Begging for Overdue Balance (July-December)
Trådens avsändare: Christian Gonzalez
Christian Gonzalez
Christian Gonzalez  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:58
Engelska till Spanska
+ ...
Dec 24, 2024

Hello community,

I would like to give a heads up on this company called Mission Connect, formerly known as Mission Translate.

After working for approximately 2 years, they took my hard work and sense of responsibility for handling over rush projects for granted and stopped paying me since July of this year. They have a total overdue balance of over 4,000GBP and they keep stalling with, “We will make this top priority”. It is almost Christmas Eve and I never got the
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Hello community,

I would like to give a heads up on this company called Mission Connect, formerly known as Mission Translate.

After working for approximately 2 years, they took my hard work and sense of responsibility for handling over rush projects for granted and stopped paying me since July of this year. They have a total overdue balance of over 4,000GBP and they keep stalling with, “We will make this top priority”. It is almost Christmas Eve and I never got the decency of being paid in a timely manner.

Since they broke the contract that was issued when I started working with them, I want to inform everyone that one’s work isn’t financed, we can’t let companies like that take our work for granted. That is fraud and I would like to have opinions on what to do since I want to pursue this legally. If anyone is in the same situation, join my cause so we can make a bigger case out of this.

I have emails, screenshots, names and anything available in case I might need it to start a case.

Leave your suggestions, and have a very merry Christmas.

Jeff Whittaker
Jeff Whittaker  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:58
Spanska till Engelska
+ ...
See this link Dec 24, 2024

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Thomas T. Frost
Michele Fauble
Lingua 5B
Thomas T. Frost
Thomas T. Frost  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:58
Danska till Engelska
+ ...
Bad Blue Board Dec 24, 2024

This outsourcer has bad Blue Board feedback going four years back. Why on earth did you work for them and give them credit?

Christel Zipfel
Lingua 5B
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Yolanda Broad
Dan Lucas
Jorge Payan
Lingua 5B
Lingua 5B  Identity Verified
Bosnien och Hercegovina
Local time: 20:58
Medlem (2009)
Engelska till Kroatiska
+ ...
Not sure Dec 24, 2024

Not sure OP can view those BB entries without being a member? OP, what type of work did you do for them July-Dec? If it’s PM-editing, that’s your second mistake. I found that companies engaged in post-editing are much more prone to manipulate payments in all sorts of ways.

[Edited at 2024-12-24 17:41 GMT]

Thomas T. Frost
Thomas T. Frost  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:58
Danska till Engelska
+ ...
BB Dec 24, 2024

Lingua 5B wrote:

Not sure OP can view those BB entries without being a member? OP, what type of work did you do for them July-Dec? If it’s PM-editing, that’s your second mistake. I found that companies engaged in post-editing are much more prone to manipulate payments in all sorts of ways.

Non-paying users can only see the dates and rating, not the comments, but when the ratings are so bad, it's not necessary to read any comments to conclude that this is a non-starter.

The ratings on are equally bad. A user said they were paid after posting under a LinkedIn post.

Yolanda Broad
Lingua 5B
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Jorge Payan
Dalia Nour
Robert Forstag
Yasutomo Kanazawa
jyuan_us  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:58
Medlem (2005)
Engelska till Kinesiska
+ ...
Right Dec 24, 2024

Thomas T. Frost wrote:

This outsourcer has bad Blue Board feedback going four years back. Why on earth did you work for them and give them credit?

Right, but the OP was not alone. An overwhelming majority of the 46 translators who made a blueboard entry fell into their trap in the past 5 years.

[Edited at 2024-12-24 19:23 GMT]

Thomas T. Frost
Gjorgji Apostolovski
Gjorgji Apostolovski  Identity Verified
Makedonien (FYROM)
Local time: 20:58
Engelska till Makedonska
+ ...
liquidity Dec 24, 2024

That company probably has low liquidity, that's why they are stalling. It's common here at Balkans, when a wife of an owner of some company goes to shopping with company's money, and the owner will pay to the employees next month when he will receive new money from the clients. And what about the Balkans? Do you know how many people were left without salaries during the transition in the 90's? And right now, technological unemployment is happening around the world.

