Medlem sedan Jan '23

Svenska till Engelska
Engelska till Svenska
Svenska till Nederländska

Björn Söderholm
Medical and technical specialist

Lokal tid: 05:31 GMT (GMT+0)

Modersmål: Svenska Native in Svenska, Engelska Native in Engelska
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Kontotyp Frilansöversättare och/eller tolk
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
Samarbetar med This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at
Tjänster Translation, Editing/proofreading, Training, Transcreation
Specialiserar inom:
Automation & RobotteknikFordon/bilar & lastbilar
Datorer: MaskinvaraDatorer: Program
Mekanik/maskinkonstruktionMedicin (allmänt)
Medicin: InstrumentMedicin: Läkemedel

Erfarenhet Arbetat med översättning antal år: 27. Registrerad på May 2002. Blev medlem: Jan 2023. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Referenser N/A
Medlemskap SIFU (Sweden), SFÖ
Programvara memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft 365, Mneme suite, SDLX, Trados Studio, Wordfast
Webbplats http://n/a

Over the last 26 years I have worked with a wide variety of subjects including software localization, life sciences, medical devices, pharmaceuticals, legal, machine technical, websites, tourism, transcreation and marketing for many of the biggest translation companies in the world.

Native fluency in English and Swedish and an equal amount of translation experience with the combinations English > Swedish and Swedish > English.

Experience with most major CAT tools and online translation platforms. Self-sufficient and capable of handling every step of a large project from glossary creation through translation and review to QA.

And I always deliver on time: I have never delivered late in 26 years.

Nyckelord: IT, Localization, computers, software, hardware, Marketing, business, machine technical, medicine,

Profilen uppdaterades senast
Jun 6, 2023