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[View Powwow Report] powwow: Sightseeing and photo tour

September 2, 2016, 6:00 pm
SverigeStockholmIn personEngelska
Sightseeing and Photo Tour of Stockholm's Old Town
Afternoon before the 2016 international conference

When: Friday, 2 September 2016, 4:00 PM (ending around 5:30/6:00)
Where: Wide Stairs by Sergels Torg (T-Centralen stop) or meet at Hilton Slussen lobby at 3:30 PM and we will take metro to tour start as a group
Price: We ask that you please bring a small gratuity (suggested: SEK 50) for the guide, to be collected at the beginning of the tour.

Tour Old Town (Gamla Stan) Stockholm, filled with beautiful houses and cozy squares ripe with history and blood chilling stories! This historical tour will guide you through the cobblestone streets and narrow alleyways of the original island of Stockholm, founded in the 13th century.

Highlights of the 2-hour walking tour include learning about the Vikings, the Stockholm blood bath and the tragic tale of Crown Princess Margaret, while exploring the picturesque architecture, ancient statures and historical squares. The tour will finish with panoramic views near the Slussen metro station.

• Sign up to confirm your attendance by updating “YES”or “NO” next to your name by 30 August 2016
• Meet at the lobby of the Hilton Slussen at 3:30pm, unless you feel comfortable finding your way to the tour start on your own. Directions to the Hilton Slussen can be found here.

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (65) / Confirmed: 49
Name NoteWill Attend
Erin Lyons  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" ...  
Apostroph DE   ...  y
Stefanie Heine   ...  y
Shamien   ...  y
Yuliya Tsimashenka   ...  
Stephanie Billeter   ...  y
Petra Dwars   ...  y
vmkennedy   ...  y
Camilla Ferard   Camilla Ferard  y
Margarida Martins Costelha   ...  y
Iosif JUHASZ   ...  y
Lenah Susianty   ...  y
Pinaki Talukdar   YES  y
Iryna Makedon   looking forward  y
Nataly Palamarets   ...  y
Michaela Schoen   Looking forward  y
Yulia Absari   ...  y
Inga Michaeli  \"Photographer\" Inga Michaeli  n
Alexey Pylov   ...  y
Clara BL   ...  n
Jeanette Dormagen-Huening   ...  y
Annika Schmitz   ...  y
Ronan Grace   ...  y
Claudio Machado Junior   Will be at Sergels Torg   y
zeynep ertan   ...  y
Jackie Doble   I may not get there in time, so don't count on me!   
Bruno De Myttenaere   ...  y
Oksana Weiss   ...  
Monique Veentjer   ...  y
Lucienne Heemskerk   ...  
Helen Shepelenko   ...  y
Maria Kopnitsky   ...  y
Raminder Shah   ...  y
skrybit   ...  n
Anelia Pavlova   ...  y
dian_ka   ...  y
Tejinder Soodan   ...  y
Anna Ivanchenko   ...  n
Robin Joensuu   ...  n
kwang seok choi   ...  
Jaroslaw Dudziak   Plus one  y
Taras Ulishchenko   ...  y
Sofia Gutkin  \"Reporter\" Can help out with this tour.  y
Ivana Kahle   Plus one  y
Biljana Stojanovic   ...  y
Deena Moghrabi   ...  
nlg GmbH   ...  
Manager Travod   ...  y
Travod International   ...  y
Sabine Holz   Will meet you at Sergels Torg  y
Olga Shvets   ...  
Ferran Prat Romeu   ...  y
Vitaliy Parfeniuk   ...  y
Thomas Weideberg   ...  
AdHoc T   Maija Ivanova, vendor manager  y
Iryna Lebedyeva   I'll be with my husband and my friend (+2)  y
Rainer Dykowski, CT   Plus one  y
Elisabeth Van de Wiele   ...  y
Semantix1   plus one  y
Kristof Haavik   Kristof Haavik  y
lu83   lu83  y
alpha-prijevodi   alpha-prijevodi  y
Irene Koukia   ...  n
Elena Germini   +3  y
Yana Dovgopol  \"Photographer\" ...  y

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