Asociaţia Traducătorilor Profesionişti din Moldova ATP

Name Asociaţia Traducătorilor Profesionişti din Moldova
Abbreviation ATP
Organization Type Association
Contact Name Ms. Eleonora Rusnac
Contact Title President
Contact Phone 00 373 69253549
City Chişinău
Country Moldavien
Description The Association of Professional Translators of Moldova (ATP) is a non-governmental and non-profit organization. It was founded in January 1998. The key-role of ATP is to promote the highest quality interpretation and translation services in the Republic of Moldova. ATP members are bound by its Statute, Regulation and Code of Ethics. They are highly-qualified and well-reputed individuals by virtue of their education at renowned higher education institutions and their extensive practice of lingual, translation and interpreting services. The objectives of the Association are: - To promote professional standards of performance and integrity. - To achieve wider recognition for the profession of interpreter and translator. - To support training and accreditation, certification of translators/interpreters through competent and reliable methodologies. - To advance the highest quality services. - To encourage better communication among active interpreters and translators.
Admission Criteria Has admission criteria.

Training Offers training.
Credential Offers credential(s).

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