Medlem sedan Mar '23

Engelska till Danska
Engelska till Finska
Engelska till Norska
Engelska till Svenska
Engelska till Tyska

Nubar Sørensen
perfectionist by nature

London, United Kingdom, Storbritannien

Modersmål: Danska Native in Danska, Finska Native in Finska
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Kontotyp Frilansöversättare och/eller tolk
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
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Tjänster Translation, Editing/proofreading, MT post-editing, Subtitling, Transcreation, Transcription, Voiceover (dubbing), Website localization, Software localization
Specialiserar inom:
Fordon/bilar & lastbilarRymdteknik/flygteknik/rymden
Kemi, kemivetenskap, kemiteknikDatorer: Maskinvara
Datorer: ProgramDatorer: System, nätverk
Byggnation/installation och anläggningElektronik/elektroteknik
Energi/elkraftsframställningIngenjörskonst (allmänt)

Blue Board-omdömen som gjorts av den här användaren  3 poster

Payment methods accepted Send a payment via ProZ*Pay
Översättarutbildning Bachelor's degree - University of Sheffield
Erfarenhet Arbetat med översättning antal år: 7. Registrerad på Feb 2023. Blev medlem: Mar 2023. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Referenser N/A
Medlemskap N/A
Programvara Across, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, Catalyst, Crowdin, Helium, LocStudio, MateCat, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, SDLX, Trados Studio, Wordfast, XTM
CV/Resume CV available upon request

Thank you for visiting my profile!

My name is Nubar Sørensen. I
am a certified multilingual linguist based in the UK who is native
in Danish and Finnish
. Thanks to my Danish father and Finnish mother, I
was born into a multicultural environment and raised bilingually. My family and
I moved around frequently as a child, giving me the opportunity to experience
an array of cultures and lifestyles. After spending my first nine years of life
in various Middle Eastern countries, my family and I relocated to the United Kingdom. Being in the UK
since I was a young child and having English as my first language at school has
given me a thorough grounding in the languages. Inspired to learn more by my
enthusiasm for languages, I enrolled at the University of Sheffield to major in
linguistics. I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Germanic Studies.

My husband and I met
during our college years, and he shares my multilingualism; he was born in
Sweden to a Norwegian mother, and he is fully competent in Swedish,
, as well as German. My husband and I are both
translators at heart, so we quit our full time jobs in 2018 to devote ourselves
full-time to this profession. We embarked on a career as freelance translators,
doing what we enjoy most in the world. We have expanded our business to serve
customers all around the world; our clients now include translation departments
of major corporations, translation agencies, and individual customers.

Our current working
language pairs are English <> Danish; English <> Finnish; English
<> Norwegian; English <> Swedish; and English
<> German.
We have been in business for over 5 years and have
extensive experience in the fields of law, business, medicine, finance,
marketing, software localisation, manuals, tourism, IT, logistics, gaming, and automobiles.

Trados, memoQ, Wordfast,
Catalyst, Across, Helium, LocStudio, Memsource, and Smartcat are just a few of
the popular CAT tools that we use regularly. If necessary, we are happy to use the
client's preferred translation software.

Feel free to contact me if you require translation services in any of
the aforementioned languages that are high in quality, perfectly accurate, and
fairly priced. We have a quick email response time and are flexible with our
clients' needs in terms of both cost and deadlines.

Nyckelord: english, danish, finnish, norwegian, swedish, german, nordic, norden, north, scandinavian. See more.english, danish, finnish, norwegian, swedish, german, nordic, norden, north, scandinavian, scandinavia, denmark, finland, norway, sweden, germany, uk, united kingdom, translation, editing, proofreading, localization, localisation, computers, IT, technology, medical, law, legal, engineering, business, finance, marketing, gaming, game, games, video games, app, apps, technical, software, hardware, manual, tourism, pharmaceutical. See less.

Profilen uppdaterades senast
Jan 2