Translation glossary: AAS_Eng-Sp

Showing entries 1-50 of 649
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"Suma Bills"recibos del IBI (Impuesto sobre Bienes Inmuebles) gestionados por SUMA 
English to Spanish
"Testigos/Fdos/Ilegibles"Witnesses. Signatures (illegible) 
Spanish to English
(asignatura) cursada en Convenios Internacionales(course/subject) studied/taken under an International Exchange/Study Program/Agreement 
Spanish to English
(debe) llevar estampado el sello del Colegio en que este Certificado sea extendido(must/shall) bear the seal of the Association issuing the aforesaid certificate 
Spanish to English
(examen) supletorioretake exam 
Spanish to English
(la parte) requeridathe served party 
Spanish to English
a jury was waivedse renunció a un juicio por/con jurado 
English to Spanish
a pie de barcoright on the dock/quayside / right next to the berth 
Spanish to English
A QUIEN DE CONOCER DOY FEwhom I certify to know 
Spanish to English
a quien pudiera acreditarlato whomsoever may prove his/her right to it 
Spanish to English
a reliably unreliable narratormerecedora de la confiada desconfianza del lector 
English to Spanish
Año de vigencia de la tabla de Aranceles LIMASAYear of validity of LIMASA tariffs table 
Spanish to English
ability to be a self-advocatesaber hacerse valer / capacidad de hacerse valer por sus propios medios 
English to Spanish
Abonos y CargosPayments and Charges 
Spanish to English
Accountabilityrendición de cuentas 
English to Spanish
accounting concernsasuntos de contabilidad / prácticas contables 
English to Spanish
Accounts Payablecuentas POR pagar 
English to Spanish
accrual of the cause of actionpasar a ser - materia de juicio / enjuiciable / procesable // ser susceptibles de demanda 
English to Spanish
acknowledge the alarmconfirme / valide la alarma 
English to Spanish
acordando que no existe exclusividad.and it is agreed that there exists no exclusivity 
Spanish to English
acreditamientos en cuentaamounts credited into an account 
Spanish to English
actuaráshall apply to 
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
Additional claim payment of the collection expensesComisión (adicional) por gestión del cobro 
English to Spanish
ADICIONAL REMUNERABLE NO BONIFICABLEAdditional/Complementary Remuneration (excluded from retirement income calculations) 
Spanish to English
Admon. Serv. de FisioterapiaOffice of the Physiotherapy Service/Deparment/Unit 
Spanish to English
afianzar y avalar a tercerosto pay surety and act as a guarantor for third parties 
Spanish to English
against the lawssegún/conforme a - las leyes/la legislación 
English to Spanish
English to Spanish
agreed estimateestimación consensuada 
English to Spanish
agreed outputsproducción pactada / acordada 
English to Spanish
agreement on the textacuerdo sobre el texto 
English to Spanish
Air diverequipo de buceo con aire enriquecido 
English to Spanish
Al amparo de la mediación deThrough the mediation of 
Spanish to English
al que se reservará la conformidadwho can exercise the right of approval 
Spanish to English
alejado del vasoa little apart from the pool / from the swimming pool vessel 
Spanish to English
alguna relacion juridica inmobiliariaa real-estate legal transaction 
Spanish to English
all but removes the public fromprácticamente priva a la sociedad/ciudadanía de 
English to Spanish
All Chronicitiestodas las patologías crónicas 
Spanish to English
All Chronicitiestodas las patologías crónicas 
English to Spanish
all of which are expressly disclaimeda todas las cuales se renuncia de forma expresa 
English to Spanish
amortización de créditoscredit recognition 
Spanish to English
AmpliaciónSupplement / Addition 
Spanish to English
Animal Spiritsespíritu animal 
English to Spanish
ante Ud. señora Notaria o ante Ud. señor Notariobefore you, the Notary 
Spanish to English
any person relying on this limited power of attorney may rely on a photocopy orcualquier persona que confíe en esta escritura de poder limitado puede confiar en una fotocopia o 
English to Spanish
apertura externa que atraiga inversiónopening (up) its economy to foreign investment 
Spanish to English
arroser le sable avec de l'eauechar agua al mar 
French to Spanish
artículo superiorthe abovementioned article 
Spanish to English
as defined by the Wall Street Journal 90 day LIBOR floatingsegún el tipo de interés flotante a 90 días LIBOR publicado por el Wall Street Journal 
English to Spanish
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