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Italian to English

Kilian Seavers
Fast, eloquent and reliable translation.

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Native in: English Native in English, Italian Native in Italian
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Traduzioni e lezioni d'inglese ad Avezzano
Account type Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Identity Verified Verified site user
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a ProZ.com Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a ProZ.com Business member or Plus subscriber.
Affiliations This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at ProZ.com.
Services Translation, Interpreting, Website localization, Voiceover (dubbing), Subtitling, MT post-editing, Transcription, Training, Sales
Specializes in:
AccountingCertificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs
Cinema, Film, TV, DramaComputers (general)
Cooking / CulinaryLaw (general)
Law: Taxation & CustomsLaw: Contract(s)
Law: Patents, Trademarks, CopyrightMedical: Pharmaceuticals

English to Italian - Rates: 0.06 - 0.10 EUR per word / 25 - 35 EUR per hour
Italian to English - Rates: 0.06 - 0.10 EUR per word / 25 - 35 EUR per hour

KudoZ activity (PRO) PRO-level points: 189, Questions answered: 120
Portfolio Sample translations submitted: 7
English to Italian: Video presenter sample and voice over
General field: Tech/Engineering
Detailed field: Advertising / Public Relations
Source text - English
Translation - Italian
English to Italian: Geizer Voice Over Sample
General field: Marketing
Detailed field: Electronics / Elect Eng
Source text - English
Translation - Italian
English to Italian: Notarile
Source text - English
Repertorio n. XXXXX Raccolta n. XXXX

L’anno duemilaotto, il giorno ventinove, del mese di gennaio, in Corleto XXXX (XX) in una sala del Municipio alla Piazza Plebiscito.
Avanti a me Dottoressa XXXX XXXX, Notaio in XXXX, con studio ivi, iscritta nel ruolo dei Distretti Notarili Riuniti di XXXXX, LagoXXro e MXXfi,

Da una parte:
XXXX XXXXX, nato a Gerocarne (VV) il primo giugno 19XX, residente in Gerocarne (VV.) alla Piazza XXX n.X, C.F, XXXXXXXXXXXXXX,
nella sua qualità di Dirigente Ufficio Tecnico del “Comune di XXXX XXX”), con sede in X XXXXX (XX) alla Piazza Plebiscito, C.F. XXXXXXXXXXXX,
(qui di seguito anche detto il “COMUNE”), che dichiara di agire in nome, per conto e nell’interesse dello stesso, giusta deliberazione della Giunta Comunale n. XX del 10 agosto 20XX, che, in copia conforme si allega al presente atto sotto la lettera "A", nonché determinazione del Comune di XXXX XXXX n. 6/UA/XXX del 17 gennaio 20XX, che, in originale si allega al presente atto sotto la lettera “B”;
dall’altra parte:
la Società “XXXX ITALIA S.P.A.”, con sede in Milano (MI) alla Via XXXXXX XXXXX n. X, Codice Fiscale e numero d’iscrizione XXXXXXXX del Registro delle Imprese di Milano ed Iscritta al n. XXXXX del Repertorio Economico Amministrativo, P.IVA XXXXXXX, Capitale Sociale Euro 85.000.000,00 (ottantacinquemillioni virgola zero zero), interamente versato, (qui di seguito anche detta “XXXX”), rapresentato dai signori:
XXX XXXX, nato ad Algeri (Algeria) il 23 novembre 19XX, domiciliato per la carica in Roma alla vVia XXXX n. XX, nella sua qualità di Amministratore Delegato, munito dei necessari poteri in virtù di verbale del Consiglio di Amministrazione del 5 giugno 20XX, che, in copia conforme per Notar X XXXXXXX di Milano in data 22 gennaio 2008, rep. N. XXXX, al presente atto si allega sotto la lettera “C”;
XXX XXXXX, nato a XXXX (X) il 30 dicembre 19XX, domiciliato per la carica presso la sede sociale, nella sua qualità di Direttore dell’Ufficio di Rappresentanza di XXXX, munito dei necessari potere in virtù di procura speciale autenticata dal Notaio XXX XXXX di Milano in data 17 maggio 20XX, Rep. N. 162XXX, registrata all’Agenzia di Milano in data 25 Maggio 20XX al n. 40XX, che in copia conforme all'originale, si allega al presente atto sotto la lettera "D";
che dichiara di agire in qualità di Rappresentante Unico della Concessione XXXXXXX.
I medesimi, della cui identità personale, poteri di firma e qualità io Notaio personalmente sono certo, convengono e stipulano quanto segue, preliminarmente dichiarando:
- che XXX, XXX Italia X&X S.p.A. (di seguito “XXX”) ed XX Italiana S.p.A. (di seguito “XX”), sono contitolari (qui di seguito insieme i “Contitolari”), rispettivamente al cinquanta per cento (50%), venticinque per cento (25%) e venticinque per cento (25%), di una concessione per la coltivazione di idrocarburi denominata “XXXXX” (qui di seguito la "Concessione XXXX”), estesa tramite unificazione con Decreto del Ministero dell’Industria, del Commercio e dell'Artigianato in data 19 novembre 19XX;
- che XXX è stata nominata rappresentante unico dei Contitolari ed operatore per la concessione XXXX con D.M. 15 novembre 20XX, succedendo ad XXX S.p.A, (di seguito XX);

