6,578 registrants
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Virtual event series 2011- 5 days of virtual events

ProZ.com's 2011 freelance translator virtual conference

Sep 30, 2011

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See also: Translation company directory | Freelance translator directory

Results (6,569) (Members shown first)
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Toralf Mjelde Contact directly
Accredited with Tourism/Media specialty
Native in Norska Native in Norska
National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters, MA-Bond University , ATA, 18 years of experience
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Eriko Takeuchi Contact directly
Accurate technical translations
Native in Japanska Native in Japanska
25 years of experience
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Sanja Mihailovic Contact directly
Chartered Linguist MCIL CL, EN>SR/HR/BS
Native in Serbiska Native in Serbiska, Serbokroatiska (Variant: Bosnian) Native in Serbokroatiska
Bio: I'm a native Serbian with DipTrans IoLET qualification in English into Serbian language (in Science and Technology), also working in English into Croatian, Bosnian and Montenegrin pairs. I hold memberships with Institute of Linguists (IoLET MCIL) and with national Assoc...
Message: Greetings, everyone :)
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Nicola Rizzo Contact directly
14 years in translation industry
Native in Italienska Native in Italienska
Goethe Universitaet Frankfurt, Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations), Università degli Studi di Firenze, Educational Testing Service - TOEFL, MA-Università della Calabria, 17 years of experience
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BVC Contact directly
Accurate and reliable
Native in Tyska Native in Tyska
Universität der Künste Berlin, MA-Berlin University of the Arts, 31 years of experience
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Alma Alexandra Garcia Martinez Contact directly
EN>ES Academic, non-fiction/50 books
Native in Spanska (Variants: Mexican, Latin American) Native in Spanska
Message: Hi, I'm from Mexico City. Very happy to be here.
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espurna Contact directly
Technology and much more
Native in Katalanska Native in Katalanska, Spanska (Variant: Standard-Spain) Native in Spanska
Freelancer and outsourcer
36 years of experience
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Ahmad Kabiri Contact directly
Top quality is just one step away!
Native in Persiska (farsi) Native in Persiska (farsi)
MA-University of Isfahan, 14 years of experience
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Rebecca Leon Contact directly
Precise, Professional and Always on Time
Native in Engelska (Variants: UK, British, US South, US, Canadian) Native in Engelska
Certified Medical Interpreter-State of Washington, BA-Southern Oregon University, ATA, TTIG, NOTIS, SOMI, MATI, 28 years of experience
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Elisa Martinez-Aznar Contact directly
MSc MITI CL 15yrs in medical translation
Native in Spanska (Variant: Standard-Spain) Native in Spanska
Institute of Translation and Interpreting, Imperial College London, MSc Scientific, Technical, Chartered Institute of Linguists, OTHER-MSc in Scientific, Technical and Medical Translation with Translation Technology, Imperial College, London., ITI, ASETRAD, 18 years of experience
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Arthur Godinho Contact directly
Always looking forward to new challenges
Native in Portugisiska (Variant: Brazilian) Native in Portugisiska, Engelska (Variant: US) Native in Engelska
Bio: I was born in Brazil in 1964 and moved to the U.S. in 1979. Since then, I have spoken both Portuguese and English every day. Educated in the U.S., I speak both fluent middle-class American English and Brazilian Portuguese. My parents enforced a strict Portuguese-only-at...
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Dennis Schedrivy Contact directly
fast response, flexible approach
Native in Ryska Native in Ryska, Ukrainska Native in Ukrainska
Freelancer and outsourcer
Kharkiv State University Certificate (ATA listed), OTHER-Kharkov State University, 31 years of experience
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Hermien Desaivre Contact directly
Strengths: Transcreation and legal texts
Native in Afrikaans Native in Afrikaans, Engelska Native in Engelska
BA-University of South Africa, SATI / SAVI, 23 years of experience
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Flavia Poggio Contact directly
Translator English, German > Italian
Native in Italienska Native in Italienska
Metropolitan university, London, MA-Metropolitan University, London, 22 years of experience
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Regi2006 Contact directly
Because EVERY project is special
Native in Indonesiska (Variant: Standard-Indonesia) Native in Indonesiska
University of Andalas, HPI, 25 years of experience
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svetlana cosquéric Contact directly
Engineering, medicine, chemistry
Native in Ryska Native in Ryska
ETS, PHD-ISC, RAS, 32 years of experience
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ayami Contact directly
Meeting your translation needs
Native in Japanska Native in Japanska, Engelska Native in Engelska
MBA Diploma from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, MA, 29 years of experience
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Cristina Surmei Contact directly
Commitment to high quality translations
Native in Rumänska (Variant: Romania) Native in Rumänska
Bio: Romanian Ministry of Justice; BA in French and English - University ''Alexandru Ioan Cuza'' Iasi; translation, revision and proofreading services from English and French into Romanian; 5 years of experience as a freelance translator specializing in business, environment...
