The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Tyska till Engelska Medicin: Instrument Translation Glossary

Tyska term Engelska translation
Lichtanschluss light connector
Lichtbügel [electric-]light cradle
Entered by: Sibylle Gray
Lichtblitzbrille strobe goggles / light stimulation glasses
Lichtreflexe und Spiegelung (3D Scan) reflected light and imaging
lichtschwach faint
Linienpaar line pair
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Lohnsägen contract sawing/cutting
Loop Vorlauf / Nachlauf Loop flow / wake
Entered by: Darko Kolega
Luftdurchbruch air breakthrough point
Luftzusatzventil air inlet valve
Luxationslöffel bone skid
Magazine GIA 60 und GIA 45 GIA 60 and GIA 45 reloads
Markraumraffeln intramedullary reamers
Maskenwulst mask cushion
Entered by: Yuu Andou
Mängelfreigaben defect releases
Medizinproduktebuch nach §7 MP Betreib V Index/List/Book of Medical Devices in accordance with
medizintechnische Instrumente medical instruments
Entered by: Louise Mawbey
Membrananschluss-Dorn-Adapter membrane port - spike adapter
membrangängig membrane-permeable
Messart measurement type/method, measuring type, kind/method of measuring
Messplatz measuring/measurement station
Metallgroßkopf large-diameter metal head
MIC Wagen Minimally invasive surgery trolley
Mikrofilterspritze microfilter syringe
Mikrokanalmatrize microchannel matrix
mit einer Punkt- und einer diese umgebenden Ringelektrode with a point electrode and an annular/ring electrode surrounding it
Entered by: Rowan Morrell
Mitte Toleranz mean tolerance
Mulde (Hörgeräte) mould (earmould; hearing aids)
Mundglasfüllung filling of the drinking glass / water glass
Mundsperrer mouth gag
Entered by: Ana Krämer
nach i.V. Gd following IV GD
Nachfenstern window scaling/adjustment
nachfragetechnisch in terms of demand
nachpumpen re-pumping
Nachschläger nail driver // impactor
Nachsinterung settling
Entered by: Sonja Poeltl
NAFL Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)
Nasenbrille nasal cannula
Natives Röhrchen No additive [blood collection] tube
navigierte dorsale bisegmentale Pedikelschrauben navigated dorsal bisegmental pedicle screws
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