Jason Grimes wrote:
It is now possible to see all dates and times on ProZ.com in your preferred time zone and format. You can change the way dates and times appear to you on ProZ.com by adjusting your date and time display preferences. In addition to setting your time zone, you can specify whether you prefer to see times using a 12- or 24-hour clock, for example.
To edit your date and time preferences, click the time zone link in the current time that is shown at the top of each page. (You can also edit this from the profile editor and various other places). When possible, an attempt was made to guess time zones by country and previously configured time zone offset (if any).
With a few exceptions, all times on the site should now be shown in your configured time zone and format. Any exceptions should have the time zone (GMT) explicitly stated.
Answers to frequently asked questions will be posted here:
Please report any issues with these new date and time preferences in this forum topic.
ProZ.com Team