Translation glossary: NEWS

Showing entries 51-100 of 4,137
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a hotbed of crime罪恶温床 
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a human carcinogen能令人体致癌物质 
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a inflamed left knee 
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a joint relief operation联合救援行动 
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a jury heard yesterday on the opening day of her murder trial. 
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a landfill site堆填区 
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A large part of longevity is dependent upon genetics.长寿与否很大程度取决于遗传。 
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A maid was forced to work 21 hours a day and endure beatings with a toilet brush.一名女佣被雇主强迫每日工作二十一小时,雇主并用厕所刷毒打女佣。 
inglês para chinês
A mainland doctor who was not allowed to practise in Hong Kong yesterday was found guilty of performing an illegal abortion on a girl一名非法在港执业的大陆医师,非法替十五岁少女进行堕胎手术,昨日被判罪名成立。 
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A man could carry an embryo and have it delivered by caesarean section.男人可以怀胎,并以剖腹生产的方式,把婴儿生下来。 
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A man\'s dismembered body was found buried in salt and stuffed in a metal trunk in a flat in Tuen Mun yesterday.昨日于屯门大兴发现一遭支解男尸,以粗盐腌着,藏在铁皮箱内。 
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a medical conference医学研讨会 
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a mother fixation恋母 
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A mystery flu virus has struck down 61 children at a Kowloon Tong kindergarten.在九龙塘一所幼儿园中,61名学童染上神秘感冒菌。 
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a nasty new variant可怕的新变种 
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a nauseating smell恶臭令人作呕 
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a new strain of bird flu新禽流感病毒 
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a No.4 alarm四级火警 
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A noodle shop delivery worker lured a teenager to bed by claiming he could exorcise the evil spirit he claimed was possessing her.一名面档送外卖工人向一名青年声称可以帮她驱鬼来引诱她上床。 
inglês para chinês
a notifiable disease); 
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a packet of medicine一帖药/一包药 
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a paraplegic woman下身瘫痪的女人 
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a period 
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a permanent infectious diseases hospital永久的传染病医院 
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a photopit picture of the attacker疑犯拼图 
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A police investigation was launched警方已展开调查,但尚未提出任何检控。 
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a police spokesman said一名警方发言人表示 
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a policeman involved in a love triangle一名纠缠于三角恋的警员 
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a practice which has drawn fire from the international community. 
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a private medical clinic私家诊所 
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a prolonged hay fever持续高烧 
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a rare allergic reaction to a blood transfusion罕有的输血过敏 
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a rescue cushion救生垫 
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a resident of Block E at Amoy Gardens座居民 
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a rift and lax communication联系不紧密,有缺口 
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a Sars-infected port(非典型肺炎)疫埠 
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A search in the man\'s home in Yuen Long did not provide police with further investigation leads.警方搜查疑犯位于元朗的住所,未有发现进一步的破案线索。 
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A senior Taiwan official admitted yesterday to having an extramarital affair.一名台湾高官昨日承认有外遇。 
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a serious long-term problem of health-care funding严重的长远医疗融资问题 
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A short-circuit may have started the fire.疑因电线短路引致火警。 
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a single-decker bus spun out of control and plunged five metres down a slope一架单层巴士失控,跌下山坡五米 
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a smoke-free policy禁烟政策 
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a sordid case案情 
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a spokesman for the Hong Kong Private Hospitals Association 
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a stool sample粪便样本 
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a string of blasts一连串爆炸事件 
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a suspected case怀疑个案 
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a suspicious package was destroyed by a police robot利用拆弹机械人把可疑包裹引爆 
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A teenager has been arrested in connection with attacks on six pregnant women at public housing estates in Wong Tai Sin between May and this month警方昨日表示,一名在五月至本月期间袭击了六名孕妇的青年已落网。 
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A total of一万一千名公安在街上及球场里戒备。 
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