |
| What should a certificate to be provided with a proofread document contain? | 5 (2,627) |
| Word count - corrections | 8 (3,502) |
| Using CAT during monolingual editing | 9 (5,602) |
| Why It’s So Hard to Catch Your Own Typos: Wired Magazine Article | 1 (1,827) |
| how much is the standard price for proofreadring/reviewing Eng-Rus per word | 6 (2,899) |
| Why It’s So Hard to Catch Your Own Typos | 12 (4,323) |
| Peculiar case! Salary for proof-reading/ contributing to Norwegian book collaboration | 12 (4,143) |
| Hourly rate for proofreading 1200 words | 5 (3,666) |
| Wordfast : internal error, impossible to confirm segments | 1 (1,598) |
| Updating facts and dates of source text in translation | 5 (2,414) |
| xbench control, what does it mean ( 1... 2) | 16 (7,834) |
| How much for proofreading AND localization? | 9 (4,224) |
| It has finally happened | 14 (5,176) |
| Agencies requesting translators to proofread their own work? | 3 (2,180) |
| How much proofreading do you do for 7.5 (seven and a half) Euros? ( 1... 2) | 19 (7,646) |
| PDF annotation / correction applications | 3 (2,540) |
| Reviewing the work of someone you know ( 1... 2) | 18 (6,213) |
| Survey on monolingual review (MA dissertation) | 6 (2,761) |
| Proofreading problem ( 1, 2... 3) | 38 (15,303) |
| Oxford spelling “not British”? ( 1... 2) | 22 (7,724) |
| Rules about numbers at the ends of lines - not allowed? | 6 (3,061) |
| Comma or period | 6 (2,744) |
| Proofreading XML document | 2 (2,840) |
| What is tag editing? | 4 (4,346) |
| Off-topic: Agencies pay for this? ( 1... 2) | 21 (8,101) |
| Lowercase 's or capital 's ('S) after word in all caps in contracts | 11 (10,718) |
| Seeking advice on organizing review teams | 5 (2,497) |
| Percentage deducted for Matching ( 1... 2) | 17 (6,646) |
| Japanese review fraud | 2 (2,306) |
| Verifying a proofread version of your own work | 13 (5,615) |
| Gostaria de saber a opinião dos meus colegas tradutores do BR. | 4 (2,142) |
| Computer translation presented as article for reviewing | 12 (5,790) |
| Watch out: proofreaders in Japanese | 2 (3,739) |
| Second opinion needed on grammar ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7... 8) | 111 (35,399) |
| What is your experience with proofreaders (in general)? ( 1... 2) | 23 (32,994) |