Translation Glossaries from the Web
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Asylum seeking glossary of terminology
EMN Asylum and Migration Glossary – Arabic version
European Migration Network (EMN) |
Arabic version of the glossary compiled by the EMN National Contact Point in Italy on the basis of the English original version from 2012. English can be downloaded from
EMN's Glossary of terms relating to Asylum and Migration
European Migration Network (EMN) |
The purpose of the EMN's Glossary of terms relating to Asylum and Migration terms is inter alia to improve comparability between EU Member States through the use and common understanding of the terms and definitions contained therein. The glossary shall also be used to develop further the EMN Thesaurus, the purpose of which is to permit the structu... View more
Specialized terminology describing migration issues from International Migration Organization.
Downloadable PDF file that can be searched in both directions.
A glossary of terms related to granting asylum in Germany.