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[View Powwow Report] powwow:

September 18, 2004, 5:00 pm
LitauenVilniusIn personEngelska

Susitikimas vyks VAIDILOS RŪSYJE, Jakšto g. 9, Vilnius.

The Powwow will take place in VAIDILOS RŪSYS, 9 Jakšto Street, Vilnius.
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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (13) / Confirmed: 9
Name NoteWill Attend
diana bb  \"Organizer\" ...  y
Džiuginta Spalbar  \"Photographer\" Prisijungsiu :)  y
Uldis Liepkalns  \"Photographer\" Can't promise, but I'll try to come :)  y
Valentinas & Halina Kulinic   ...  y
Ernestas Lomsargis   Iki malonaus...  n
Stanislaw Kulikowski   Till then, then...  n
Aleksandr Vasiljev   Thanks a lot Diana, I'll come in any case!  y
Vidmantas Stilius   Būsiu!
  What are these?
MariusV   Būtų malonu susipažinti su savo kolegomis, pabendrauti ir padiskutuoti įvairiais su vertimo sritimi susijusiais klausimais ar tiesiog šiaip smagiai praleisti laiką. Tokiame renginyje dar nesu buvęs, tad labai smalsu ir įdomu.
  What are these?
Liutauras Bartasius  \"Photographer\" Away Sept 6-12 and 16-24  n
Vents Villers   I`ll try to take part:)  y
Virginija   Tikiuos velnias kojos nepakis...  y
Mindaugas Boruta  \"Photographer\" Sveiki! Malonu, Diana, kad tesi tradicija. Iki šeštadienio
  What are these?

Postings about this event

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Powwow: Vilnius - Lithuania
diana bb
diana bb  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:34
Engelska till Litauiska
+ ...
Kolegos, Jul 8, 2004

kai pamatau 'Powwows in Lithuania... None sheduled', baisiai norisi ka nors daryti...
Kaip Jums visiems atrodo? Gal susirenkam vel? Manau, kad turesime apie ka pakalbeti (kada neturejome?!)
Vieta ir laikas, kaip visada, preliminarus.

Iki pasimatymo (tikiuosi!)



Džiuginta Spalbar
Džiuginta Spalbar  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:34
Medlem (2006)
Engelska till Litauiska
+ ...
Sveikuèiai! Jul 10, 2004

Malonu, kad pamaþu tradicija tampa vertëjø susitikimas rugsëjá.icon_smile.gif
Ðiuo metu esu Suomijoje ir kol kas tiksliai neþinau, kada bûsiu Vilniuje, bet rugsëjá pasirodyti turëèiau. Kai tik þinosiu tikslias datas, kada gráðiu, praneðiu ir galësime susiderinti dël tikslaus susitikimo laiko.


  What are these?

Ernestas Lomsargis
Ernestas Lomsargis  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:34
Engelska till Litauiska
Miestas? Jul 22, 2004

Gal ðiemet susitikime ne Vilniuje, gal netgi ne didmiestyje? Kaip manote?
  What are these?

diana bb
diana bb  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:34
Engelska till Litauiska
+ ...
Dear collegues, Aug 9, 2004

time is somewhat flying by, you know...

Since Uldis and Stanislaw are here, i guess English will be the language henceforth. Yes?

There isnt TOO much time left, so your suggestions as to the time and place are very very welcome.

I am suggesting Vilnius as the easiest place for access. Ernestas thinks our powwow should not be in Vilnius or in any other city.

What do YOU think?

Best regards,


Uldis Liepkalns
Uldis Liepkalns  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:34
Medlem (2003)
Engelska till Lettiska
+ ...
Dear all, Aug 9, 2004

it doesn't make a great difference to me, whether the PowWow is in Vilnius, or, say, Klaipeda, as from Riga difference in distance is miserable, but in my opinion the please should be where from most local translators are, otherwise it may happen that only me, Ernestas and Diana will attend PowWow if it takes place in Klaipeda...

Uldis, will attend, save only some earthquake gets in the wayicon_smile.gif

diana bb
diana bb  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:34
Engelska till Litauiska
+ ...
Uldis, Aug 11, 2004

I am really happy we do not live in a seismically active zone!


Liutauras Bartasius
Liutauras Bartasius  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:34
Engelska till Litauiska
+ ...
Datos Sep 1, 2004

Mielai pabuciau papraciu, tik jau yra nestumdomu planu 6-12 ir 16-24 dienoms. Beje, zengiau ES link - dabar atstovauju Klaipedaicon_smile.gif

Stanislaw Kulikowski
Stanislaw Kulikowski  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:34
Engelska till Polska
+ ...
Help needed Sep 1, 2004

Firstly, I'm not sure if I will attend - normally I'm in Poznan some 800 km away but those days I just might be right behind the border. If so, I would like to ask you for help with (i) giving me directions how to move around Vilnius and (ii) finding an economy place to stay overnight.

diana bb
diana bb  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:34
Engelska till Litauiska
+ ...
Mieli kolegos, Sep 1, 2004

iki powwow liko 19 dienø, ir man atrodo, kad pats laikas nuspræsti Kur ir KADA.

