The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Tyska till Engelska Personalresurser Translation Glossary

Tyska term Engelska translation
Personalbearbeitung payroll processing
Personalbetreuer HR Generalist / HR Specialist
Personalbetreuung human resources management // HR management
personalbudgetkopfplanung budget planning for staffing headcount
Personaldienstleister human resources (manager, director, etc.)
Entered by: Erich Friese
Personalentscheidung recruitment/appointment decision
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Personalentwickler/in employee development specialist
Personalgestellungsgesellschaft Personnel Placement Company
Personalmarketing Personnel advertising and recruitment programs
Personalreferentin human resources officer (fem.)
Personalverleih recruitment of temporary personnel
Personalvorsorge personnel benefit plan(s)
Entered by: Asya Sokirko
personen- oder verhaltensbedingt, betriebsbedingt for personal reasons/because or his behaviour
Personenmonat person month
petrolhead Car buff
Pfändungsschutzvorschrift regulation on the exemption from execution
Pflege updating
Pflegeanteile nursing care insurance contrib./nursing share
Pflegefreistellung dependant care leave
Pflegezeitgesetz Nursing Leave Act
pflichtbewußt und termingerecht conscientiously and within schedule
Pflichtvorsorge, Angebotsvorsorge, Wunschvorsorge compulsory, recommended, and elective preventive care
physisch belastbar physically resilient
planmäßig arbeitsfreie Tage scheduled days off
Entered by: Klaus Urban
platt wälzen overturn
Polizei-Sachbearbeiter administrative assistant in law enforcement
Polizeimeister police sergeant
Polymechaniker multi-skilled mechanic
Potentialaufbereitung prospect development
Potentialdiagnostik testing employee potential / potential assessment
Potenzial- und Leistungsträger potential (future) and existing/current high performers
Potenzialauswertung Evaluation of potential
Potenzialerhebung mapping of potential (Human Resources)
Potenzialkräfte "high potentials" / high-potential employees
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Potenzialträger potential future executives
ppa. pp or p.p. (per procuationem, per pro.)
praxisgerecht in line with actual requirements
praxisnahe Vermittlung a hands-on approach
praxisorientiert geared to the needs of the workplace
Prämie premium
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