The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Spanska till Engelska Byggnation/installation och anläggning Translation Glossary

Spanska term Engelska translation
Acometida de 13.8 Kv Cortes y Secciones electric service connection of 13.8 Kv Breakers and Sections
acometidas de agua, luz, teléfono water, electricity and telephone connections
acometidas de FM MF connections/MF connection point
acopios Materials supplied
acoplamiento coupling
acorde vertical vertical curve
Entered by: BristolTEc
acristolando sus tejados para cubrir todas las terrazas glazing the ceilings to cover the terraces
Acta de Audiencia Pública de Adjudicación Public Hearing Minutes regarding the Award/Acceptance (of the bid)
Entered by: Edward Tully
Acta de Comprobación del Replanteo pre-construction review document/form
acta de comprobación material physical / actual / literal bill of consent
Acta de Entrega – Recepción de Inmueble entry of delivery and acceptance of real property
acta de pago payment certificate
Entered by: jmf
acta de recepción de obra handover certificate
acta de recepción provisional provisional acceptance certificate
acta de recibo de obra certificate of practical completion
acta de reconocimiento Inspection Certificate
acta de replanteo variation order
actas de recepción provisional acceptance certificate
actos de control preventivo (municipal) health and safety procedures
Actuaciones Industriales industrial activities
Actual RFE Current RFE (ready for equipment) date
actualización del aviso previo a la autoridad laboral Update of the preliminary notice to the labor authorities
acuñadura wedging
acuñamiento o de clavazón wedging or nailing
Acuerdo fitting, transition piece
acuerdo curve
Acuerdos de principio de mejora Preliminary Improvement Agreements
acuerdos verticales, cóncavos y convexos sag and crest vertical curves
Acuopirotubular Water/Fire tube Boiler
Entered by: eski
adecuacion de infraestructura hidraulica ADEQUATION OF HYDRAULIC INFRASTRUCTURE
ademado cased / shored / braced / propped
además de haber dejado en tales casos in addition to leaving, in such cases [, shear keys]
Adhesivo de montaje mounting adhesive
Entered by: Silvia Brandon-Pérez
adimensional adimensional
ADMINISTRACION DE LA OBRA (Construction) Project or Job Management
adocreto; adoquín paving stone / flagstone
adovelado voussoired
Entered by: David Russell
Aduana Screening or Inspection
afán con ión del entorno Zeal with environmental ion
afectaciones encumbrances
Entered by: wendy griswold
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