The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Spanska till Engelska Namn (personliga, företagsnamn) Translation Glossary

Spanska term Engelska translation
ACOPOS ACOPOS (Trademark name)
acta de asamblea simple Minutes of the Ordinary Assembly
Asistencia Pública Municipal Local Social Service / Assistance
Asociación de Parceleros Association of Smallholders
azafata de protocolo/azafata de imagen host/ess for administrative/promotional tasks
brigada provincial de seguridad ciudadana provincial brigade for citizens protection
Casa del Rey The Royal Household
Entered by: Edward Tully
certifica que el C. Dr. [name] C. stands for citizen
Corporación de Asistencia Judicial RM Corporación de Asistencia Judicial RM
Empresa Publica Correos del Ecuador CDE - EP. Public Company Ecuador Postal Service CDE - EP
ilustrísimo señor the most illustrious Sir/Mr.
Entered by: Justin Peterson
Junta Central de Higiene Central Board of Hygiene
Mare de Déu del Puig Our Lady of Puig/[leave untranslated]
quiero perfeccionar I want to improve, enhance
responsable creativo Chief Creative Officer/Executive
Señor Secretario General de la Liga Árabe Arab League Secretary General
Señores Embajadores Distinguished Ambassadors / Your Excellency, Ambassadors of /
Señores Presidentes Mr. Chairmen / Mr. Presidents / Mr. and Mrs. Chairmen or Chairwomen
Universidad Nacional de Cordoba Universidad Nacional de Cordoba [National University of Cordoba]
Entered by: AllegroTrans
visita ocular visual inspection (visit)
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