Medlem sedan Aug '06

Engelska till Svenska
Tyska till Svenska
Danska till Svenska
Norska till Svenska

Elisabeth Tauvon
20+ years of experience!

Lokal tid: 03:14 CET (GMT+1)

Modersmål: Svenska Native in Svenska
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Kontotyp Frilansöversättare och/eller tolk, Identity Verified Verifierad medlem
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
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Tjänster Translation, Website localization, Software localization, Subtitling, Project management
Specialiserar inom:
Media/multimediaInternet, e-handel
Turism & ResorMatlagning/Finsmakare
Spel/tv-spel/spel/kasinoAffär/handel (allmänt)
Poesi & LitteraturMöbler/hushållsapparater
Engelska till Svenska – Standardpris: 0.13 EUR per ord / 45 EUR per timme
Tyska till Svenska – Standardpris: 0.14 EUR per ord / 45 EUR per timme
Danska till Svenska – Standardpris: 1.20 DKK per ord / 400 DKK per timme
Norska till Svenska – Standardpris: 1.20 NOK per ord / 400 NOK per timme

KudoZ-aktivitet (PRO) Poäng på PRO-nivå: 595, Antal besvarade frågor: 253, Antal ställda frågor: 592
Ordlistor Sm�tt och gott
Översättarutbildning Bachelor's degree - Uppsala University
Erfarenhet Arbetat med översättning antal år: 30. Registrerad på Oct 2001. Blev medlem: Aug 2006. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Referenser Danska till Svenska (Sveriges Facköversättarförening (Swedish Association of Professional Translators))
Tyska till Svenska (Sveriges Facköversättarförening (Swedish Association of Professional Translators))
Norska till Svenska (Sveriges Facköversättarförening (Swedish Association of Professional Translators))
Engelska till Svenska (Sveriges Facköversättarförening (Swedish Association of Professional Translators))
Tyska (Uppsala Universitet, verified)

Medlemskap N/A
Programvara Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Trados Studio
Professionell yrkesutövning Elisabeth Tauvon omfattar's Riktlinjer för professionalitet (v1.0).
High-quality translations are crucial for any company. Good translation doesn’t just require good linguistic skills in the source and target languages. It also demands an ability to adapt the text to the intended area of use and target group. In my translations, I always aim for correct, easy-to-read Swedish that effectively conveys the message of the source text.
In my seventeen years’ experience of translation and localisation projects, I have developed efficient project methods and built up an extensive reference library of dictionaries and term databases in many areas of expertise. I also use Trados’ translation memory tools to ensure high quality in every translation assignment.
Much of my work involves translating and localizing software (games and utility software), web sites, brochures, questionnaires, press releases and marketing material. I also translate technical manuals in a variety of fields: from household appliances, office products, home electronics and computers to telecommunications. Finally I also translate feature articles and tourism-related material.
I am well familiar with the need for meeting tight deadlines without compromising on quality. A good end result that the customer is pleased with is always the goal.

Areas of expertise:
documentation/manuals for home electronics, white goods, training equipment; e-learning; websites/catalogues; PR/marketing; software localization (games and utility software); pressreleases/brochures/magazine articles; popular science; childrens books, cook books, tourism.
Nyckelord: whitegoods, home electronics, pc, cook books, childrens books, non-fiction literature, social science, politics, data-/telecom, software. See more.whitegoods, home electronics, pc, cook books, childrens books, non-fiction literature, social science, politics, data-/telecom, software, multimedia, manuals, copywriting, tourism, marketing, catalogues (clothes/toys/games/travels), . See less.

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