Translation Glossaries from the Web
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1-25 of 120 results
URDU THESAURUS اردو تھیسارس
کتاب (پرائیوٹ) لمیٹڈ KITAB (Pvt.) Limited Karachi Pakistan, Musharraf Ali Farooqi Editor, Urdu scholars and linguists, Dr Tehsin Firaqi, Dr Moeen Nizami, Muhammad Salim-ur-Rahman, and Dr Mazhar Mahmood Shairani |
The URDU THESAURUS (‘beta’ or ‘testing’ version) launched for the web and smartphones on 16 July 2016 was developed over five years. Through the Urdu Thesaurus website and app, over forty thousand unique words and phrases, and over twenty thousand sets of synonyms can be searched. As a language reference resource, it is a constantly evolving tool. ... View more
English-Russian Glossary of Words and Phrases
Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service |
This glossary has been developed in cooperation with numerous professional translators and editors. Its purpose is to establish high standards for the quality of language usage, to promote uniformity in language usage, and to minimize the risk of misinterpretation of Russian-language materials issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). This glo... View more
Football Language Glossary |
The football language glossary is a page with a huge selection of football words, phrases and vocabulary that are organised in alphabetical order – it is like a football dictionary. You can find all kinds of football cliches, expressions and technical terms, as well as a variety of categories about many football-related subjects: transfers, footbal... View more
This glossary serves as a point of reference for terms which are commonly used within association football, and which have a sport-specific meaning. It seeks to avoid defining common English words and phrases that have no special meaning within football. Exceptions include cases where a word or phrase's use in the context of football might cause co... View more
Glossary of Football Vocabulary (Soccer) |
This extensive glossary of football vocabulary (soccer) is designed to help you learn the language associated with the beautiful game. It's the ultimate guide to the lingo of the football World Cup and of the Champions League, and you will hear many of these terms and phrases used during discussion of the game and in match commentaries. It compris... View more
English-Polish SEO glossary that contains over 120 technical phrases.
AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY - A DICTIONARY OF AUSTRALASIAN WORDS, PHRASES AND USAGES with those Aboriginal-Australian and Maori words which have become incorporated in the language and the commoner scientific words that have had their origin in Australasia by Edward E. Morris M.A., Oxon. Professor of English, French and German Languages and Literatures... View more
English-Yiddish Sayings, Proverbs, Phrases, Aphorisms, Curses, and Insults
Kehillat Israel, Reconstructionist Synagogue of Lansing, Michigan |
English-Yiddish Sayings, Proverbs, Phrases, Aphorisms, Curses, and Insults. 1 180 entries.
Yiddish-English Glossary of Yiddish Words and Phrases
Kehillat Israel, Reconstructionist Synagogue of Lansing, Michigan |
Yiddish-English Glossary of Yiddish Words and Phrases. About 4 000 words.
English-Gujarati, Gujarati-English, Gujarati-Gujarati, Hindi-Gujarati, Marathi-Gujarati dictionaries, thesauruses, phrases, proverbs, idioms.
This glossary contains useful terms and phrases related to FOREX and CFD.
The Internet Movie Database's online film glossary. Here, you will find definitions of terms and phrases frequently used in the world of movies, film, acting, and cinema-going.
National Weather Service Glossary
NWS Internet Services Team |
National Weather Service Glossary This glossary contains information on more than 2000 terms, phrases and abbreviations used by the NWS. Many of these terms and abbreviations are used by NWS forecasters to communicate between each other and have been in use for many years and before many NWS products were directly available to the public. It is ... View more
Translation and definition of words. phrases; English grammar; business English.
Knitting tricot
Claire Brione |
English knitting phrases and abbreviations translated into French
It contains all English to Urdu Words and phrases.
