The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Kinesiska till Engelska Utbildning/pedagogik Translation Glossary

Kinesiska term Engelska translation
固体地球物理 solid earth geophysics
国家卫生部医学考试中心放射学命审题委员会 The Radiology Test Committee of The National Medical Examination Center
国际结算贸易 international trade settlement (business)
国际融资 International Financing
Entered by: albertdeng
a kind of conjunction for use with relative clauses
understood and omitted
班主任 class advisor
硕士学位授权点 Master\'s degree programs
硕士点零的突破 For the first time in our college history, we have awarded Master Degree to graduates
硕士授权点 authorised to confer master's degrees
積分變換 integral transformation
系统建模 system modeling
Entered by: albertdeng
素质与文化程度 education levels
素质教育 competence-based education
线性规划 linear programming
Entered by: albertdeng
统一 standardise
统一学号 (Standard) student ID
综合二等奖学金 Second Class (Overall) Award
用来 is used for
畢業/結業/肆業 graduate / completion / study or studied
目标规划 goal programming
Entered by: albertdeng
相信 believe that | must be | has got to be
随机数学 stochastic mathematics
花也會謝了 even flowers would wither
韓國圓光大學 Wonkwang University
道里计 reasonably or realistically calculated (incalculable)
題目:練鋼爐的微機自動控制 Subject: Digital/Automatic Control of steel smelting furnace
要是A,便B了 If A, then B results.
解题思路 Problem solving strategy
課程衝堂 conflict of lessons
諧波分析 harmonic (wave) analysis
高等教育司 Department of Higher education, Ministry of Education
高素质应用型人才 well-trained practitioners
讀, 學, and 習 read, learn, practice -- different but the same
该生系自学收看 "The said student watched all the (teaching) programmes through her self-study."
课程与教学论 Curriculum & Teaching Methodology
Entered by: albertdeng
课时安排 course schedule
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