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Rumänska till Engelska Finans (allmänt) Translation Glossary

Rumänska term Engelska translation
acceptiune patrimonială asset-based/asset performance approach
Entered by: Manuela C.
accesorii calculate accessory fiscal obligations calculated
accize de plata excise taxes
Achitările nete la credite reimbursement net payments
Entered by: Radu DANAILA
achitărilor efectuate în termen şi al achitărilor anticipate on time and early payments
Entered by: Radu DANAILA
acord de preț în avans advance pricing agreement
act constatator (vama) (customs) certificate of findings/certification report of findings
act de testare test report
Entered by: Radu DANAILA
acte de constituire articles of incorporation
actionariat shareholders
activ compromis impaired asset/impaired capital
active imobilizate fixed assets
active materiale in gestiune Tangible assets in progress
Activele şi obligaţiunile condiţionale Off-balance sheet assets and liabilities
activitate de creditare lending activity
Entered by: Claudia Coja
activitate financiar-contabila finance and accounting
Entered by: Radu DANAILA
activitate mentionata in statut field of activity mentioned in the articles of association
Activitatea de completare şi modificare a actelor normative Completion and amendment of legislation/regulatory acts
adaos comercial (trade) markup
adecvarea capitalului capital adequacy
administrator mijloace de plată payment administrator
Entered by: Mihaela Buruiana
adresa de înfiinţare a popririi garnishment notice
Afectarea imaginii bancii damage to the bank\'s reputation (image)
afectat garantarii is exclusively ment/bound to guarantee
alimentare card card funding
alimentare cont cash deposit
alocare fonduri credit allocation of credit funds
alternativa la detentie Detention alternatives
amelioratiune improvement
analist studii research analyst
analiza cost- beneficiu cost-benefit analysis
analizarea dosarelor de credit assessment of the credit applications
Entered by: Andrei Albu
angajamente (external) liabilities
angajamente extrabilantiere Off-balance sheet commitments
angajat pe perioada determinata fixed term employee
Entered by: Andrei Albu
antrepozitar warehousekeeper
Entered by: Maria Tulbure
anulare cancellation / abrogation
anularea datoriei writing off debt; bad debt write-off
aparat de verificat bancnotele (counterfeit) money/banknote detector / authenticator
apropierea (de intrarea în vigoare) impending (implementation of the embargo)
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