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Off topic: 泰晤士(TIMES)四合院儿
Trådens avsändare: QHE
Local time: 09:46
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Mother's Day May 10, 2020

David Shen wrote:


"She was safe in my arms. For that moment, for that split second, she was safe," said Cheryl Norton © Liz Dufour/The Enquirer via USA TODAY Network

Slipping Through My Fingers
- Meryl Streep, Amanda Seyfried

[Edited at 2020-05-10 03:02 GMT]

David Shen
David Shen  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:46
Engelska till Kinesiska
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A collection of renderings of a Tang poem plus my two cents on Mother's Day 2020 May 10, 2020


慈 母 手 中 线, 游 子 身 上 衣。
临 行 密 密 缝, 意 恐 迟 迟 归。
谁 言 寸 草 心, 报 得 三 春 晖。

Song of a Wandering Son

by Meng Jiao (751-814)

A garment sewn with love in every stitch
Is to accompany a traveling son
Doubling up in threads prior to his departure
Is a mother's way to ease one more concern
In case his absence shall last a long
... See more

慈 母 手 中 线, 游 子 身 上 衣。
临 行 密 密 缝, 意 恐 迟 迟 归。
谁 言 寸 草 心, 报 得 三 春 晖。

Song of a Wandering Son

by Meng Jiao (751-814)

A garment sewn with love in every stitch
Is to accompany a traveling son
Doubling up in threads prior to his departure
Is a mother's way to ease one more concern
In case his absence shall last a long long time
Uncertain on his date of return

In what way can we ever repay
For the love of a mother
Ask a blade of grass in late spring
How much it owes to sunshine
Does it know better

D.S.2020.0510.a (Revised)

龚景浩;孙大雨;任治稷、余正;张廷琛、魏博思;许渊冲;徐忠杰;唐一鹤;刘国善、王治江、徐树娟;Robert Kotewell & Norman Smith 等译。

For Her Son Who’ll Be Away for a While
Meng Jiao

Needle and thread in doting mother’s hand
Turn out garments for her son out to roam the land.
She puts in more stitches e’en as he leaves
And frets that his homecoming may be moved back.
Who says the tiny inch-tall blade of grass
Can e’er repay the warm sunshine of spring?

(龚景浩 译)

The Wandering Son’s Song

The thread from my dear mother’s hand
Was sewn in the clothes of her wandering son.
For fear of my belated return,
Before my leave they were closely woven.
Who says mine heart like a blade of grass
Could repay her love’s gentle beams of spring sun?

(孙大雨 译)

Chant of a Roaming Son

The thread in the mother’s hand,
The clothes worn by the wanderlust son.
The nearer the departure,
The closer the stitches sown,
Lest his return be further postponed.
Who said the grass blade of a heart
Could repay the glory of the late spring sun?

(任治稷、余正 译)

A Journeyer’s Song

Through a kind mother’s hands passed the thread
That made the clothes I journeying wear.
Tightly tightly she wove them then,
Dreading year after year of no return.
Can the young grass ever repay
The spring sun’s kindly rays?

(张廷琛、魏博思 译)

Song of the Parting Son

From the threads a mother’s hands weaves,
A gown for parting son is made.
Sown stitch by stitch before he leaves,
For fear his return be delayed.
Such kindness as young grass receives
From the warm sun can’t be repaid.

(许渊冲 译)

A Roamer’s Song

My benevolent mother —
With thread and needle in hand,
Mends the garment I have on,
Ere I leave my native land.

More stitches, ere I take leave,
To hold the seams firm and fast.
As itinerant worker,
To come home I’d be the last.

With what can I repay Ma?
Whatever others may say,
For what she has done for me,
Her, I can never repay.

(徐忠杰 译)

Cotton threads in the fond mother’s hand were stitched
Into clothes on the body of her son who was travelling for afield.
She sewed and sewed with close stitches on his departure
For fear that he might come back late.
How can the heart of a son like a tiny grass requite
The infinite love of his mother,
Which is as warm as the sunshine in spring late!

(唐一鹤 译)

Chant of the Rover

In loving Mother’s hand a thread keeps shuttling,
To mend a travelling suit for thee who’re parting.
O why doth she with stitches small, small sew?
For fear be thou away so song, long on th’ rove!
Say not a pretty grass-blade grateful, can possibly repay
Spring sunshine’s nursing unfailing — throughout its suckling days!

(刘国善、王治江、徐树娟 等译)

Wanderer’s Song
by Meng Jiao

The thread from a fond mother’s hand
Is now in the jacket of her absent son.
As his departure came near, closer and closer was the stitching.
Her mind fearing that his return would be delayed and delayed.
Who says that the heart of an inch-long plant
Can requite the radiance of full Spring?

