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Engelska till Rumänska

Ciprian Patrascu
Engelska till Rumänska
Medical (general)
Mihaela Petrican
Engelska till Rumänska
Medical: Pharmaceuticals
Ioana Costache
Engelska till Rumänska
Maria Diaconu
A translator for all seasons

Bucharest, Rumänien
Lokal tid: 16:22 EET (GMT+2)

Modersmål: Rumänska Native in Rumänska
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"The shortest way to do many things is to do only one thing at once." (Samuel Smiles)
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Tjänster Translation
Specialiserar inom:
Medicin: LäkemedelMedicin (allmänt)
Samhällsvetenskap, sociologi, etik osv.


Conditions apply
KudoZ-aktivitet (PRO) Poäng på PRO-nivå: 2020, Antal besvarade frågor: 937, Antal ställda frågor: 871
Tidigare projekt 5 angivna projekt

Payment methods accepted Bank transfer
Portfölj Provöversättningar: 4
Ordlistor Agenţii europene, Centrale termoelectrice, Ecologie, Epurarea apelor reziduale, Management, Medicină, Medicină DE-RO, Mediu, Organizare societăţi, Plante şi animale

Översättarutbildning Bachelor's degree - University of Bucharest
Erfarenhet Arbetat med översättning antal år: 20. Registrerad på ProZ.com: Jul 2004.
ProZ.com Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Referenser Engelska till Rumänska (Romanian Ministry of Justice)
Medlemskap N/A
GrupperLocalizare română
Programvara Other CAT tool, Powerpoint, Trados Studio
CV/Resume CV available upon request
Events and training
Vunna tävlingar 5th ProZ.com Translation Contest: English to Romanian
6th ProZ.com Translation Contest: English to Romanian
9th ProZ.com Translation Contest: English to Romanian
11th ProZ.com translation contest: English to Romanian
Professionell yrkesutövning Maria Diaconu omfattar ProZ.com's Riktlinjer för professionalitet (v1.1).
I work as a freelance translator since 2004.

My previous translation projects include:
- summaries of product characteristics (SPCs), patient information leaflets (PILs), labelling information
- patient information sheets and informed consent forms (ICFs)
- clinical trial protocols, amendments, synopses
- applications for variations to marketing authorisations
- correspondence with regulatory authorities
- medical records, laboratory reports, referral letters
- patient education posters
- patient guides (e.g. breastfeeding guide)
- user manuals/instructions for use (e.g. diabetes monitoring system, blood pressure monitor, pen-injector, heart valves, surgical lights, catheters, guidewires, bypass accessories)
- oral health and dental care information, toothpaste/mouthwash/dental treatment leaflets
- PowerPoint presentations for medical conferences
- veterinary pharmaceuticals/food: vaccines, swine nutrition research
- cosmetics & beauty: hair/lips/nails/skin care product leaflets
- patent applications for chemical substances (e.g. detergents, insecticides), MSDS documents
- extensive terminology knowledge in the following fields: oncology, rheumatoid arthritis, immunology, vaccines, women’s health, osteoporosis, HRT, haemophilia, cardiovascular treatments, hepatitis treatments, antiepileptic drugs, DMARDs, homeopathic remedies, insecticides, detergents.

BA in English and German Language and Literature, University of Bucharest, 2000 "Cel ce ştie cel mai mult este cel ce întreabă cel mai des."

Please note that I'm not an interpreter/proofreader. Don't call me for interpreting/proofreading jobs.


Online Reference
Look in: Dictionary & thesaurus
Computing Dictionary
Medical Dictionary
Legal Dictionary
Financial Dictionary
Wikipedia Encyclopedia
Columbia Encyclopedia
by: WordStarts withEnds withMentions

Den här användaren har tjänat KudoZ-poäng genom att hjälpa andra med termer på PRO-nivå. Klicka på poängsumman/-summorna för att se översättningarna av termerna.

Totalt intjänade poäng: 2140
Poäng på PRO-nivå: 2020

Toppspråken (PRO)
Engelska till Rumänska1231
Rumänska till Engelska444
Tyska till Rumänska212
Rumänska till Tyska104
Poäng i ytterligare ett par >
Högsta allmänna områden (PRO)
Poäng i ytterligare 4 områden >
Högsta specifika områden (PRO)
Medicin (allmänt)204
Medicin: Läkemedel112
Juridik (allmänt)88
Affär/handel (allmänt)86
Juridik: Avtal64
Medicin: Hälso- och sjukvård51
Poäng i ytterligare 80 områden >

Se alla intjänade poäng >
Nyckelord: wastewater treatment, clinical trial, clinical research study, ICF, informed consent form, patient information leaflet, informed consent and authorization, pharmaceuticals, pharmacovigilance, swine nutrition. See more.wastewater treatment,clinical trial,clinical research study,ICF,informed consent form,patient information leaflet, informed consent and authorization,pharmaceuticals,pharmacovigilance,swine nutrition,microbiology,women’s health,HRT,osteoporosis,rheumatoid arthritis,diabetes,HCV,regulatory submissions,homeopathic remedies,back translation,SPC,PIL,package and labelling,summary of product characteristics,patient information leaflet,microbiology,laboratory procedures,investigator brochure,investigator manual,clinical research study. See less.

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Jan 28

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