7,156 registrants

ProZ.com day

Sep 25, 2012

Group discussion

Get your ProZ.com profile reviewed and ProZ.com support chat

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Schedule:This session ended at 15:30

Get your ProZ.com profile reviewed by a member of site staff, a moderator or a site guide and receive tips on how to improve it.

In addition ProZ.com site staff will be on hand to answer any site related questions.

NOTE: If you attended this session, but you did not have the chance to get your profile reviewed by site staff, site moderators or site guides, please sign up for one of the following ProZ.com profile completion workshops:

People who signed up for this focus group:

I would like to have my profile reviewed and also, like Holmsie how to submit an attractive quote. Thanks.
Ana Myriam Garro (X)
Ana Myriam Garro (X)

I'd like to have my profile checked to see how to make it reader friendly, improve my visibility, and also learn more on how to present an attractive quote.

I would like to be advised how to upgrade my profile for better review and how to have better chance for offers after my qoutes. I really appreciate all your guidelines in advance.

Thank you in advance for reviewing my profile. All feedback will be greatly appreciated!
John Holland
John Holland

How to increase the visibility of my profile.

Kim Martin
Kim Martin

Dr Shijun He
Dr Shijun He

I would like to have an expert reviewing my profile and get a piece of advice on how to make it more attractive for outsources.


I'd really appreciate having my profile reviewed, and receiving some tips on how to submit an attractive quote.

Jarrah Strunin
Jarrah Strunin

Hello, I would like to have my profile reviewed, and I would also welcome your advice on writing covering letters. Thank you!
Anastasiya Khomutova
Anastasiya Khomutova

I would be interested in receiving feedback on my profile and get advice on how to improve it.
Suzanne Deveson
Suzanne Deveson

Hello! I'm a newbie on proz, and will be much appreciate to have my profile reviewed. Any information about effective quotes would be also welcome.

I would like to have my profile reviewed to highlight my selling-points and be given tips on visibility on this website.
Hannah Keet
Hannah Keet

Sample translations on one's profile page - how many is considered too many? ))

What else should be improved in my profile in order for it to be more attractive for clients?

WWAs and/or recommendations from clients outside the ProZ community. For instance, most of my clients too are bound by so strict internal confidentiality rules that they can't make any comment public or they are not allowed to subscribe to ProZ or similar sites. So, there's some imbalance in comparison with some colleagues who work in less "sensible" domains and may display dozens of WWAs on their profiles.

Jolanda Admiraal
Jolanda Admiraal

Hi! I would welcome a profile review to attract more clients and focus on the key information clients look for when they examine profiles at Proz.com

Just a second eye on the profile...

I would love to get my profile reviewed and would welcome any advice to improve it. I would also like to get magic tips on making a good quotation. I had been a paid member for the past year but I don't think I earned significant return. I hope I can make the most out of my profile and re-upgrade my membership.



Thanks for taking that "outsider" look!

Karzan Sadoon
Karzan Sadoon

Hi! Yes, please, I would like a review and some advice about my profile, thanks!

Hi, I would like to optimise my profile highlighting my education and all my years of experience in the Science field and minimising the impact of no having formal translation qualifications yet (apart from a Letter of Credit from the CIoL Dip Trans (Science and General translations, Merit; currently working on the last unit for the certificate). I have been translating unofficially all those years working in medical research though. Any suggestions will be very much appreciated. Thanks!
Liliana Marquesini
Liliana Marquesini

Hi, I would like have to highlight my qualifications to make up for my current little experience in my profile. I have a bachelor's degree in translation and interpreting, specific language certifications and some specialized courses. However I am not very sure about how to introduce them. I am also not very sure about what is a reasonable payment rate for me, taking into account that I don't have much professional experience yet. Anything you think can help me to get started will be welcomed.

I would like to see Proz.com raising awareness of itself among leading companies (in my case leading defence manufacturers, especially in US/UK/Europe). The aim would be to make it the first choice of the companies to seek a translator at Proz.com.
Clive Phillips
Clive Phillips

I would like my profile reviewed for better visibility, please. Also, I am unsure about rate setting. I would appreciate anything you can tell me.
James Perry
James Perry

Vesna Dejanović
Vesna Dejanović
Bosnien och Hercegovina

I have worked as a freelance translator on a part time basis for 2 years. I am now looking to improve my Proz profile and increase my workload. I am looking for some helpful advice by more experienced Proz members.

I'd like to have my profile reviewed and to have more tips about how to post interesting and competitive quotes.
Arina Alba
Arina Alba

Hello, like the others I would like to have my profile reviewed, and I would also welcome your advice on writing covering letters. Thank you in advance!

I would certainly appreciate the opportunity to get my profile improved. Will tune in according to my on-again, off-again work schedule!

I would appreciate any tips to improve my profile information and have it reviewed. Thank you in advance!

I will appreciate to receive tips on how to increase my visibility and what else can be improved in my profile. Thank you very much in advance for your time.

I would appreciate to have my profile reviewed and would welcome any advise and feedback!

I am also interested in submitting my Proz.com profile for a review, getting hints and advice.

I would welcome a profile review to increase my visibility. I would like helpful hints and tips, suggestions and buzz words discussed to bring out the full potential of my profile to a prospective client so that they would choose me over other translators.
Salma Sayed
Salma Sayed

I would like to know how to set my rates. The rates in Central Europe are lower than those in Western Europe and the range is really wide based on what I have read in discussions on this topic.