Translation - Italian
Index No. 598XX61 Archive No. 1919XX3

Agreement permission under the Right of landlease and USE law in areas, regulated by the government productive areas scheme
In the year two thousand and eight, on the 29th day
of the month of January, in Corleto XXXXX (PX) in a room of the town hall in Piazza Plebiscito.
In my presence, Dr. XXXXX Notary of XXXXX, member of and with office in Distretti Notarili Riuniti (Consolidated Notorial Districts) of Potenza, Lagxxgro and Mxxfi,

are here before me
XXXXXX MICHELE, born in Gerocarne (VV) the 1st of June XXXX,
resident of Gerocarne (VV) in Piazza XXXXX, No.X, Social Security number:
(Hereinafter referred to as the ‘MUNICIPALITY), who declares to act in the name of, and on behalf of said ‘MUNICIPALITY, the necessary MUNICIPAL decree No. 94 of the 10th of August 20XX, which in the form of standard copy, can be found attached to this document under the letter “A”, as is the decision of the MUNICIPALITY Corleto XXXXX no. 6/UA/20XX of the 17th of January 20XX, which in its original form, can be found attached under the letter "B";
Also in my presence is:
the company “XXXX ITALIA S.p.A.”, with headquarters in Milano (MI) in Via XXXXX ArcoXXX No.1, tax No. and membership number for the Business Registry of Milan 00803030154, and member of the Administrative Economic List 453136, VAT no. 00803030154, share capital €85,000,000.00 (eighty five million), (Hereinafter referred to as "XXXXX"), represented by two individuals: LIONEL XXXX, born in Algeri (Algeria) on the 23rd of November 19XX, with residence in via Cornelia, No. XXX, Rome, in the role of Managing Director, having these powers bestowed upon him in accordance with the record of the Board of Directors of the 5th of June 20XX, in the possession of Notary Giovanni XXXXX of Milan archive No.1674XX, of which an attached copy can be found under the letter “C”;
XXXX ROBERTO, born in Pavia (PV) on the 30th of December 19XX, domiciled for this purpose at the corporate office, in the capacity of Director of the representative office in Potenza, having the necessary powers bestowed onto him in accordance with a special power of attorney authenticated by the Notary Giovanni XXXX of Milan on the 17th of May 20XX, archive no. 1624XX, registered at the Tax Offices of Milan (Agenzie delle Entrate) on the 25th of May 20XX Reg. no. XX31, which can be found as an attached copy under the letter “D”;
hereby declaring himself sole representative of the XXXXXX Agreement.
Said individuals, whose, personal identities, authority to sign, and roles, I Notary am personally certain, agree upon and stipulate the following, preliminarily recitals:
-that XX, XX Italia E&X S.p.A. (hereinafter referred to as “XX”) and XX Italiana S.p.A (hereinafter referred to as "XX”), are co-owners (hereinafter referred to collectively as “the c-owners”), respectively holding fifty percent (50%), twenty-five percent (25%), and twenty-five percent (25%) of a concession for the extraction of hydrocarbons known as “XXX” (hereinafter known as “the XX concession”), deliberated according to the decree from the Ministero dell'Industria, Commercio e Artigionato (Ministry for Industry, Commerce and Trade) on the 19th of November 19XX;
-that XX was nominated sole representative of the Co-owners and operator of XX Concession, through D.M. (Ministerial Decree) of 15th of November 20XX, replacing XX S.p.A. (hereinafter referred to as “XX”)