Anksèiau rinkdavomës apie 17-18 valandà, gal ir dabar taip pat padarykime? O gal anksèiau? O gal vëliau?icon_smile.gif

O jûsø mintys apie susitikimo vietà bûtø labiau nei sveikintinos ir labai laukiamos.

Be to, tikriausiai pastebëjote, jog atsirado naujas stulpelis, kur reikia patvirtinti, kad/ar da
... See more
iki powwow liko 19 dienø, ir man atrodo, kad pats laikas nuspræsti Kur ir KADA.

Anksèiau rinkdavomës apie 17-18 valandà, gal ir dabar taip pat padarykime? O gal anksèiau? O gal vëliau?icon_smile.gif

O jûsø mintys apie susitikimo vietà bûtø labiau nei sveikintinos ir labai laukiamos.

Be to, tikriausiai pastebëjote, jog atsirado naujas stulpelis, kur reikia patvirtinti, kad/ar dalyvausite. Manau, kad kuo greièiau, tuo geriau...


Dear colleagues,

with nineteen days left, I guess it's high time we decided WHEN and WHERE.

On previous occasions we would gather some time about 5-6 pm, so maybe we could do the same this time, too? Or earlier? Or later?

As for WHERE, you thoughts and suggestions are more than welcome and much looked forward to.

Also, you have proebably noticed that a new column has appeared in the signup. here you have to confirm your attendance. The sooner the better, dont you think so?

Best regards,


  What are these?

Liutauras Bartasius
Liutauras Bartasius  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:34
Engelska till Litauiska
+ ...
dienos Sep 1, 2004

Kiek skaitau, matau, kad 18 diena, o dabar 1-a, tai kaip ir maziau negu 19 dienu. Ar vyks ne 18 diena?

diana bb
diana bb  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:34
Engelska till Litauiska
+ ...
Hahaha, Liutaurai, Sep 1, 2004

atsipraðau, kaþkaip pagalvojau, kad ðiandien - tai vakar.


  What are these?

diana bb
diana bb  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:34
Engelska till Litauiska
+ ...
Laikas ir vieta / Time and Venue Sep 9, 2004

Mieli kolegos,

Taigi. Alea iacta est, t.y., burtas mestas.

Mûsø susitikimas vyks rugsëjo 18 dienà, ðeðtadiená, 17 valandà, VAIDILOS RÛSYJE, Jakðto g. 9, Vilnius. Tai visai netoli nuo Kiemelio, kur rinkomës pernai. Ten yra toks atskiras kambarëlis, kuris, manau, mums tiks.

Laikà dar galima keisti.

Labai labai praðau patvirtinti, kad/ar dalyvausite.

(Kartais man artodo, kad kalbuosi su savimi...)

Sëkmës ir iki pasima
... See more
Mieli kolegos,

Taigi. Alea iacta est, t.y., burtas mestas.

Mûsø susitikimas vyks rugsëjo 18 dienà, ðeðtadiená, 17 valandà, VAIDILOS RÛSYJE, Jakðto g. 9, Vilnius. Tai visai netoli nuo Kiemelio, kur rinkomës pernai. Ten yra toks atskiras kambarëlis, kuris, manau, mums tiks.

Laikà dar galima keisti.

Labai labai praðau patvirtinti, kad/ar dalyvausite.

(Kartais man artodo, kad kalbuosi su savimi...)

Sëkmës ir iki pasimatymo

* * * * *

Dear colleagues,

Our powwow will take place in VAIDILOS RÛSYS, which is 9 Jakðto Street, Vilnius, at 5.00 PM on September 18, Saturday. This is in the centre of the city and very close to where we gathered last year.

We can still change the time.

I very kindly request you to confirm your attendance, if you havent done it yet.

Best of luck, and see you there!


  What are these?

Stanislaw Kulikowski
Stanislaw Kulikowski  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:34
Engelska till Polska
+ ...
Twist of fate Sep 16, 2004

So it happened! I worried about it and it came. I have to be in Poznan this Sunday and I couldn't make it back from Vilnius. My heart is crying. Enjoy the meeting, everybody, take a lot of pictures so I can later check them out and envy you. Till next time, then...

diana bb
diana bb  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:34
Engelska till Litauiska
+ ...
Stanislaw, Sep 16, 2004

that's really a pity. But, as you say, there's always the next time...



Stanislaw Kulikowski
Stanislaw Kulikowski  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:34
Engelska till Polska
+ ...
I was supposed to be there! Sep 20, 2004

I don't want to wait another year for another powwow in Vilnius! It has to be earlier even if I have to organize it remotely myself! Pleeeeeeez.

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