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Nadica Gjosevska Contact directly
EN-MK-EN, certified,23 years experience
Makedonien (FYROM)
Native in Makedonska Native in Makedonska
Bio: Certified court translator of Macedonian - English- Macedonian, 15 years experience in teaching and translation ;MA in ELT, BA in English language and literature
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Emanuela Galdelli Contact directly
Rapid and Accurate
Native in Italienska Native in Italienska
Congo Embassy in Rome, Associazione Nazionale Italiana Traduttori e Interpreti, OTHER-Scuola Superiore per Interpreti e Traduttori, Rome, Italy (University Diploma of Translator and Interpreter (English and French), 1987 - University Certificate of Interpreter (French), simultaneous and consecutive interpretation, SSIT, Rome, 1987, IATI, Int. Assoc. Translators and Inter., SFT, ANITI, 36 years of experience
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Monika Costelloe Contact directly
High quality English↔Polish translations
Native in Polska Native in Polska
Chartered Institute of Linguists, OTHER-Diploma in Translation, Chartered Institute of Linguists, ITI, CIOL, 23 years of experience
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Fanta Contact directly
Un métier, une passion
Native in Franska Native in Franska
Université de Mons-Hainaut, MA-Ecole d'Interprètes Internationaux (EII), IAPTI, ALTI, 23 years of experience
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Maria Rosa Fontana Contact directly
Vast experience in the maritime industry
Native in Italienska Native in Italienska
Università degli Studi di Torino, OTHER-Università degli Studi di Torino, 30 years of experience
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Tania McConaghy Contact directly
Pharmacist and Translator
Native in Engelska (Variant: Australian) Native in Engelska
Master of Arts, Macquarie University Sydney Austra, MA-Macquarie University Sydney Australia, ITI Medical and Pharmaceutical Network, SFÖ, 18 years of experience
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Ana Bandeira Contact directly
In other words
Native in Portugisiska Native in Portugisiska
Bio: Portuguese native speaker freelance translator specialized in copyright, law, economy and journalism - 6 years of professional experience.
Bachelor's Degree in Translation from ISLA.
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Mihail Mateev Contact directly
Prompt and accurate!
Native in Bulgariska Native in Bulgariska
25 years of experience
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Milagros Chapital Contact directly
Senior Uruguayan Translator 1979 - 2023
Native in Spanska Native in Spanska
Bio: Traductora Pública en Idioma Inglés de la UDELAR, con 30 años de experiencia como Traductora Pública. Obtuvo su primer diploma como Traductor e Intérprete Consecutivo en el Instituto de Lenguas Modernas, Washington, D.C. Posee asimismo un Diploma en Derecho Anglosa...
Message: Espero poder reunirme con ProZianos de todo el mundo una vez más!
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Haytham Boles Contact directly
Helping your business stands out!
Native in Arabiska Native in Arabiska, Arameiska Native in Arameiska
University of Mosul/Iraq, MA-University of Mosul, ATA, 24 years of experience
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Anca Oprita Contact directly
Marketing creativity, technical accuracy
Native in Rumänska (Variants: Moldovan, Romania) Native in Rumänska
Romanian Ministry of Justice, Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Letters, Foreign Applied Languages, MA-Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj, Romania, 25 years of experience
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alessandra nespoli Contact directly
Native in Italienska Native in Italienska
ZMP Goetje Institut, 25 years of experience
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Christina Kjaergaard Contact directly
7 years with a law firm
Native in Danska Native in Danska
Bio: Legal translator (EN-DA) with 7 years of legal translation experience from a Danish law firm.
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Joanna Wons Contact directly
Experienced EN-PL translator
Native in Polska Native in Polska
WSF Wrocław, MA-WSF Wrocław, 28 years of experience
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Inge Luus Contact directly
Professional, accurate, on-time
Native in Engelska Native in Engelska
Bio: German to English finance, legal and marketing translator
BA Hons Linguistics (Translation Studies); 5 yrs professional experience
Message: Greetings to all from Cape Town, South Africa!
