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Portugisiska till Engelska Medicin: Läkemedel Translation Glossary

Portugisiska term Engelska translation
água oxigenada hydrogen peroxide
Entered by: Mariana Moreira
água oxigenada 10 volumes V10 hydrogen peroxide
álcool etílico 96° GL 96° GL ethyl alcohol
ângulo estreito narrow angle
índice cardio torácico cardiothoracic index
É de responsabilidade da rouparia Dressing room personnel are responsible for...
balanço balancing
Batedora de 100 gal~oes 100 gallon mixer
batocadeira bung machine
biofármacos biopharmaceuticals/biodrugs
Entered by: Cristina Pereira
biotério vivarium
bloqueio ético Ethical wall
boca amarrada dry mouth
breu vivo rosin brilliant scarlet 4R CI6255
brochura do investigador Investigator’s Brochure
bulário bulário [electronic Medicines compendium]
Entered by: liz askew
cabelo espigado split ends
CAPA Corrective and preventive action
Capa de Lote Merchandise/goods registration and release form
caracol marinho sea snail
Carboximetilcelulose sódica Sodium Carboxymethylcellulose (=CMC)
Carboximetilcelulose sódica sodium carboxymethylcellulose
carreamento de impurezas carry over of impurities
Cartucho com blíster blister pack/ packaging
Cartucho contendo 4 estojos, unidos 2 a 2. cartridge with 4 cases packed in two sets
cefaloraquidiano cephalorachidian
Central de Compras Buying group
centro de material esterilizado Sterile processing department
centro em tela above-mentioned centre/center
Entered by: liz askew
cera auto emulsificante self-emulsifying wax
CIF International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF)
circular do medicamento circular letter for the medication
cloridropéptico acid-peptic
Entered by: liz askew
Como se coaduna com o facto This is consistent with the fact
comparticipado reimbursed
CONEXÃO ENTRE A CONTRATAÇÃO E O PLANEJAMENTO EXISTENTE. Contracting in relation to the Existing Planning [Scheme]
CONTRIBUIÇÕES DOS RESULTADOS LABORATORIAIS contributions/ suggestions obtained from the lab results
Entered by: Lidia Carney
controle testemunha control group
Entered by: Heather Phillips
CONTROLO DE AGENTES INFESTANTES control of infesting agents
Correctivos da volemia e das alterações hidroelectrolíticas For the correction of blood volume and hydroelectrolytic alterations
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