I would like to know how to submit an attractive quote. I've submitted many but I think have only had one reply which didn't ultimately amount to anything.
Gillian Holmes
Gillian Holmes

Dominique Broady
Dominique Broady

I'd like to receive some advice on how to improve my profile, because for the moment the Proz site is my main tool for finding clients/ being found by them. It is already pretty effective, but of course I'd like to know what else I can do to improve my profile visibility and its attractiveness to potential clients.

I would like to have my profile reviewed. It would also be helpful to learn how to submit an attractive vote and how to formulate an effective cover letter.

Any feedback on my profile would be very welcome.
Evelien Snel
Evelien Snel

Please advise me on the difference between international and domestic rates for native Vietnamese translators. And you are all welcome to suggest activities to help boost the career-oriented movement led by Young Translators Community (fb.com/groups/youngtranslators), which is currently facilitated by YTCxHCMC, a section based in Hồ Chí Minh City. Check out about us at: http://www.proz.com/translator_associations/2132
Nemo Phan
Nemo Phan

Like most of my colleagues here, I'd like to know what an outsider's impression of my profile is and to find out how ways in which it could be improved.

Hi! I would like to know what i need to do to make my Proz page more complete- and how to increase traffic on this page

Hello, Like many of us, I would like to have my profile checked and get some advice on quotes and rates in order to receive signed orders ... more often ..., i.e. to have a competitive edge and induce a more positive attitude on the part of the customer.

I think other participants already voice my intention. Please check my profile too and give me the necessary advice. Thank you.
Istiani Prajoko
Istiani Prajoko

Hello, I would like to have my profile reviewed, to get some advice on quotes and to learn how to increase traffic on my ProZ page.
Alicia Poggi (X)
Alicia Poggi (X)

Hi I too would like my profile reviewed, to see where I could improve it. I'm aware it needs tweaking!
Anna Anstead
Anna Anstead

Please check my profile and give me some tips on how to improve it.

I would like to have my profile reviwed. I welcome any suggestions for improving it.

Any feedback on my profile would be very welcome.
Igor Savenkov
Igor Savenkov
Ryska federationen

I would like to have an opinion on the user-friendliness and effectiveness of my profile

Thank you for this opportunity to get to know how I personally can improve my profile and what I lack:) As many of us, I would also appreciate any tips concerning keywords for search optimization and price.

I am at the very beginning as a translator. How can I make my profile interesting to potential clients, anyway?

I would like to know more details on how to make our profile more attractive for translators and also for customers...some tips and tricks :)


Hello, I'd like to have my profile reviewed and get some hints on submitting quotes! Thanks

Hi! I am also just starting out as a translator so I would be most appreciative of help getting going, as well as setting prices since I don't really know how much to charge. Thanks!
Samantha Hind (X)
Samantha Hind (X)

Like most of my colleagues, I'd like to be advised how to upgrade my profile for better review and how to have better chance to win offers after my quotes (how to write a succesful quote). Thank you very much
Silvia Barra (X)
Silvia Barra (X)

I would like to gain more experience in professional translation. For getting jobs and therefore more experience including feedback I need to get my profile more attractive and interesting. Any help is really welcome!

Diana Edmond
Diana Edmond

I have been a translator for nearly 5 years but would still like an expert opinion on my profile and tips on successful quoting techniques.

If there's just one thing I need to change in my profile to make it perfect (well, nothing is perfect, so let's say "attractive") for viewers, what would it be?
Natalia Mackevich
Natalia Mackevich

Kirsten Schulze
Kirsten Schulze

I'd like to have my profile reviewed to know if I need to tweak my resume and if there is a way I can attract more clients.
Sofia Gutkin
Sofia Gutkin

I want to learn how to inprove my profile to attract more clients.

Any comments on efficiency of my profile would be highly appreciated (note: I mean my English profile, and not the Russian one that I am able to judge myself).


Hello! I would also like to have my profile reviewed, in order to attract more clients. Any tips on improving visibility are welcome!

Would to to get a review of my profile as well. Thank you!
Anita Šumer
Anita Šumer

inese kupce (X)
inese kupce (X)

General advice about my profile. Thank you :)
Monika Nowic (X)
Monika Nowic (X)

Our profile is our letter of introduction to customers. It's an important tool to market ourselves and stand out. I'm just starting out in the online business and, since it is very different from a face-to-face introduction, I would like to make a good impression on potential clients and believe I need help with my profile, thus, would like for it to be reviewed by a professional.

Anne Besnier
Anne Besnier

I would like a review on my profile to attract more clients. Thanks in advance for your suggestions!
Nelleke van der Palen
Nelleke van der Palen

I would like to have my profile reviewed. I have difficulties since I am a kind of an all rounder translator, which has proven to do me more harm than good, so far. I am concerned since I will not be able to stay online much longer because of my schedule today, so I do not know if I could benefit from this session. Still, if there is a way to get any assistance, I would appreciate if someone from ProZ could let me know.

I would like to have a profile review to prop my profile up. Any helpful hints and tips, suggestions and buzz words are welcome!

I'm going to become a member...unfortunately at the moment nobody asked for me even if I'm a sworn translator, multilingual. How can I improve my visibility?

I am also interested in submitting my Proz.com profile for a review, getting hints and advice. Anything that my help me/us underline my strong points as a freelancer and professional is welcome.

I would like to have my profile reviewed. Thank you!

I would love to have my profile reviewed and I'd be very grateful for any advice I could get.

I would like to have my profile reviewed. Thank you very much.

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