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Johanna von der Vring Contact directly
Sprachgefühl und fachliche Kompetenz
Native in Tyska Native in Tyska
MA-University of Seville, BDÜ, 19 years of experience
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Magali Bramon Contact directly
Marketing Translation & Transcreation
Native in Spanska (Variant: Standard-Spain) Native in Spanska, Italienska (Variant: Standard-Italy) Native in Italienska
Bio: I was born in Italy and grown up un Spain. I’m a versatile translator, whose interest and passion for different languages, cultures and traditions has brought to live in different countries in the world and to speak 5 different languages (Spanish, Italian, English, F...
Message: Hi there!
My name is Magali, I'm a freelancer interpreter/translator with 4 years of experience. You can count on my help for the pairs EN>ES, IT>ES, FR>ES, TIB>ES.
I hope we all enjoy the event!
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Doris Else Lange Contact directly
32 years technical translations
Native in Tyska Native in Tyska
certificate Methodics/didactics of German, 35 years of experience
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Silvia DC Contact directly
Translation Services, Food for thought
Native in Italienska Native in Italienska
Netherlands Society of Interpreters and Translators (NGTV), Scuola Superiore per Mediatori Linguistici di Pisa, MA-ICoN, 20 years of experience
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Irina Levchenko Contact directly
Eng-Heb-Rus-Ukr translator, 20 years
Native in Ukrainska Native in Ukrainska, Ryska Native in Ryska
Zhytomyr State University named after Iv. Franko, OTHER-Zhitomyr State University, 25 years of experience
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Antony Price Contact directly
Academic Publications
Native in Engelska Native in Engelska
Freelancer and outsourcer
Bio: Qualified translator (ILT Diploma, BA in Mod. Lang., BLD Diploma, DELE C2).
8 years as a freelance translator in Spain, working in a variety of fields, with a growing specialist experience in legal texts and building sciences, in addition to project proposals to obtai...
Message: Hello, it is always a pleasant experience to chat to colleagues at these events, whether or not they share experience in my main areas of work. Happy Networking!
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Anette Hilgendag Contact directly
A passion for words
Native in Tyska (Variant: Germany) Native in Tyska
Spain:Escuela Oficial de Idiomas, Chartered Institute of Linguists, OTHER-Univ. Passau, APTIC, TRIAC, ASETRAD, 26 years of experience
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Inna Borymova Contact directly
Over 25 years of continuous improvement
Native in Ryska Native in Ryska, Engelska Native in Engelska
Russian Federation, Novgorod State University, GD-Novgorod State University, 27 years of experience
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Marion Hallouet Contact directly
BA in translation
Native in Tyska Native in Tyska
BA-Rennes University, 21 years of experience
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Mag. Dott.ssa Elisabetta Mataloni Contact directly
Reliable and professional
Native in Tyska Native in Tyska, Italienska Native in Italienska
Bio: Since 1989, when I attended a translation course at school, I have always translated whatever I got under my fingers. But after a terrible mobbing event in the last company I worked for as an employee, I decided never to work for a company again and dedicate myself comp...
Message: Hi! I wish you to find always interesting translation jobs on your way! :-)
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Victoria Frazier Contact directly
Marketing, Transcreation and CA
Native in Spanska (Variants: Mexican, US) Native in Spanska
Bio: Born and raised in Mexico, attended high school and collage in the USA. 20+years of translation and interpreting experience. Specialization in Defense and Law Enforcement.
Message: Good day to all of you!
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iacta alea est Contact directly
Reading between the lines
Native in Bulgariska Native in Bulgariska
St.St.Cyril & Methodius University of Veliko Turno, Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y Cooperación, MA- Applied Linguistics at St.St.Cyril and Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo (Bulgaria), 24 years of experience
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Elena Jones Contact directly
Certified PRO translator
Native in Italienska (Variants: Standard-Italy, Venetian) Native in Italienska
Bio: Freelance translator and interpreter EN>IT
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Stephen McCann Contact directly
Quality Patent Translations
Native in Engelska Native in Engelska, Spanska Native in Spanska
Escuela Oficial de Idiomas, Dublin City University, BA-Dublin City University, 23 years of experience
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Alejandro Cavalitto Contact directly
ProZ.com Member Services & Support Staff
Native in Spanska Native in Spanska, Kinjarwanda Native in Kinjarwanda, Zuni Native in Zuni, American Sign Language (ASL) Native in American Sign Language (ASL)
Freelancer and outsourcer
testing, Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires, lenguitas, 17 years of experience
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keshab Contact directly
fast with accuracy
Native in Hindi Native in Hindi, Bengali Native in Bengali
Message: Hello all! we meet again!!
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Saulene Kudarauskaite Contact directly
Medical translations
Native in Litauiska Native in Litauiska
Vilnius University, Lithuania, 26 years of experience