Medlem sedan May '10

Engelska till Punjabi
Engelska till Hindi
Hindi till Engelska
Punjabi till Engelska
Gujarati till Engelska

Raminder Shah
Fast and Accurate Translations

Lokal tid: 20:22 MST (GMT-7)

Modersmål: Punjabi Native in Punjabi, Engelska Native in Engelska
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World is full of people
following different customs, preaching different religions, traditions and
speaking several languages. No two countries have exactly similar dialect or
enunciation. There are so many different languages spoken around the world. With
globalization and merger of different countries with each other for business
dealings, social causes or economic strengthening, need of translation seems to
be growing. Need for translation: It is rather difficult and time consuming for
people belonging to different regions, states and countries to learn the mother
tongue of the person or country they are interacting with. It is where
helps businesses to conduct their business dealings easily and smoothly without
having to suffer communication problems. has been providing
translation services in several foreign languages to businesses and individuals
with different needs. With the help of our professional, timely and accurate
approach and services ensures that its clients keep coming
back for all kinds of their language and communications related requirements.
Why us? At, all projects, all clients and all partners are
given equal importance. It's a combined effort from all that can transform a
business into a successful venture. We value our relationships. To offer the
best services to our client we are equipped with avant-garde tools (software
and hardware), well qualified and experienced project managers, rigorously
tested linguists and above all zeal to do the best. Because we understand that
we are nothing without our team, we also have a semi-automated accounting
system to ensure that our partners are always satisfied with our payment
policies. Unlike other companies, we like to work on relatively shorter payment
terms with our vendors. Our approach What makes us stand apart is our quality.
Not just we translate your important documents and information in the required
language but proofread and double check the content as well to provide you with
error free translation services. Our professionals at work have rich experience
in foreign and regional languages and have been working in this field from past
several years. The expertise and experience of our translators has helped us
enjoy a great reputation in the translation industry. We follow all guidelines
and principals set by the certification companies and we hope to apply for a
certification in a short span of time. All our products except for 'draft
translations' are based on provisions set by DIN EN 15038 Certification
standards. We have pre-defined SOP(s) for all processes which we follow at all
points of time. Our clients can access these SOPs under useful section after you
log in to your account. For access to restricted areas on this website, please
contact [email protected]

Den här användaren har tjänat KudoZ-poäng genom att hjälpa andra med termer på PRO-nivå. Klicka på poängsumman/-summorna för att se översättningarna av termerna.

Totalt intjänade poäng: 8
(Alla på PRO-nivå)

Toppspråken (PRO)
Engelska till Hindi4
Engelska till Punjabi4
Högsta allmänna områden (PRO)
Högsta specifika områden (PRO)
Medicin (allmänt)4

Se alla intjänade poäng >
Nyckelord: Indian language translators, certified translations in india, certified translations for uscis, order translation online, burmese translations, lao translations, malay translation, tamil translation, kannada translation, punjabi translation. See more.Indian language translators, certified translations in india, certified translations for uscis, order translation online, burmese translations, lao translations, malay translation, tamil translation, kannada translation, punjabi translation, medical translations, machine translation post editing, translation management software, work as a translator, translator job opportunities, hindi translations, translation of Hindi Birth Certificate, Certified translation of punjabi birth certificate, Hindi Birth Certificate, Certified translation of punjabi birth certificate, german to english translation in punjab. See less.

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