Italian to English: Foglio illustrativo MED
Source text - Italian
LIXXX 15mg compresse orodipersibili

Legga attentamente questo foglio prima di prendere questo medicinale.
-conservi questo foglio. Potrebbe aver bisogno do leggerlo di nuovo.
- Se ha qualsiasi dubbio, si rivolga al medico o al farmacista.
-Questo medicinale è stato prescritto per lei personalmente. Non lo dia mai ad altri. Infatti, per altri individui questo medicinale potrebbe essere pericoloso, anche se i loro sintomi sono uguali ai suoi.
-Se uno qualsiasi degli effetti indesiderati si aggrava, o se nota la comparsa di un qualsiasi effetto non elencato in questo foglio, informa il medico.

Come tutti i medicinali, LIXXX può causare effetti indesiderati sebbene non tutte le persone li manifestano. I seguenti effetti indesiderati sono comuni (si manifestano in più di 1 su 100 pazienti)
-Cefalea, capogiro.
-Diarrea, costipazione, dolore allo stomaco, sensazione di malessere, gas intestinali (flatulenza), boca o gola secca o infiammata.
-Rash cutaneo, prurito.
-Modifica nei test di funzionalità del fegato.

Translation - English
LIXXX 15mg orally dissolvable tablets

Please read this leaflet before taking medicine.
-Do not discard this leaflet. You may need to refer to it again.
-If you have any doubts please consult your general practitioner or pharmacist.
-This medicine has been specifically prescribed for you. Never give it to another person. This medicine may in fact harm others even if they display the same symptoms as you.
-Please inform your general practitioner (i) if any side effects worsen or (ii) if any side effects not listed in this leaflet appear.

As with all medicines, LIXXX may cause side effects though not all persons will encounter them. The following side effects are common (for more than 1 in 100 patients)
Cefalea (headache), dizziness.
-Diarrhoea, constipation, stomach pains, general discomfort, flatulence, dryness or inflammation of the throat or mouth.
Skin rash, itching.
-Alteration of liver function test results.

Italian to English: Medical paper
Source text - Italian

Nella terapia del dolore artro-miofasciale acuto, subacuto e cronico, l’Omeomesoterapia PRM (infiltrazione di medicinali PRM iniettabili omeopatizzati in Zonidi di Agopuntura) riveste un ruolo sempre più determinante ed apprezzato: grazie alle recenti acquisizioni neurofisiologiche sui meccanismi d’azione dell’Agopuntura, rappresenta un’innovazione, evoluzione ed ottimizzazione della tecnica mesoterapica classica convenzionale: l’iniezione di medicinali PRM – terapia del dolore in Zonidi di Agopuntura – presenta, infatti, una scarsissima incidenza di effetti collaterali negativi (tutti trascurabili), offrendo una terapia sicura, efficace e personalizzata, secondo le modalità sintomatologiche, grazie alle caratteristiche specifiche ed uniche di ognuno dei medicinali iniettabili PRM – terapia del dolore, che possono venir variamente combinati.
- In questa pubblicazione vengono confrontati i risultati di trattamento di 196 pazienti affetti da cervicalgia muscolotensiva cronica suddivisi in due Gruppi omogenei di pazienti trattati con Omeomesoterapia PRM (XX®-Neck + Guna®-Muscle + XX®-Neural) vs Mesoterapia allopatica (Ketoprofene). I risultati di questo studio clinico multicentrico, controllato, evidenziano la superiorità terapeutica dell’Omeomesoterapia PRM, indicata come metodica di prima scelta, grazie all’effetto quantitativamente pressoché sovrapponibile, ma qualitativamente superiore (35,77% vs 24,13% di risultati ottimi) e nessun effetto collaterale negativo rispetto all’omologa allopatica.

