The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Spanska till Engelska Boskap = Boskapsskötsel Translation Glossary

Spanska term Engelska translation
Ciclohexilamina cyclohexylamine
Entered by: Simon Critchley
Circovirus circovirus
Clasicos de Grupo y Listados Group Classics and listed races
clásica jura de clasificación clasic classification by jury
Clínica quirúrgica de (especies mayores) Large animal surgery
cobra de yeguas "cobra" [group of 3 or 5 mares of like type and colour (group of matched mares) with one handler on foot].
coeficientes de mayoración de cargas load increase factors
coleador coleador (calf thrower)
compartir esa apuesta share the commitment
con base territorial suficiente with enough/sufficient land for that purpose
con certificación de hatos libres certified to be free of disease
con incumplimientos a valorar en condicionalidad with non-compliances (incidents of non-compliance) to be assessed under conditionality
condiciones zoosanitarias zoosanitary conditions
consumidor solidario con los productores producer-supportive consumers
cordero pesado prime lamb
cornadizo autoblocante self-closing headgate
Entered by: Rebecca Hendry
corral revestido de forraje feed stall
corrales de malla wire mesh fences/pens/enclosures
corralina pen
Entered by: patinba
corrección correction
corrección declive tubería de leche y vacío vacuum and milk pipeline incline/gradient correction
correcciones de compensación compensatory adjustments
Entered by: Edward Tully
corrugar corrugate
corte laminar thin section/slicing
Entered by: Karen Marston
cortisol serico serum cortisol
costilla levantada (with) ribs removed
cría (chick) rearing period
cría en pie calf at foot
Entered by: Marie Wilson
crías broods
crías logradas al destete live/surviving weaned offspring
crótalo de identificación animal identification buzzers
Entered by: David Russell
cria breeding
criadero de caracoles snail farm
Entered by: Susana Magnani
criadoras hatcheries/brooders
crianza a cielo abierto outdoor breeding / exposed breeding / open-air breeding
crianza natural de caracoles breeding/growing snails in their natural environment/habitat
Entered by: liz askew
crioconservación cryopreservation
croqueta pellet
Cruz (equine terminology) withers
cruza (de raza) crossbreed
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