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Concise writing for subtitling

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Hajnalka Kis
Hajnalka Kis  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:16
Medlem (2009)
Tyska till Ungerska
+ ...
Managing uncommon situations Jul 16, 2010

Since we haven't heard a lot, because of technical problems, I can't really comment the course details.

I'd like to thank to Leslie, how he was able to manage this uncommon situation. This was my 2nd webinar, I'm not sure, if problems like yesterday, happen often or not. (Honestly, I think, because of the embarrassment of Leslie, this is an uncommon issue).
Maybe I'd have waited a bit less, before announcing that the course will be interrupted, maybe not. We all work with compu
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Since we haven't heard a lot, because of technical problems, I can't really comment the course details.

I'd like to thank to Leslie, how he was able to manage this uncommon situation. This was my 2nd webinar, I'm not sure, if problems like yesterday, happen often or not. (Honestly, I think, because of the embarrassment of Leslie, this is an uncommon issue).
Maybe I'd have waited a bit less, before announcing that the course will be interrupted, maybe not. We all work with computers, and know well, that those problems are not easy to handle.
Anyway, I'm not demoralized, it was a kind of best practice in handling this situation.
Thank you, Leslie, thanks proz, *hear* you soon!

Jenni Lukac (X)
Jenni Lukac (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:16
Spanska till Engelska
+ ...
I would like this course to rescheduled, if possible Jul 16, 2010

It was a shame that the voice connection broke during the session. If it could be rscheduled, I would be delighted.

Drew MacFadyen
Drew MacFadyen  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:16
Spanska till Engelska
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Course to be rescheduled Jul 16, 2010

Unfortunately we did have technical issues. The internet connection on Paul's end was unstable and we lost audio and visual a few times. Thanks for being understanding and patient.

We will definitely reschedule this course and are targeting next Thursday at the same time. I hope to have that confirmed today and will inform all participants of the new time and send out the new registration details.

We try to ensure all webinars and online training is free from inter
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Unfortunately we did have technical issues. The internet connection on Paul's end was unstable and we lost audio and visual a few times. Thanks for being understanding and patient.

We will definitely reschedule this course and are targeting next Thursday at the same time. I hope to have that confirmed today and will inform all participants of the new time and send out the new registration details.

We try to ensure all webinars and online training is free from interruption, delays and technical glitches.

I will post to this thread when we have the confirmed rescheduling of this course.



Soledad Azcona
Soledad Azcona  Identity Verified
Engelska till Spanska
+ ...
Repated on July 29 at 16:00 GMT Jul 16, 2010

Dear all,

The session will be repeated on July 29 at 16:00 GMT.

Those registered and paid for this session will have free access to both the session and video on the new date. If you will not be able to attend on July 29, please submit a support request at to request a refund.

Sorry for any inconveniences this may have caused you.<
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Dear all,

The session will be repeated on July 29 at 16:00 GMT.

Those registered and paid for this session will have free access to both the session and video on the new date. If you will not be able to attend on July 29, please submit a support request at to request a refund.

Sorry for any inconveniences this may have caused you.

Best regards,


Jenni Lukac (X)
Jenni Lukac (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:16
Spanska till Engelska
+ ...
Worth waiting for the repeat session Jul 30, 2010

I enjoyed all three of Paul's sessions. It was very nice of him to reschedule the 'Concise Writing' session that had to be suspended due to technical problems. I am very interested in doing subtitling for documentary films in the future but his tips have already been useful to me in my copywriting.

[Edited at 2010-07-30 07:59 GMT]

Local time: 01:16
Medlem (2007)
Engelska till Italienska
+ ...
Concise writingfor subtitling Jul 30, 2010

I really enjoyed the webinar, the sound-quality was excellent this second time around and the instructor was very knowledgeable and experienced. I wish I could attend a classroom course in Paris with this particular instructor.

Kudoz all around for Paul Memmi


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Concise writing for subtitling

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