Svenska till Engelska
Norska till Engelska
Danska till Engelska

Paul Lambert
Always on time

Varberg, Västra Götalands Län, Sverige
Lokal tid: 11:05 CET (GMT+1)

Modersmål: Engelska 
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Feb 22, 2021 (posted via  Annual financial statements for an oil company. A catalogue for camping gear. A marketing campaign for a Swedish cultural items store. ...more, + 1 other entry »
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Why work with me?

Timeliness and quality are the two main points for which I strive when delivering translations. This is achieved thanks to more than 15 years of experience, not only mastering Swedish and becoming acquainted with the other Scandinavian languages in the process, but through the prolific use of the specific software tools in our trade, especially CAT (or TEnT, if you will) and attention to the many details that go into the precise formatting and layout that is often needed when translating scanned
documents. Through Dalia Text Service, I offer a one-stop solution for translation agencies, and I have a friendly and rewarding relationship with project managers and agencies located all over the world. You are sure to be met with a friendly tone and a cooperative spirit.

I have a clear presence on the ProZ website, and I am a frequent contributor to the KudoZ terminology forum. A number of testimonials appear on the ProZ site from some of the very many clients with whom I have worked over the years.

I obtained the TISUS Swedish language diploma from the University of Gothenburg in 1999, and currently hold a number of academic credits from that university in such varied fields as Ancient History and Classical Archaeology, Latin and Modern Hebrew, as well as having studied Icelandic for Foreign Students in Reykjavík at the University of Iceland. Further to language studies, I currently hold a DELF 1 Diploma in the French language issued by the French Ministry of Education, and I continue to study German privately.

When I am not translating:
I am avid amateur astronomer and a radio enthusiast, perhaps thanks to my taste for the wider world and everything in it. My life and career have taken me to live in four different countries and into such various jobs as a substitute middle-school teacher, a bartender in an Irish pub, a city court archive clerk, a salesman at a sporting goods store, a factory worker, a cleaner, a Red Cross volunteer and a cashier at a department store. Such a kaleidoscopic life experience has allowed me to gain an appreciation for nuance and for how different people see things in different ways. I like to think that
all my past jobs and experiences contribute to what I can offer today as a freelance translator.

Den här användaren har tjänat KudoZ-poäng genom att hjälpa andra med termer på PRO-nivå. Klicka på poängsumman/-summorna för att se översättningarna av termerna.

Totalt intjänade poäng: 477
Poäng på PRO-nivå: 423

Toppspråken (PRO)
Svenska till Engelska368
Norska till Engelska11
Engelska till Svenska8
Högsta allmänna områden (PRO)
Poäng i ytterligare 4 områden >
Högsta specifika områden (PRO)
Finans (allmänt)46
Affär/handel (allmänt)43
Byggnation/installation och anläggning32
Juridik (allmänt)28
Juridik: Avtal24
Poäng i ytterligare 26 områden >

Se alla intjänade poäng >
Nyckelord: accounting, business, commerce, commerical, finanace, financial, essays, advertising, brochures, articles. See more.accounting,business, commerce,commerical,finanace,financial,essays,advertising,brochures,articles,law,history,religion,politics,science,speeches,technical. See less.

Profilen uppdaterades senast
Aug 10, 2023