Job closed
This job was closed at Nov 12, 2024 11:40 GMT.

Potential projects for translation, linguistic validation, cognitive debriefing

Utlagt: Nov 11, 2024 13:51 GMT   (GMT: Nov 11, 2024 13:51)

Job type: Möjligt jobb
Services required: Translation, Checking/editing
Confidentiality level: HIGH

Språk: Engelska till Franska, Engelska till Grekiska, Engelska till Italienska, Engelska till Lettiska, Engelska till Litauiska, Engelska till Nederländska, Engelska till Portugisiska, Engelska till Slovenska, Engelska till Spanska, Engelska till Turkiska, Engelska till Tyska, Engelska till Ungerska

Potential projects for medical/clinical trial translation, linguistic validation (forward translation, reconciliation, back translation, back translation review, review), cognitive debriefing (patient recruitment, patient interviews, analysis preparation).
Företagsbeskrivning: NN Translations, a highly specialized translation company in the field of medical and pharmaceutical translations, is seeking to recruit medical and pharmaceutical translators, linguistic validation consultants and cognitive debriefers.

Betalningsmetod: Banköverföring
Poster country: Bulgarien

Typ av översättare (anges av den som lägger ut jobbet):
Medlemskap: Icke-medlemmar får lämna anbud efter 12 timmar
info Obligatorisk expertis: Medicin
info Obligatoriska specifika områden: Medical: Pharmaceuticals
info Obligatoriskt modersmål: Målspråk
Ämnesområde: Medicin: Läkemedel
Referenser: Obligatoriskt
Sista anbudsdatum: Nov 15, 2024 12:51 GMT
Ytterligare krav:

* Native speakers of the target language
* Minimum of 5 years of experience in medical and pharmaceutical translation/proofreading
* Proficiency in Word, Excel, Trados Studio, MemoQ

Expertise in Clinical Trials and Linguistic Validation, including:

* Forward translation, reconciliation, back translation, back translation review, and review and Cognitive debriefing
* Medical and pharmaceutical documentation

Language Pairs and Specific Variants Needed: We are seeking professionals for the following languages and locales:

German: Germany, Austria, Belgium, Switzerland, Luxembourg

French: France, Switzerland, Italy, Belgium, Canada, Acadia, Luxembourg, Monaco, African French (e.g., Morocco, Senegal, Ivory Coast)

Spanish: Spain, Latin America (e.g., Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Colombia), US Spanish, Caribbean Spanish (e.g., Puerto Rico, Cuba, Dominican Republic)

Portuguese: Portugal, Brazil, Mozambique, Angola, Cape Verde

Greek: Greece, Cyprus

Turkish: Turkey, Cyprus, Turkish-speaking regions in Europe (e.g., Germany, Netherlands)

Dutch: Netherlands, Belgium (Flemish)

Hungarian: Hungary, regions of Slovakia, Romania, and Serbia with Hungarian-speaking communities

Italian: Italy, Switzerland, San Marino, Vatican City

Lithuanian: Lithuania, Lithuanian communities in Europe (e.g., United Kingdom, Ireland)

Latvian: Latvia, Latvian communities in Europe (e.g., United Kingdom, Ireland)

Slovenian: Slovenia, Slovenian-speaking areas in Austria and Italy

Application Instructions:

Only professional translators and proofreaders with relevant experience in the specified fields are encouraged to apply. To be considered, please submit:

* Your CV and professional experience
* Your competitive rates
* The specific language variants you support for translation, linguistic validation, cognitive debriefing, or all of these services

Om uppdragsgivaren:
This job was posted by a professional member.

Note: You cannot quote because this job is closed.

Contact person title: Managing Director