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Poll: What are your thoughts on dubbing in movies?
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Jan 16

This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "What are your thoughts on dubbing in movies?".

This poll was originally submitted by Sarah Presciutti. View the poll results »

Liena Vijupe
Liena Vijupe  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:38
Medlem (2014)
Franska till Lettiska
+ ...
Other Jan 17

I don't like it, I think it takes something essential away from the movie and fakes it in a way. Nothing is ever dubbed in my country (except some children's movies maybe) and it always sounds strange to me, subtitles or even a simple voice-over where you can at least hear the real actors' voices are much better. It is also easier to turn off or ignore the translation that way, with dubbing you're usually stuck. Like I was years ago when I went to see a French movie in a cinema in Germany and di... See more
I don't like it, I think it takes something essential away from the movie and fakes it in a way. Nothing is ever dubbed in my country (except some children's movies maybe) and it always sounds strange to me, subtitles or even a simple voice-over where you can at least hear the real actors' voices are much better. It is also easier to turn off or ignore the translation that way, with dubbing you're usually stuck. Like I was years ago when I went to see a French movie in a cinema in Germany and did not understand anything because it was dubbed in German and my knowledge of the language was very limited at the time...Collapse

Lieven Malaise
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Christine Andersen
Kevin Fulton
Justin Peterson
Lieven Malaise
Lieven Malaise
Local time: 03:38
Medlem (2020)
Franska till Nederländska
+ ...
Horrible Jan 17

I remember seeing The Green Mile at the cinema in Germany during my 3-month student exchange stay in Brandenburg. It was a horrible experience hearing Tom Hanks speak in another language than English with a voice that wasn't even close to his.

I hate dubbed movies, but I think it's a matter of culture. People in Germany, France, the French-speaking part of Belgium etcetera probably grow up with it, while in Flanders subtitling has always been and still is the standard. I can imagine
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I remember seeing The Green Mile at the cinema in Germany during my 3-month student exchange stay in Brandenburg. It was a horrible experience hearing Tom Hanks speak in another language than English with a voice that wasn't even close to his.

I hate dubbed movies, but I think it's a matter of culture. People in Germany, France, the French-speaking part of Belgium etcetera probably grow up with it, while in Flanders subtitling has always been and still is the standard. I can imagine it doesn't bother them one bit.

Christine Andersen
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Liena Vijupe
Kevin Fulton
Justin Peterson
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:38
Medlem (2007)
Engelska till Portugisiska
+ ...
Other Jan 17

In Portugal, only children’s movies are dubbed and I believe subtitles are an effective way to improve language learning.

P.S. What’s going on with the Quick Poll today? It was contaminated by yet another bug? I got a 503 (server unavailable) several times...

Liena Vijupe
Gianni Pastore
Gianni Pastore  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:38
Medlem (2007)
Engelska till Italienska
For some movies… Jan 17

…dubbing it's preferable to subtitles (and I am saying this against my interest, since I am a subtitler). I am thinking some documovies, that are edited so fast and filled with Forced Narratives and voice-overs that you hardly have the time to watch what's going on onscreen. Also, voiceovers are often dull and uninspired, so you don't really miss a lot.

Christine Andersen
Sarah Presciutti
Christine Andersen
Christine Andersen  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:38
Medlem (2003)
Danska till Engelska
+ ...
It depends whether I understand the language Jan 17

I don't like it, but it may mean I can follow a film that was originally in a language I do not understand.
However, I definitely prefer subtitling, and subtitling helps people learn the original language if they work at it. I can live with dubbing, but I avoid it if I can.

We dropped the idea of taking my grandchild to a Disney film at Christmas, because it was dubbed into Danish, which is her third language. But for local children it is the best solution. Either the target a
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I don't like it, but it may mean I can follow a film that was originally in a language I do not understand.
However, I definitely prefer subtitling, and subtitling helps people learn the original language if they work at it. I can live with dubbing, but I avoid it if I can.

We dropped the idea of taking my grandchild to a Disney film at Christmas, because it was dubbed into Danish, which is her third language. But for local children it is the best solution. Either the target age group cannot read fluently enough, or they do not have time to see both the text and the picture.

In contrast, I watch a fair amount of German and Austrian television with subtitles for the hearing impaired - and that means I can follow the German dialect, even though I don´t catch what is said. Or I do catch it with the help of the text. It keeps my German alive, and sometimes I learn a new expression.