Dan Lucas
Dan Lucas  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:58
Medlem (2014)
Japanska till Engelska
In the past 5 years? Dec 24, 2024

An overwhelming majority of the 46 translators who made a blueboard entry fell into their trap in the past 5 years.

I mean, didn't it occur to them that there might be a problem?
Dozens of bad reports/experiences over half an entire decade?
To some extent, people have to take responsibility for their own safety.
If they can't or won't do some basic research...


Thomas T. Frost
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Jorge Payan
Dalia Nour
Kuochoe Nikoi-Kotei
Evgeny Sidorenko
Thayenga  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:58
Medlem (2009)
Engelska till Tyska
+ ...
In case? Dec 25, 2024

Christian Gonzalez wrote:

I have emails, screenshots, names and anything available in case I might need it to start a case.

Leave your suggestions, and have a very merry Christmas.

How patient would your landlords be, if you were six months behind with your rent?

I agree with Dan. Whenever an agency or individual contacts me with a job offer, the first thing I do is consult the Blue Board or any other information I can find online before I even reply.

Merry Christmas to you, too.

Gjorgji Apostolovski
Thomas T. Frost
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Dalia Nour
Gjorgji Apostolovski
Gjorgji Apostolovski  Identity Verified
Makedonien (FYROM)
Local time: 20:58
Engelska till Makedonska
+ ...
bills Dec 25, 2024

Thayenga wrote:

Christian Gonzalez wrote:

I have emails, screenshots, names and anything available in case I might need it to start a case.

Leave your suggestions, and have a very merry Christmas.

How patient would your landlords be, if you were six months behind with your rent?

I agree with Dan. Whenever an agency or individual contacts me with a job offer, the first thing I do is consult the Blue Board or any other information I can find online before I even reply.

Merry Christmas to you, too.

And what about the bills? If you don't pay them on time, they will charge you with certain fee.
Same with all other services, online subscriptions, memberships, licenses... they all want YOU to pay them ON TIME, but when it's the other way around: "you are not patient", "you've got bad temper", bla, bla, bla, bla, bla.

Merry Christmas to all of you who are celebrating today.

Yasutomo Kanazawa
Yasutomo Kanazawa  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:58
Medlem (2005)
Engelska till Japanska
+ ...
Can non-paying members see the "View Note from Site Staff"? Dec 28, 2024

Thomas T. Frost wrote:

Lingua 5B wrote:

Not sure OP can view those BB entries without being a member? OP, what type of work did you do for them July-Dec? If it’s PM-editing, that’s your second mistake. I found that companies engaged in post-editing are much more prone to manipulate payments in all sorts of ways.

Non-paying users can only see the dates and rating, not the comments, but when the ratings are so bad, it's not necessary to read any comments to conclude that this is a non-starter.

The ratings on are equally bad. A user said they were paid after posting under a LinkedIn post.

I understand that non-members cannot see the comments but only the dates and the ratings, but can they also see the "View note from site staff"?

If this is visible regardless of one's status as a Proz user, this should at least ring a bell when the note displayed says something like "August 10, 2023, 12:56 pm This outsourcer has been banned from posting jobs on".

I know that there are other agencies being banned from posting jobs at Proz but having recent entries. I cannot give names here, but there is one notorious agency based in Germany where the latest entry made was in January 2024 where this agency has been banned from posting jobs at Proz in July 2021. And during the four years dating back to the first entry made in 2020, 90% of the ratings are a "1", entered by paying members and even with "P" badges who have full access to the BB falling for it.

I guess some people are not doing their homework.

Dan Lucas
Thomas T. Frost
Thomas T. Frost  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:58
Danska till Engelska
+ ...
'Can non-paying members see the "View Note from Site Staff"?' Dec 28, 2024


Yasutomo Kanazawa

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Begging for Overdue Balance (July-December)

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