Medlem sedan Feb '05

Engelska till Danska
Danska till Engelska
Franska till Engelska
Norska till Engelska
Svenska till Engelska

Sandra Kirley
Danish translator for 22+ years

Lokal tid: 02:37 GMT (GMT+0)

Modersmål: Danska Native in Danska, Engelska Native in Engelska
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7 positive reviews
Naturally nordic
Kontotyp Frilansöversättare och/eller tolk
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. View now.
Samarbetar med This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at
Tjänster Translation, Interpreting, Editing/proofreading, Website localization, Software localization, Voiceover (dubbing), Subtitling, MT post-editing, Training, Project management, Copywriting, Transcreation
Specialiserar inom:
Poesi & LitteraturTextilier/kläder/mode
IT (informationsteknik)Kosmetik, skönhet
Turism & ResorMarknadsföring/marknadsundersökning
Reklam/PRAffär/handel (allmänt)
Media/multimediaInternet, e-handel


KudoZ-aktivitet (PRO) Poäng på PRO-nivå: 20, Antal besvarade frågor: 10, Antal ställda frågor: 25
Portfölj Provöversättningar: 2
Översättarutbildning Other - Southampton University
Erfarenhet Arbetat med översättning antal år: 33. Registrerad på Jan 2005. Blev medlem: Feb 2005. Certified PRO certificate(s)
Referenser Danska till Engelska (University of Southampton, verified)
Franska till Engelska (University of Southampton, verified)
Medlemskap Institute of Translators & Interpreters
Programvara CafeTran Espresso, DejaVu, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Word, HTML Editing Facilities & Excel, Powerpoint, Trados Studio, Wordfast
CV/Resume CV available upon request
Events and training
Professionell yrkesutövning Sandra Kirley omfattar's Riktlinjer för professionalitet (v1.1).

Professional full-time qualified English>Danish translator, subtitler and MTP editor with 20+ years of experience.

Fields of expertise:

General medical

Travel and Tourism

From websites and SoMe posts to travel blogs, advertising and complete brochures.

Lifestyle products

Fashion, interior design, health and beauty

Sports, Fitness and Wellbeing 

Sports nutrition, retail, equipment, mental and physical wellbeing, cognitive therapy, holistic therapy.

Creative texts: screenplays, fiction, plot treatments 

Subtitling (caption and localisation0: From corporate videos to full-scale films

In-house positions for several organisations, including the Olympic Committee as the official  translator for the press agency during the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games.

Brief summary about me:

Relevant qualifications:

- Postgraduate Certificate in Nordic language translation
-MA in Creative Writing with Distinction - Award-winning published writer, Postgraduate Diploma in European Business Management and Marketing-
- BA (Hons) Modern Languages, specialising in translation. Currently undertaking a PhD in English and Creative Writing: 

-Danish, English  - Bilingual Danish/English, based in UK

21+ years of experience as full-time translator

6 years translation studies at universities in Europe

Bilingual and bi-cultural – Danish/English parentage and upbringing
- International business and corporate experience
- Qualifications in marketing and creative writing. Email me at
[email protected].

Nyckelord: Business, marketing, PR, publishing, advertising, press releases, subtitler, telecommunications, market research, copy writer. See more.Business, marketing, PR, publishing, advertising, press releases, subtitler, telecommunications, market research, copy writer, arts, kunst, arts marketing, retail marketing, contracts, danish translator, dansk, oversætter, proofreader, localization, editing, fashion translator, interior design translator, beauty and cosmetics translator, norwegian translator, norsk oversætter, energy, green power, salgs og marketing, tourism, turist marketing, creative, kreativ oversætning, faglig kompetence, employment contracts, market research questionnaires, korrektur læsning, detail handel, teknik, technical translations, construction, catalogues, furniture, food and drink, sports marketing, børnetøj, helse, health, children's health, children's clothes, children's furniture, children's books, primary education, uddannelse, skolebørn, health and safety, børnebøger, native english translator, branding, brand marketing, respiratory diseases, cystic fibrosis, RFPs, sales agreements, creative writing, fiction, novels, blog writing, web content, fashion retail. See less.

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