(Robert Kotewell & Norman Smith 译)

2013-9-15 12:36| 发布者: patrick| 查看: 6418| 评论: 0|来自: 英文巴士

[Edited at 2020-05-11 05:52 GMT]

[Edited at 2020-05-11 15:01 GMT]

Local time: 09:46
Engelska till Kinesiska
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《游子吟》 May 12, 2020

David Shen wrote:


慈 母 手 中 线, 游 子 身 上 衣。
临 行 密 密 缝, 意 恐 迟 迟 归。
谁 言 寸 草 心, 报 得 三 春 晖。

Song of a Wandering Son

by Meng Jiao (751-814)

A garment sewn with love in every stitch
Is to accompany a traveling son
Doubling up in threads prior to his departure
Is a mother's way to ease one more concern
In case his absence shall last a long long time
Uncertain on his date of return

In what way can we ever repay
For the love of a mother
Ask a blade of grass in late spring
How much it owes to sunshine
Does it know better

D.S.2020.0510.a (Revised)

龚景浩;孙大雨;任治稷、余正;张廷琛、魏博思;许渊冲;徐忠杰;唐一鹤;刘国善、王治江、徐树娟;Robert Kotewell & Norman Smith 等译。

在名家摘译中,我比较喜欢许渊冲和孙大雨先生的译文。 不过,如果这是古诗词中译英比赛,我会投 David 译文的票。
另外,我觉得,如果删去译文第一段的最后一句(“Uncertain on his date of return”),好像也读得通。 译文的最后一句这样变换一下不知是否可以:

Ask a blade of grass in late spring
How much it owes to sunshine
How that could be repaid

David Shen
David Shen
David Shen  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:46
Engelska till Kinesiska
+ ...
Taking it for real! May 12, 2020


What's wrong with these news reporters? Somebody needs to tell them how to write, in addition to what to write about!

2020-05-12 20:27:05 来源: 中国之声

At least for a minute, I was really happy,
As I saw this report with a headline that reads:
... See more

What's wrong with these news reporters? Somebody needs to tell them how to write, in addition to what to write about!

2020-05-12 20:27:05 来源: 中国之声

At least for a minute, I was really happy,
As I saw this report with a headline that reads:
"The largest workshop in the world for the production of a vaccine for COVID-19
Has now been built in China and is ready!"
Until I started reading the report itself and found the title tricky.
It's a fact most people already know that China is the world's first on this and that,
And the largest or the best on many fronts; however
The tendency to abuse the superlatives by some writers has reached a new level of absurdity,
To a point where readers feel a need to challenge a report for its honesty,
And the reporter his or her professional integrity!
I believe simple and honest words would have more power,
Especially when speaking as a source from or in the tone of an authority.
To me this announcement sounds no different to the following:
Now staged and ready is the grandest wedding in history,
Except the bride is still a mystery.

D.S. 2020.0512.a

[Edited at 2020-05-12 21:50 GMT]

[Edited at 2020-05-13 03:39 GMT]

David Shen
David Shen  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:46
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“'Revenge Spending' ...?” _“Yep, no kidding!” May 14, 2020


(from a CNBC Report 2020.0514)

(from 中国新闻-环球网 2020-02-26



David Shen
David Shen  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:46
Engelska till Kinesiska
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A picture is worth a thousand words May 15, 2020


Mael Moussadek Emonot plays with his sister Eva as they prepare to go back to school the next day, after Switzerland loosens lockdown measures, in Geneva, on May 10. © Denis Balibouse/Reuters
不让上学困在家,大人只好任我耍。谁犯大错我受罚,整个世界全倒挂。__【见图配文】 D.S.2020.0512.d

Community Support Officers patrol the beach on May 9, in Brighton, England. Officers are asking people to observe lockdown rules. © Luke Dray/Getty Images
__【见图配文】 D.S.2020.0512.e

A cyclist rides through the nearly empty financial district in Boston, Massachusetts, on May 12. © Brian Snyder/Reuters

[Edited at 2020-05-15 20:30 GMT]

[Edited at 2020-05-16 04:00 GMT]

David Shen
David Shen  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:46
Engelska till Kinesiska
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More than 50 years ago this time of the year May 17, 2020


... See more



The persistent drizzle and intermittent rain we are having now in the Pacific Northwest, especially in the Seattle area, remind me of similar weather in the Jiangnan region this time of the year. Prior to the May 16th Circular (五·一六通知)in 1966, which served as a signal for the official start of the Cultural Revolution, people with less than perfect social status (e.g. former landlords, rich farmers, rightists or clerks who had served the previous government), were already being gathered for study, criticism, and denunciation, a series of cleansing activities called 四清. But when summer arrived, all activities accelerated into sheer public humiliation and personal attacks. To an adolescent, these events were bewildering and exciting to say the least, until they went out of control and became so violent that all schools had to close. We had no class for well over a year.

[Edited at 2020-05-17 06:30 GMT]

[Edited at 2020-05-17 16:08 GMT]

Local time: 09:46
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采桑 May 17, 2020

David Shen wrote:

... ...

Picking Mulberry Leaves for Silkworm Culture.
Chinese silk painting, c1650-1726. (Granger Collection)


David Shen
David Shen  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:46
Engelska till Kinesiska
+ ...
Rambling after seeing a Song painting of mulberry picking May 17, 2020


人 生 八 卦, 见 图 想 家。
江 南 水 乡, 变 化 太 大。
沧 海 商 店, 秧 苗 难 插。
来 了 宝 马, 灭 了 蚕 花。
渔 樵 耕 读, 全 变 傻 瓜。
丝 绸 之 路, 今 后 卖 啥?
老 板 笑 答, 塑 料 最 发!


