Translation Glossaries from the Web
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Glossary fo wine terms
Robert Parker |
The independent consumer's guide to fine wines
The 'Wine Dictionary' was compiled from: Winecraft The Encyclopaedia of Wines & Spirits Example: Abboccato Italian for sweet or medium sweet when applied to wines. The same to all intents as moelleux (qv), it is mostly applied to the wines of Orvieto, which are usually classified as seco (dry) or abboccato.
Wines of France Glossary
© Vins de France |
With one easy click you can quickly obtain the definition of a winemaking or wine term. The definitions supplied here are extracted from official documents or universally accepted by industry professionals. The glossary is in alphabetical order.
Glossary of Drinks and Beverage/Drink related terms
Vinho Verde (Wines)
Comiss�o de Viticultura da Regi�o dos Vinhos Verdes |
Terminologia e conceitos associados ao vinho verde e à sua produção. Concepts associated to Vinho Verde and its production. The glossary is in English but if you click on the word it shows its definition in english and the equivalent word in portuguese. You can also surf the glossary in portuguese and pick the equivalent word in English (http://w... View more
Watson’s Wine Glossary was originally created as a quick reference tool to help a group of geographically scattered translators to render wine-related terms, particularly tasting terminology, in a consistent manner. While the glossary contains a wide range of term pairs, including many relating to viticulture, vinification and other wine-related to... View more