Translation glossary: Swiss legal terminology

Showing entries 151-200 of 364
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Fristtime limit/period 
German to English
Frist verstreichen lassenlet a time limit/deadline expire 
German to English
FZG, FreizügigkeitsgesetzSwiss Federal Law on Vested Benefits in Occupational Old Age, Survivors\' and Disability Benefit Plans (source: Swiss Life) 
German to English
Gütergemeinschaft, Güterstand dermatrimonial property regime of community of property 
German to English
Güterrechtmatrimonial property law 
German to English
Güterrechtliche Auseinandersetzungdivision of matrimonial property 
German to English
Güterrechtliche Regelungmatrimonial property settlement 
German to English
güterrechtlicher Ausgleich (gerichtlich angeordneter)property adjustment order 
German to English
Güterstand, ordentlicherstatutory matrimonial property regime 
German to English
Gütertrennung, Güterstand dermatrimonial property regime of separation of property / separate estate 
German to English
Gebrauchsüberlassung, einstweilige (des ehelichen Hauses)exclusive possession, temporary (of the matrimonial residence) 
German to English
gebundene individuelle Vorsorgeblocked pension provision (3rd pillar) 
German to English
Gegenanwaltopposing counsel 
German to English
Geldwertmonetary value 
German to English
Gerichtsentscheidcourt order 
German to English
Gerichtsverhandlungcourt hearing 
German to English
Gesamteigentum (nur bei Land)undivided ownership 
German to English
Geschäftsabschlussfinancial statement 
German to English
gesetzliche Erbfolgestatutory right of succession 
German to English
Gesetzliche Mindestleistungenminimum statutory benefits 
German to English
GestG, GerichtsstandsgesetzFederal Act on Civil Jurisdiction 
German to English
German to English
gleiche, angemessene Aufteilungequal division, equitable distribution 
German to English
Grundbuchland register 
German to English
Grundbuchauszugland register extract 
German to English
Grundstückgewinnsteuertax on the profit from the sale of real estate 
German to English
Gutheissen einer Klagegranting/approval of an action or petition 
German to English
GVG, GerichtsverfassungsgesetzAct on the Organisation of the Courts 
German to English
HAHV-IV (Alters-, Hinterbliebenen- und Invalidenversicherung)AVS-AI (Old Age & Survivors Insurance/Disability Insurance): state-run federal pension and social-security benefits scheme 
German to English
Handänderungssteuerreal estate transfer tax 
German to English
Hausrat, Einrichtungfurnishings, household effects, contents of the matrimonial home 
German to English
Hemmung der Klage, rechtshemmender Einwand, die Geltendmachung eines Rechtes verhindern/verweigernestoppel, to deny the assertion of right 
German to English
German to English
Herabsetzungsklageaction in abatement 
German to English
im Säumnisfallin case of default 
German to English
individuelle und berufliche Vorsorgeindividual and occupational pension planning 
German to English
Indizien (es sprachen viele Indizien gegen ihn)circumstantial evidence (there was a great deal of circumstantial evidence against him) 
German to English
Interessensvertreter, Anspruchsberechtigte, Betroffenestakeholders 
German to English
IPRGSwiss Private International Law Act (PIL,PILA) 
German to English
Kapitallebensversicherungendowment policy 
German to English
Kürzung von Vermächtnissen (anteilige)abatement of legacies (proportional) 
German to English
Klage abweisendismiss the/an action 
German to English
Klage aus unerlaubter Handlungaction in tort 
German to English
Klage einreichenfile a suit/action, start an action/proceedings 
German to English
Klage, gerichtlicheaction in law 
German to English
Klageantrag, Klagebegehrenprayer for relief 
German to English
Klageantwortstatement of defence, response 
German to English
Klagebegründungstatement of claim 
German to English
klagencommence/initiate a legal action against s.o., take proceedings against s.o. 
German to English
klagen, auf Scheidungpetition/sue for divorce 
German to English
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