The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Kinesiska till Engelska Fast egendom Translation Glossary

Kinesiska term Engelska translation
压缩 reduce
变数犹存 situation is subject to change
否则应根据实际损失要求赔偿,做好交接工作。 otherwise indemnity against the actual damage should be requested,make sure a successful work handover
含票 including rental invoice (/rent invoice)
含钥匙 including deposit for the key(s)
大立精品 Talee Specialty Department Store
套型面积 dwelling floor-space, Dwelling Area
契约 vs. 协议 contract(契约/合同)和agreement(协议)不可互换
宗地(丘)面积 parcel area
Entered by: albertdeng
对外高调开盘 make high-profile debut on the market
对资金的需求时间要求高 needs for funds are time-critical
对景点 viewpoint
中介门店管理 Agency Outlet Management
中国広東州珠海市香洲区 Xiangzhou District Zhuhai City Guangdong Province, PRC
Entered by: Alvin Liu
主辅路 main and side roads
市容 city maintenace service/department
Entered by: Laura Brown
产权代办费 property rights transaction handling (service) fee
底商住宅楼 residential buildings with commercial outlets on the ground floor
Entered by: albertdeng
价格洼地 Depressed prices/price depression
开沟引渠 open up opportunities
住房贷款政策性贴息 policy-approved subsidies on housing loans
使用年限 = 租期 lease term
在卷佐证 evidence on file, on file as evidence, kept in file as evidence
地上、地下附着物 ground & underground attachments
包干制 contract (flat rate) system
分租, 分借 co-let, flatshare
分摊面积 apportioned area
分摊面积 shared floor area
Entered by: albertdeng
出让/转让/划拨 assign/transfer/allocate
商仲部 Business Brokerage Department
全明户型 allaround/overall lighting house style
共有情况 : 单独所有 ownership status :sole ownership
其它附着物 other attachments
回迁房 Replacement Building/Apartment/Property
图号 Chart number
Entered by: albertdeng
四处地块的土地使用权 the land use right of four plots (or lots)
突击审批 do a rush job of examining and approving...
维修基金 maintenance fund(s)
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