Glossary entry

Engelska term or phrase:


Svenska translation:


Added to glossary by Joakim Müller
Jan 25, 2017 12:09
8 yrs ago
6 viewers *
Engelska term


Engelska till Svenska Medicin Boskap = Boskapsskötsel
Ett verktyg som används vid distribuering av vacciner.

"20ml Variable Automatic Drencher / Injector"

Injector = Injektor
Drencher = ?
Proposed translations (Svenska)
4 ingivare


Edith van der Have Jan 25, 2017:
Terminology list Just mentioning: you might find some interesting stuff for your ongoing translation over here as well:

Proposed translations

2 timmar


For oral administration of vaccines etc; doseringspistol is also an option, though that would be more consistent with the (also existing) drench-gun.

For English information on the same product as in the first reference given below, see:
Example sentence:

Doseringspistol HSW Drench-Matic Premium 23 ml: Ingivare från Henke-Sass, Wolf i Tyskland. Speciellt utvecklad för får och nöt.

En mycket lätthanterad ingivare för avmaskning, drenching eller andra flytande medel.

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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you very much, and the link you sent: excellent! Very helpful!"
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