La cervicalgia muscolotensiva è patologia di grande impatto sociale (Yelin et al., 1986): provoca perdita di un numero rilevante di giornate lavorative in varie categorie professionali, sia quelle in cui viene richiesto impegno fisico per esposizione agli agenti atmosferici (XX and XX, 1963), e sollevamento di pesi (X-X and XX, 2005) sia, sempre più in aumento, in quelle ad attività sedentaria come gli operatori che trascorrono molte ore in posizione seduta, davanti al computer (XX et al., 2006) o alla guida; la scarsa attitudine alla pratica di attività sportive e la tensione emotiva (stress, ansia, depressione) (XX, 2008) possono aggravare la sintomatologia, caratterizzata da dolore cervicale acuto o cronico e da fenomeni neurovegetativi quali cefalea, vertigine, vomito, etc., dovuti alla contrattura riflessa dei muscoli corti e lunghi paravertebrali del rachide cervicale, del trapezio e dell’elevatore della scapola ed alla irritazione del simpatico cervicale. Per la grande mobilità del rachide cervicale, grazie all’acquisizione della stazione eretta nell’uomo, non esiste persona che nel corso della propria vita non abbia sofferto di dolori miofasciali cervicali di una certa gravità (XX and XX, 1987)… Forse l’unica eccezione è rappresentata dalle “donne giraffa” della Tribù Padaung, Myanmar (Fig. 1).
La terapia convenzionale si basa soprattutto sull’uso locale o sistemico di NSAIDs e sulla terapia fisica e riabilitativa, in particolare massofisio-kinesiterapia e manipolazioni vertebrali. L’uso di NSAIDs è potenzialmente pericoloso: sono al primo posto among commonly prescribed drugs for serious adverse reactions (XX et al., 1995).
Il trattamento mesoterapico convenzionale consiste nell’iniezione per via prevalentemente sottocutanea (nel mesoderma, da cui il termine “mesoterapia”) di farmaci antiflogistici steroidei, XX, ed anestetici locali (procaina), singoli o variamente associati.

Translation - English

PRM Homeomesotherapy (the infiltration of injectable homeopathic PRM medicines in acupuncture points) has an increasingly more important and considerable role in acute, subacute and chronic arthro-myofascial pain therapy: This thanks to recent neuro-physiological findings regarding the workings of acupuncture. It represents an innovation, evolution and optimization of classical and conventional mesotherapeutic techniques. The injection of PRM medicines, which is pain therapy that uses acupuncture points, indeed, presents a very low incidence of negative side-effects (all of them neglectable) and offers a safe therapy option which is effective and personalized depending on the different symptoms thanks to the specific and unique characteristics of each of the injectable PRM medicine that can be combined in different ways.
The results which follow the treatment of 196 patients affected by chronic muscle tension cervicaglia are compared in this publication and are divided into two uniform groups: patients treated with Homeomesotherapy PRM (XX®-Neck + XX®-Muscle + XX®-Neural) vs. those treated with Allopathic Mesotherapy (Ketoprofene). The results of this controlled, cohort clinical study underline the superior benefits of PRM Homeomesotherapy therapy, shown as the most chosen method by patients, thanks to the almost comparable quantitative effects but especially thanks to results showing higher quality levels (35.77% vs 24.13% of optimal results) and giving no negative side effects unlike the most frequently used allopathic treatments.

