Medlem sedan Sep '03

Engelska till Svenska
Spanska till Svenska

Lisa Dahlander
Swedish meticulous translator

Playa Del Carmen, Quintana Roo, Mexiko
Lokal tid: 15:35 EST (GMT-5)

Modersmål: Svenska Native in Svenska
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10 positive reviews
Kontotyp Frilansöversättare och/eller tolk, Identity Verified Verifierad medlem
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. View now.
Samarbetar med
This person is affiliated with:
Blue Board affiliation:
Tjänster Translation, Editing/proofreading
Specialiserar inom:
Turism & ResorTelekom(munikation)
Spel/tv-spel/spel/kasinoAffär/handel (allmänt)
Datorer: Program

KudoZ-aktivitet (PRO) Poäng på PRO-nivå: 27, Antal besvarade frågor: 22, Antal ställda frågor: 385
Ordlistor dr-word glossary
Erfarenhet Arbetat med översättning antal år: 22. Registrerad på Jul 2003. Blev medlem: Sep 2003.
Referenser N/A
Medlemskap ATA
Programvara Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, SDLX, Trados Studio
CV/Resume CV available upon request
Professionell yrkesutövning Lisa Dahlander omfattar's Riktlinjer för professionalitet (v1.1).
Services offered:
 Translation, editing, proofreading, coding, transcription etc.

 Seventeen years as a full-time freelance translator
 Native Swedish translator; lived in Sweden, Spain and Mexico
 Living in a trilingual environment
 Grader and Language Chair for ATA’s English into Swedish certification
 ATA Nordic Division Leadership Council Member
 Part of a team of Swedish translators covering different subject areas
and time zones
 Last year’s projects include 130,000 words of general business texts and
training materials for an NGO, 60,000+ words of other corporate
translations, 70,000 words of various marketing texts and 35,000 words
of marketing research texts, amongst many others
 Other recent large projects include: 145,000 words for a ticket selling
website, 30,000 words for a hotel booking site, 200,000 words for online
casinos and 250,000 words of localization for GPS software
 More than happy to recommend a colleague if busy or not the right person
for your project
Nyckelord: tourism, travel, mexico, sweden, spain, hotel, magazines, websites, spa, beauty. See more.tourism,travel,mexico,sweden,spain,hotel,magazines,websites,spa,beauty,fashion,culture,books,menus,brochures,pages,manuals,tv,restaurants,press,texts,guide,horses,maya,advertising,commercial,weddings,events,marketing . See less.

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