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What translation project are you working on right now?

jeffrey engberg posting from ProZ.com shared:

Translated this month: kriget mot livet, War against Life, Per Shapiro.


I Do That

jeffrey engberg posting from ProZ.com shared:

Just finished +100 000 words, Norwegian to English (military) automotive vehicle specifications. Detailed specifications and descriptions of crane truck assembly and maintenance: transmission, chassis, brakes, power steering, electrical components, tires, axles, tools etc.

military, vehicles, specifications, maintenance


I Do That

  • Norska till Engelska
  • 100000 words
  • Automotive / Cars & Trucks
  • Wordfast
jeffrey engberg posting from ProZ.com shared:

major tender for road and rail construction - 80 000 words. Technical Due Diligences for commercial properties pre-sale. Corporate annual reports and financial statements.


1 userI Do That

jeffrey engberg posting from ProZ.com shared:

Tenders, building and construction norway/sweden, roads/rail/tunnels. Major state contracts for road construction - along with condition assessment/due diligence of commercial properties in advance of sale of buildings.


I Do That

jeffrey engberg posting from ProZ.com shared:

NO-EN tender, construction contract documents, Tangenvika railway bridge, 100 000 words.


I Do That

jeffrey engberg posting from ProZ.com shared:

Raw Water Tunnel tender 86/2019 Oslo. 100 000 words construction project, tunnels/concrete/roads/electrical/hvac etc. Konkurransebeskrivelse, E5 Råvannstunnel. Avtaledokument NS8405 etc-


I Do That

  • Norska till Engelska
  • Construction / Civil Engineering
jeffrey engberg posting from ProZ.com shared:

corona virus posters and health info


I Do That

  • Norska till Engelska
  • Medical: Health Care
jeffrey engberg posting from ProZ.com shared:

road, railway, tunnel construction contracts in Swedish and Norwegian


I Do That

  • Norska till Engelska
  • Ingeniería (general), contracts, tenders
jeffrey engberg posting from ProZ.com shared:

railway construction contracts, swedish and norwegian, and arctic children's literature


I Do That

jeffrey engberg posting from ProZ.com shared:

Swedish to english: roadway, tunnel, bridge and train tender documents, specification requirements etc.


I Do That

jeffrey engberg posting from ProZ.com shared:

Roald Amundsen and C.A. Larsen, Arctic and Antarctic explorers, Ship captains notes, official diaries/journals, 1901-1903

Roald Amundsen,Carl Anton Larsen,Arctic explorer,Norwegian History,Captain's Journals


I Do That

  • Norska till Engelska
  • 500000 words
  • History, Ships, Sailing, Maritime, Science (general)