Engelska till Tyska
Svenska till Tyska
Tyska (enspråkig)

Hardware/Software/Website Localization

Modersmål: Tyska 
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Computer (Software, Hardware, Localization)
Website Localization, eLearning
Business, Marketing
Humanities, Art, Music

German native living in California
  • Over 15 years' experience as freelance and in-house translator for computer-related (software localization/hardware and software manuals), technical and marketing texts.
  • Over 7 years' experience in terminology and computer dictionary creation and maintenance for legal, business, medical, computer and general dictionaries.
  • During my work as Senior Software Linguist at a major MT company, my responsibilities included the localization, proofreading and QAing of all of the company's products for the German-speaking market.
  • Experience in programming, desktop publishing, web design.
  • Ph.D. in German Literature
    M.A. in English Literature, Linguistics
  • Teaching Experience at High School and College Level for German Language and Literature, Phonetics, Business German, Translation, Creative Writing (in English)
Major Projects
  • Localization of Intel products and manuals as member of Intel's GLS localization team
  • Co-Translator for MS Press (Germany) publication on Active Directory/Group Policies
  • Manuals on server installation, memory devices, CD/DVD burning tools, MP3 Players/Recorders etc.
  • Web presence for several international businesses
  • Manuals and packaging for computer peripherals
  • Surveys for several international computer and electronics companies
  • Sales and Co-Marketing material
  • Localization of online e-learning programs for several international companies for software solutions
  • English and German contracts (including technical setup) for SMS services provider
  • Manuals for medical devices
  • Software Localization and QA of products and manuals for Globalink, Inc., Lernout & Hauspie, Mendez, and Bowne Global Solutions for over 7 years
  • Creation of linguistic software components and bilingual dictionaries (Computer, Law, Business, Medicine, General) for Machine Translation programs

Den här användaren har tjänat KudoZ-poäng genom att hjälpa andra med termer på PRO-nivå. Klicka på poängsumman/-summorna för att se översättningarna av termerna.

Totalt intjänade poäng: 1968
Poäng på PRO-nivå: 1774

Toppspråken (PRO)
Tyska till Engelska904
Engelska till Tyska779
Svenska till Engelska67
Poäng i ytterligare ett par >
Högsta allmänna områden (PRO)
Poäng i ytterligare 4 områden >
Högsta specifika områden (PRO)
Byggnation/installation och anläggning64
Juridik: Avtal44
Medicin: Läkemedel32
Medicin (allmänt)32
Juridik (allmänt)32
Affär/handel (allmänt)32
Transport /transportväsen/skeppning30
Poäng i ytterligare 63 områden >

Se alla intjänade poäng >
Nyckelord: English, German, translator, translations, Ph.D., humanities, art, music, computer, localization. See more.English, German, translator, translations, Ph.D., humanities, art, music, computer, localization, localisation, IT, html, dtp, technical, engineering, business, tourism, linguistics, marketing, medical devices, pc, mac, trados, cat, computer, graphics, 3D, animation, photography, digital, programming languages, MT, experienced. See less.

Profilen uppdaterades senast
May 1, 2024

More translators and interpreters: Engelska till Tyska - Svenska till Tyska   More language pairs