QHE wrote:

Picking Mulberry Leaves for Silkworm Culture.
Chinese silk painting, c1650-1726. (Granger Collection)


[Edited at 2020-05-17 23:05 GMT]

wherestip  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:46
Kinesiska till Engelska
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Tap Your Troubles Away May 19, 2020

Tap Your Troubles Away (Rita Moreno)

Tap your troubles away
You've bounced a big check
Your mom has the vapors
Tap your troubles away
Your car had a wreck
They're serving you papers
If you're some one that it always rains on
Why not try putting your Mary Janes on?

Your boss just gave you the axe
There's years of back tax
You simply can't pay
If a sky full of crap
Always lands in your lap
Make a curtsey
And tap your troubles away

Tap your troubles away
You're sued for divorce
Your brother gets locked up
Tap your troubles away
You're fat as a horse
And find that you're knocked up
If you need something to turn your mind off
Why not try tapping your poor behind off?

Your boat is going over the falls
The plane you're in stalls
The pilot yells "pray"
When your parachute strap
Starts beginning to snap
Smile a big smile
And tap, tap, tap your troubles away

When the wolf's at the door
There's a bluebird in store
If you glide across the floor
When your ankles get sore
Just tap, tap, tap your troubles away
Your troubles away
Your troubles away

wherestip  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:46
Kinesiska till Engelska
+ ...
Another Big Song and Dance Number May 19, 2020

Tap Your Troubles Away (Anna Jane Casey)

Tap your troubles away
You've bounced a big check
Your mom has the vapors
Tap your troubles away
Your car had a wreck
They're serving you papers
When you're the one that it always rains on
Simply try putting your Mary Janes on

Your boss just gave you the axe
There's years of back tax
You simply can't pay
If a sky full of crap
Always lands in your lap
Make a curtsey
And tap your troubles away

Tap your troubles away
You're sued for divorce
Your brother gets locked up
Tap your troubles away
You're fat as a horse
And find that you're knocked up
When you need something to turn your mind off
Why not try tapping your poor behind off?

Your boat goes over the falls
The plane you're on stalls
The pilot yells "pray"
When your parachute strap
Is beginning to snap
Smile a big smile
And tap, tap, tap your troubles away

When the wolf's at your door
There's a bluebird in store
If you glide across the floor
’Til your ankles get sore
Just tap your troubles away
Your troubles away

David Shen
David Shen  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:46
Engelska till Kinesiska
+ ...
A picture is worth a thousand words II May 20, 2020


The Migrants of Mumbai

A policeman disperses migrant workers gathered outside a railway station intending to board a special service train without valid tickets to return to their home towns during a nationwide lockdown, in Mumbai, India, on May 19. © Indranil Mukherjee/AFP/Getty Images
芸芸众生,梦想是钱。苦海无边,回头是撵。 D.S.2020.0520.a

The Working Poor of Bangladesh

A police officer urges migrants who are trying to go home to celebrate Eid al-Fitr, to get off from an overcrowded ferry, after a boat capsized, in Munshiganj, Bangladesh, on May 19. © Mohammad Ponir Hossain/Reuters
人满为患现实中,你说口罩有啥用?翻不翻船都是祸,但愿个个会游泳。我笑他人想不通,别人笑我春运疯。 D.S.2020.0520.b

Neo-Aestheticism in Rome

Women wearing protective masks work on the nails of customers at a beauty salon, as Italy eases some of the lockdown measures put in place during the coronavirus outbreak, in Rome, Italy, on May 18. © Guglielmo Mangiapane/Reuters
生命诚可贵,指甲价更高。此身唯求美,哪怕是中招。 D.S.2020.0520.c

wherestip  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:46
Kinesiska till Engelska
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苏州外语学校老师宣传视频,镇了 :D May 21, 2020

pkchan  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:46
Medlem (2006)
Engelska till Kinesiska
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蘇州外國語學校國際二部 IGCSE May 21, 2020



David Shen
David Shen  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:46
Engelska till Kinesiska
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On English pronunciation among the Chinese May 21, 2020


L-N 不分, th-s 没戏。


This may offend a lot of people, especially those colleagues from the North. However, g
... See more

L-N 不分, th-s 没戏。


This may offend a lot of people, especially those colleagues from the North. However, generally speaking, in terms of accuracy in pronunciation at the beginner's stage of English learning as a second language, the above has been my observation since college years and throughout my career as an English teacher, interpreter and translator. There are of course exceptions, but if we are to look at the truth in a forum discussion such as this, rather than avoiding sensitive topics due to concerns of political correctness, most colleagues can see that as a fact, I think. While those learners from the North may shine in writing, vocabulary or exams, they need extra effort if they want to excel in spoken English.

[Edited at 2020-05-21 18:58 GMT]

[Edited at 2020-05-22 02:08 GMT]

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