Maria Laura Curzi
Yetta Jensen Bogarde
ADIE Translations
ADIE Translations
Local time: 03:38
Tyska till Engelska
+ ...
... Jan 17

Generally, I would always go for subtitling. However, I did watch the dubbed version of The Squid Games in English and actually quite enjoyed the experience.

Sarah Presciutti
Justin Peterson
Justin Peterson  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:38
Medlem (2007)
Spanska till Engelska
It's awful, and it has set the Spanish back years in terms of their English Jan 17

It's awful, and it has set the Spanish back years in terms of their English

It's amazing how people can get used to anything, no matter how stupid it is, and then actually convince themselves that it's normal
Dubbing is a good example
People in Spain are used to multiple famous actors having the same voice (!)
People say "Oh, I love that actor!" despite the fact that they have never heard what is probably his or her most important tool: their voice

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It's awful, and it has set the Spanish back years in terms of their English

It's amazing how people can get used to anything, no matter how stupid it is, and then actually convince themselves that it's normal
Dubbing is a good example
People in Spain are used to multiple famous actors having the same voice (!)
People say "Oh, I love that actor!" despite the fact that they have never heard what is probably his or her most important tool: their voice

It's actually quite easy get used to reading subtitles. Like many things, at first it seems impossible, then doable, then easy, and then you don't even realize you're doing it

The Spanish complain about their school system being responsible for their relatively low English levels, but I think the dubbing of TV and movies has had a LOT to do with it.

Lieven Malaise
Christine Andersen
Maria Laura Curzi
Andy Watkinson
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Michele Fauble
Lingua 5B
Lingua 5B  Identity Verified
Bosnien och Hercegovina
Local time: 03:38
Medlem (2009)
Engelska till Kroatiska
+ ...
Had fun doing it Jan 17

I tried it at improv acting class, it was fun. : D

Christine Andersen
Christine Andersen  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:38
Medlem (2003)
Danska till Engelska
+ ...
Subtitling probably has a lot to do with Scandinavians being good at English Jan 17

Justin Peterson wrote:

It's awful, and it has set the Spanish back years in terms of their English

The Spanish complain about their school system being responsible for their relatively low English levels, but I think the dubbing of TV and movies has had a LOT to do with it.

Conversely, I think subtitling, which is the norm in Scandinavia, is a contributing factor to ´Scandi-English´. It ranges from excellent, near native to awful, but Scandinavians are fluent, and can talk easily to each other in it. Strangely, although the written languages are similar, the spoken languages are very different.

It is a great help in a world that gets by with Global English. There are surprisingly few Scandinavians in the world, considering the impression they make on worldwide trade and industry. (The populations of Denmark and Norway are under 6 million each, and Sweden has between 10 and 11 million.)

[Edited at 2025-01-17 14:22 GMT]

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Maria Laura Curzi
Maria Laura Curzi
Local time: 23:38
Engelska till Spanska
+ ...
Awful, but mandatory by law Jan 17

I don't like it, and I always avoid it, that's why I don't watch any foreign movies/series broadcasted in Argentinian television.

We have the law #23,316 from 1986 that back then was so controversial it only got established by a decree-l
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I don't like it, and I always avoid it, that's why I don't watch any foreign movies/series broadcasted in Argentinian television.

We have the law #23,316 from 1986 that back then was so controversial it only got established by a decree-law in 2013. [Law in Spanish: | Decree-law:]
This law makes dubbing mandatory for all films (including short and feature), trailers, advertisements, and series aired by television channels, including cable channels.

The problem with this law is that it establishes as the official language a “neutral Spanish” to “ensuring the understanding for the entire Spanish-speaking America” which means all movies/series don't sound at all to our Argentinian Spanish. So now, kids use different vocabulary or can't understand our 'lunfardo' (specially in tango lyrics) and have difficulties to understand the movies/series made in Argentina with our own accent/vocabulary. It's insane, just like many other things done by the previous government.

Therefore, anyone who wants to watch movies/series in the original language, has to do it on streaming platforms or in the cinema.

Yasutomo Kanazawa
Yasutomo Kanazawa  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:38
Medlem (2005)
Engelska till Japanska
+ ...
With 100% Subtitling Jan 18

I'm with 100% subtitling, whether I understand the language or not.

As others pointed out, I would like to hear the actor's original voice, and I feel weird watching and listening to Robert de Niro, Al Pacino or even Alain Delon speaking perfect Japanese without any foreign accents.

The other reason I go for subtitling is because I would like to see how well a translator translated the original script into my native language (maybe because I'm a translator), although t
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I'm with 100% subtitling, whether I understand the language or not.

