Medlem sedan Apr '16

Engelska till Norska
Norska till Engelska
Danska till Engelska
Danska till Norska
Engelska till Danska

Reach your target audience. Everywhere.

Oslo, Akershus, Norge
Lokal tid: 13:00 CET (GMT+1)

Modersmål: Norska Native in Norska, Engelska Native in Engelska
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Sententia, then Nordling, was founded in Oxford, UK in 2014. Today, Sententia is an established language partner with a global client base and a track record for providing market leading value. In  2016, Sententia moved its headquarters to Oslo, Norway. We believe that to be fully fluent in any language, you must fully immerse yourself in the culture surrounding that language. This is why we work with some of the top language talent on the planet, based out of whichever language/culture they work with. All of our linguists and writers are native speakers of the language they create texts in, and fluent (read:immersed) in the second language they work with. Additionally, we require a maximum of 2 specializations per linguist/writer, meaning we can offer highly specialized expertise within most industries.

Nyckelord: American English, British English, Norwegian translation, danish translation, swedish translation, finnish translation, icelandic translation, quality, affordable translation, professional translation. See more.American English, British English, Norwegian translation, danish translation, swedish translation, finnish translation, icelandic translation, quality, affordable translation, professional translation, english to norwegian translation, english to swedish translation, english to danish translation, it translation, website translation, marketing translation, technical translation, experienced, technical, user manual, sport, Fitness, nutrition, Public Health, education, journalism, media, marketing, websites, social science, politics, transcripts. See less.

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