Wipe Properties from TM
Trådens avsändare: alainabran
Local time: 10:12
Spanska till Engelska
Mar 1, 2017

Hi all,

Is there a way to wipe the properties from a TM so the names of contributors of specific translation units are removed (without removing information on dates on which content was added)?

Thank you,

Michael Beijer
Michael Beijer  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:12
Nederländska till Engelska
+ ...
you can easily do it in Okapi Olifant Mar 1, 2017

Edit > Attributes > Current attributes (select them and click Remove)


Andriy Yasharov
Andriy Yasharov  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:12
Medlem (2008)
Engelska till Ryska
+ ...
tmx editors Mar 1, 2017

TMX editors can do the task.

1. Heartsome TMX Editor. It's free. (download link https://goo.gl/41IFu2)

2. Okapi Translation Memory Editor aka Olifant. It's free too. (download link http://
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TMX editors can do the task.

1. Heartsome TMX Editor. It's free. (download link https://goo.gl/41IFu2)

2. Okapi Translation Memory Editor aka Olifant. It's free too. (download link http://okapi.sourceforge.net/downloads.html)

I use Olifant for this task. You can install it and then open a tmx file, go to File → TM Properties → Attributes and edit.


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Wipe Properties from TM

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