As others pointed out, I would like to hear the actor's original voice, and I feel weird watching and listening to Robert de Niro, Al Pacino or even Alain Delon speaking perfect Japanese without any foreign accents.

The other reason I go for subtitling is because I would like to see how well a translator translated the original script into my native language (maybe because I'm a translator), although the recent trends in Japan especially among youngsters are that they are too lazy to read the subtitles so they would automatically watch a movie or a foreign sit-com in dubbed in Japanese.

Gjorgji Apostolovski
Maria Laura Curzi
Gjorgji Apostolovski
Gjorgji Apostolovski  Identity Verified
Makedonien (FYROM)
Local time: 03:38
Engelska till Makedonska
+ ...
nothing like the original Jan 18

Like some of the members already commented, dubbs are giving us some localized version of the dialogues and the reactions of the real thing.
It's been put so much effort in this, money also, they had to hire translators to translate the lines, actors to read the lines, they had to record many times, that takes time, working hours, studios...
And for what? What's the final product? The same movie with localized dub.
Movies and tv shows with original audio and subtitles are bette
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Like some of the members already commented, dubbs are giving us some localized version of the dialogues and the reactions of the real thing.
It's been put so much effort in this, money also, they had to hire translators to translate the lines, actors to read the lines, they had to record many times, that takes time, working hours, studios...
And for what? What's the final product? The same movie with localized dub.
Movies and tv shows with original audio and subtitles are better experience for the audience, and also a way more cheaper way for the productions and broadcasters.
And these days if they try to cut the expenses, imagine hearing all those actors in your language with AI, awful.

Maria Laura Curzi
Local time: 21:38
Engelska till Ryska
+ ...
Times have changed Jan 19

Back in Soviet Union we didn't have a chance to watch the originals, and whichever Western movies we could watch on the big screen after the approval by the Soviet government have been dubbed only. We had no idea about the sounds of original voices. Sometimes I can find those old versions on YouTube, only to reconfirm that the quality of translation was impeccable. As the Soviet translation school once was, where only the best professionals with experience in both translation per se and its appl... See more
Back in Soviet Union we didn't have a chance to watch the originals, and whichever Western movies we could watch on the big screen after the approval by the Soviet government have been dubbed only. We had no idea about the sounds of original voices. Sometimes I can find those old versions on YouTube, only to reconfirm that the quality of translation was impeccable. As the Soviet translation school once was, where only the best professionals with experience in both translation per se and its application to movie dubbing could get an access to movie (and book) translation jobs. Translation in Soviet Union has been an exclusive, elite occupation but I must admit that that particular elite proved their amazing talents and highest standards time and again, without failing. Comparing it to today's subtitles.... well, you can guess where I would love to stand but... I can't deny some terrible misses in choosing dubbing voices over the last couple of decades too. I was just curious to check and couldn't stand it for 5 minutes.

I have never enjoyed following both a movie and the subtitles. Anyway, it looks like quality decay is now an integral part of both evils

Gjorgji Apostolovski
Gjorgji Apostolovski  Identity Verified
Makedonien (FYROM)
Local time: 03:38
Engelska till Makedonska
+ ...
Equilibrium Jan 19

IrinaN wrote:

Back in Soviet Union we didn't have a chance to watch the originals, and whichever Western movies we could watch on the big screen after the approval by the Soviet government have been dubbed only. We had no idea about the sounds of original voices. Sometimes I can find those old versions on YouTube, only to reconfirm that the quality of translation was impeccable. As the Soviet translation school once was, where only the best professionals with experience in both translation per se and its application to movie dubbing could get an access to movie (and book) translation jobs. Translation in Soviet Union has been an exclusive, elite occupation but I must admit that that particular elite proved their amazing talents and highest standards time and again, without failing. Comparing it to today's subtitles.... well, you can guess where I would love to stand but... I can't deny some terrible misses in choosing dubbing voices over the last couple of decades too. I was just curious to check and couldn't stand it for 5 minutes.

I have never enjoyed following both a movie and the subtitles. Anyway, it looks like quality decay is now an integral part of both evils

Wow. This story from Soviet Union sounded to me like that scene from Equilibrium when Christian Bale didn't take the pills and started to listen music and to feel emotions.
I mean, what's the point of dubbing? The real actors in the movie already put effort to read the lines and to express emotions. And when some actors make dub over the original audio to me is like disrespecting the original actors and their work.
With original audio and subtitles you can hear the real expressions, hear the language, read the subtitles and learn something new.

Maria Laura Curzi
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