Job closed
This job was closed at Nov 20, 2024 17:58 GMT.

Writing Training for an AI Model

Utlagt: Nov 19, 2024 22:28 GMT   (GMT: Nov 19, 2024 22:28)

Job type: Översättnings-/redigerings-/korrekturläsningsjobb
Service required: Checking/editing

Språk: Engelska till Hindi

Language variant: Romanized

We are building a team of native linguists/writers to train an AI model in a proprietary platform.
You would be involved in different writing projects designed to train generative AI models.

- The tasks will include ranking AI-generated responses, writing responses on a specific topic, or assessing the accuracy of comments, among others.
- Candidates cannot be in China or Hong Kong, since the platform does not work there (no VPN allowed)
- Hours are flexible and this is expected to be a long-term project.
- Payments for this project will be made by our client on a weekly basis only via PayPal or AirTM.
- Please note you cannot participate if you already have an account in Outlier.

The MLG Team

Budget and payment details:
Budget information for this job is restricted to those who meet the requirements of the job.
Betalningsmetod: On-line via Paypal
Typ av översättare (anges av den som lägger ut jobbet):
Medlemskap: Icke-medlemmar får lämna anbud efter 12 timmar
info Obligatoriskt modersmål: Hindi
Ämnesområde: Allmänt/konversation/hälsningsfraser/brev
Sista anbudsdatum: Nov 21, 2024 22:26 GMT
Deadline: Feb 28, 2025 22:26 GMT
Om uppdragsgivaren:
This job was posted by a Business Plus member with a Blue Board record with a "likelihood of working again" average rating of 5 out of 5

Note: You cannot quote because this job is closed.

Antal anbud: 15 (Job closed)