Job closed This job was closed at Jan 19, 2025 16:00 GMT. English into Dutch, ICT products, user manual, UI, Trados Utlagt: Dec 25, 2024 01:23 GMT (GMT: Dec 25, 2024 01:23) Job type: Översättnings-/redigerings-/korrekturläsningsjobb Services required: Translation, Checking/editing, Voiceover, Summarization, Education, Transcription, Copywriting, MT post-editing, Transcreation, Subtitling, Captioning, Subtitling, Checking/Editing/QC, Subtitling, Time Coding, Subtitling, Translation, Subtitling, SDH/HOH, Language instruction, Native speaker conversation, Sworn/Certified Translation, Terminology management Språk: Engelska till Nederländska Jobbeskrivning: Hi, my name is Anita and I am from Maxsun Translation, a professional language service provider headquartered in Shenzhen, China.
I have the projects need translate/proofread from English into Dutch on ICT products like NVR, DVR, IT accessories, detector, video, DMSS (Digital Mobile Security System), PSS (Pro Surveillance System) and so on.
The files are on UI (user interface), user manuals and Datasheet for Security products.
Here it is the requirements as following:
1. Native language: Dutch
2. CAT tools: SDL Trados Studio
3. Professional knowledge on Security products and software localize.
To further facilitate prompt or urgent communication, instant messengers such as Skype are our preferred way of contact.
If you are interested in this job and meet the requirements, please contact me and inform me of your lowest rate per source word. I look forward to hearing from you very soon.
Best regards,
Anita Xiong
Maxsun Translation Shenzhen Co., Ltd (China)
E-mail: [HIDDEN]
Skype: maxsunpm02
[HIDDEN] Poster country: Kina Typ av översättare (anges av den som lägger ut jobbet): Medlemskap: Icke-medlemmar får lämna anbud efter 12 timmar Önskat modersmål: Målspråk Ämnesområde: Elektronik/elektroteknik Sista anbudsdatum: Jan 19, 2025 16:00 GMT Deadline: Jan 24, 2025 16:00 GMT Om uppdragsgivaren: This job was posted by a Business member with a Blue Board record with a "likelihood of working again" average rating of 4.7 out of 5 Note: You cannot quote because this job is closed.
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