The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Spanska till Engelska Medicin (allmänt) Translation Glossary

Spanska term Engelska translation
% de Capt Uptake % [percentage] [thyroidal]
'administracion de carga de DFH' loading dose of dyphenyl hydantoin
'anticuerpos contra el farmaco anti-drug antibodies
Entered by: liz askew
'Ctes por turno' Vital signs / 8 hours
'pinzamiento ' blunting of the costophurenic angle
(con) OF al 80% 80% FO (fractional oxygen)
Entered by: Michael Meskers
(diferentes) grados de compromiso (different) levels of severity
(E) encargado : acting
Entered by: Joseph Tein
(el paciente) refiere the patient reports
(examen de) fondo de ojo fundoscopy
(Handwritten term: tres bloqueos eepidurales lumbares . tres bloqueos epidurales lumbares= three lumbar epidural blocks
(humana) (Humana)
(la columna vertebral) en su dinámica dynamics (of the spinal column)
(láminas) negativas negative (slides)
(luego de expansión): (after fluid expansion):
(medicamentos) actualizados drugs currently in use
(no existir) ciego (not being a) blind test
(plasmocitoma) monoclonal para cadenas lambda lambda chain monoclonal (plasmocytoma)
(trabajo efectuado con el) grupo de cirugia hepato biliar (work carried out by the) hepatobiliary surgical group
(UE) or (EU) EU
(un 5% de) heteroplasmia aparente mutante mutation with 5% heteroplasmy seen (or heteroplasmic mutation)
(va generando un daño progresivo) en el labrum y cartílago articular progressively harms labrum and articular cartilage
*Anulada por regla voided because of menstruation
*en primera longitudinal* cephalic presentation
*radiografía fetopélvica en dos posiciones* two-position pelvic X-ray of the fetus / two-position fetopelvic X-ray
... entrara a la atención e una emergencia Medical monitoring of staff who receive emergency care
....centrolobulillar. centrilobular
...0,71 veces el de... ...0.71 fold that of ...
Entered by: Marcela Di Paolo
...a los que se administra insulina basal subcutánea tircky one: see suggestion
...cada vez mas tributaria del... ...ever more reliant or dependent on...
...con indicación de hipertension arterial pulmonar investigating pulmonary arterial hypertension
...hace que aparezcan sepsis en niños igresados... The higher survival rate for immature neonates results in the appearance of sepsis in ....
...lecho vesicular que impresiona como colección organizada vesicular bed, which gives the impression of an organized collection
...por lo que se propone la modificacion de un instrumento de medida. therefore we propose the modification of an assessment tool
/A /H
1 ADS (a) Superior Dental Arch
1 comprimido cada día CRóNICO 1 tablet per day until further notice
1 intrusión intrusion
1/6 ce 1/3 1/6 PH 1/3 (or 6/36 PH 6/18)
15.000 EAS/203 leucocitos (and similar ratios) 15,000 asexual blood stage (ABS)/203 leukocytes
Entered by: Marie Wilson
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