Engelska till Svenska
Spanska till Svenska

Lena Ericson
Words travel Worlds

Tulum, Quintana Roo, Mexiko
Lokal tid: 00:12 EST (GMT-5)

Modersmål: Svenska 
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I hold a degree from Stockholm University in Sweden of Master of Science in Business Administration and Economics and have worked in the Swedish business community in banking and finance as well as accounting and auditing. As a linguist, this experience is very valuable to me and I do translations in both fields. 

Another field that is close to my heart is hospitality, travel and tourism. I have developed this interest and experience as a globetrotter, living and working outside the Swedish borders for long periods of time, and If you happen to be looking for a linguist with a passion for diving, that would be me! I have logged many wonderful hours underwater as an instructor for both recreational and technical diving, and I am very familiar with diving terminology.

Swedish is my mother tongue and target language. My source languages are English and Spanish. In the latter, Spanish, I also hold a degree of Bachelor of Arts Main field of study from Uppsala University in Sweden.

Looking forward to hearing from you!


Profilen uppdaterades senast
Mar 11, 2024

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