A Guide of Dental Terminology (Una guía de términos dentales)
Compiled by Alecia Ward Hardy, Courtesy of Wake Forest University Romance Languages Department |
English-Spanish Glossary of dental care terms by subject (structure, procedure, etc.), with useful phrases
English-Spanish Glossary of Special Education Terminology
The Van Buren Intermediate School District |
This compilation of English- Spanish Special Education Terminology is designed to assist: • native speakers of Spanish who are interpreting for all of those involved with non-English speaking students of Special Education, and their parents. • Special Education professionals with little or extensive knowledge of Spanish. • current students of th... View more
Italian to Arabic Logistics terms and phrases, arranged alphabetically
Alphabetical Spanish to English glossary of climate change terminology and phrases
Glossary of eye terminology
Barbara Cassin, M.Ed. Melvin L. Rubin, M.D., editor |
Common terms -- symptoms, tests, treatments, surgery, diseases & conditions, anatomy -- eye doctors use. These definitions may help you understand them better. More than 5,000 of the most frequently used terms and phrases associated with the eye and vision, and 1,000 abbreviations and acronyms. Definitions are in "plain English" so everyone can ... View more
Travel Jargon is a trading name of TIN (Travel Intelligence Network) |
A - Z of terminology, acronyms, and expressions for business or leisure travel, airlines, hotels, car hire, conference and meetings, rail, cruising and tourism. Compiled and continually up-dated by the travel community, is free to use and places all the words and phrases you need at your fingertips. is a dedicated,... View more
Collection of words and their definitions etc. in many languages
Get definitions, synonyms, derivatives, phrases, semantic net, Wikipedia and Merriam-Webster definitions.
This dictionary contains almost 20,000 Portuguese words and phrases translated to English.
Movie Terminology Glossary
Imdb The Internet Movie Database |
Internet Movie Database's online film glossary with definitions of terms and phrases frequently used in the world of movies, film, acting, and cinema-going.
Glossary covers key phrases used in planning and sustainable development
Patent Glossary
Brown&Michaels, PC (a New York Professional Corporation) |
This glossary is meant to contain most of the commonly used words and phrases which turn up in patent application prosecution. It is written by intellectual property lawyers who frequently use patent jargon and legal terms related to patents.
Good Morning -E ku aaro e.t.c.
Election Terminology
National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI) |
Translator's Guide to frequently used terms and phrases
An English list of terms and phrases used for Lottery -type betting games in European Union Countries
Around 40 definitions in English of the most frequently used phrases connected with the autoimmune condition Multiple Sclerosis (SEP en Francais).
Mechanical Engineering Dictionary
2006 Mechanical Engineering Dictionary | http://dictionary.mechanicalenginee...
Dictionary of engineering to find out new terms and phrases. You may also read interesting articles.
English Turkish Online Dictionary - İngilizce Türkçe Sözlük You can consult for English Turkish words, phrases, and more İngilizce Türkçe Sözlük Başvuru Kaynağı
Hmong-English Legal Glossary
Wisconsin Director of State Courts |
This is believed to be the first Hmong-English legal glossary in the United States. It defines more than 800 common court terms and suggests equivalent White Hmong phrases for many of them. We hope the glossary will be useful to the courts, law enforcement, social services, researchers, teachers, and state government as a resource for interpreting ... View more
Social Work- Commonly used clinical phrases
Virgina Department of Health |
Persiska (farsi)
Royal Canadian Mounted Police English-French Police Terminological Glossary
Royal Canadian Mounted Police |
Polex: a Terminological Knowledge Base Polex+®, a police lexicon officially known as the Royal Canadian Mounted Police English-French Police Terminological Glossary, is a terminology management tool. It respects the terminology principles outlined by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO 704). Terminology management is the pa... View more
English<>Hindi Dictionary
Department of Official Language (DOL) and Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) |
An extensive list of antique words and their updated meanings and usages. Antique words, or words of changed usage Consult the right hand for words to watch out for: words that are too modern, slang, or out of place in any attempt to render an old style. or antique flavor in dialogue or text Sometimes the meanings are vastly changed; Consult ... View more
Securitisation glossary
Vinod Kothari |
A useful, and current, glossary of English terms relating to securitisation/securitization, that is to say, the repackaging of various financial instruments as a security traded on the financial market. This glossary guides you to the meaning of over 500 words and phrases used in securitization industry.
The Hutchinson Dictionary of Difficult Words
The Hutchinson Encyclopedia, Helicon Publishing Ltd. |
Do you wish to express yourself concisely and clearly? Do you wish to write with precision? Do you want to stop repeating involuntarily certain perplexing words and phrases? You can search or browse this dictionary of more than 13,900 words to increase your vocabulary or just find out what those words really mean.