Muscle tension cervicalgia is a pathology that has an enormous social impact (Yelin et al. 1986): it reduces productivity in various professional fields, sometimes due to exposure to the atmospheric elements (XX and Xx, 1963), sometimes due to the lifting of heavy weights (X-XX and XXXX, 2005) and ever more frequently due to static activity like for those individuals who spend long periods sitting in front of a computer (XX et al. 2006) or behind the wheel; poor aptitude to sport related activity and emotional stress (tension, anxiety or depression) (XX, 2008) can aggravate the symptomology, which is characterised by chronic or acute cervical pain and by neurovegetative phenomenon like cefalea, vertigo, etc, due to the reflexive contraction of long and short para-vertibral muscles of the vertebral column, trapezium and of the scapula elevate and by irritation of the simpatico cervicalis. Due to the elevated mobility of the vertebral column and thanks to the adoption of an upright posture in humans, there exists no human who has not suffered form myo-fascial cervical pain of some degree at some point in their life (X and XX, 1987. Perhaps the only exception is the ‘Giraffe Woman' of the Padaung Tribe in Myanmar (Fig. 1).
The conventional therapy bases itself mostly on the local or systematic use of NSAIDs and on physical and rehabilitative therapy, particularly massophysio-kinesitherapy and manipulation of the vertebrae. The use of NSAIDs is potentially dangerous: They are one of the main offenders among commonly prescribed drugs for serious adverse reactions (XX et al. 1995).
The conventional mesotherapeutic treatment uses subcutaneous injection (into the mesoderm, hence the term “mesotherapy") of single or associated anti-inflammatory steroids, NSAIDs and local anaesthetics (procaine).

English to Italian: Magazine article
General field: Art/Literary
Detailed field: Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting
Source text - English
Inspired by the organic dimensionality of the tree branches that form his stretchers, xxx wraps and weaves webs of multicolored yarn to create his painting surface. Somewhere between exhilarating strolls and endless daydreams, the paintings of xxx open doors onto universes and atmospheres which invite the eye and the imagination to infinite digressions, but somehow always find the right balance in their integral ambiguousness. Rhythmic, almost musical, his work patiently threads every string of painting, observes them, and questions them one by one. Colour, matter, sculptural dimension of the painting, optical play… like so many ingredients which, when added one to the other in ever-changing expressions, keep the eye alert and the mind awakened.
Translation - Italian
Ispirato alla dimensionalità organica dei rami degli alberi che formano le sue barelle, Giordano avvolge e intreccia strati di filato multicolore per creare la sua superficie del dipinto. Da qualche parte tra passeggiate tonificanti e sogni ad occhi aperti senza fine, i dipinti di Giordano porte si aprono su universi e atmosfere che invitano l'occhio e l'immaginazione per digressioni infinite, ma in qualche modo sempre a trovare il giusto equilibrio nella loro ambiguità integrale. Ritmica, quasi musicale, il suo lavoro con pazienza le discussioni ogni stringa di pittura, li osserva, e le domande una per una. Immagine a colori, la materia, dimensione scultorea del dipinto, ottico giocare ... come tanti ingredienti che, quando inserito per l'altro in espressioni sempre diverse, mantenerla, occhio e la mente risvegliata.
Italian to English: Articolo di una rivista di arte contemporanea
General field: Art/Literary
Detailed field: Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting
Source text - Italian
I suoi lavori sono tendenzialmente, immagini e disegni, minimalisti. I colori delicati e piatti ricordano lo stile dei cartoons e sottolineano l’influenza della pop Art come,ad esempio, quella di
David Hokney. Il tema ricorrente è quello di persone, spesso giovani coppie, colte e lasciate
sole tra gli attimi della vita di tutti i giorni; ed è mosso dalla curiosità di constatare quale sia
la differenza tra ciò che percepiamo come solo ordinario e ciò che invece riteniamo straodinario. I suoi lavori sono stati presentati in diverse gallerie…
Translation - English
His works verge on minimalist images and drawings, his delicate and limited palate stylistically invoke cartoons and draw clearly on influences from Pop Artists like David Hockney to mention just one.
A glance at his art reveals a reoccurring theme in his work: the human figure, often young couples who are observed unawares frozen in a moment of their everyday life. He is inquisitive and longs to discern the difference between what we perceive as simply ordinary and what we rather hold to be extraordinary. His work has been shown in numerous galleries...

Glossaries personal
Translation education Bachelor's degree - università dell'aquila
Experience Years of experience: 24. Registered at ProZ.com: Jan 2008.
ProZ.com Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Credentials English to Italian (Tribunale di Avezzano, verified)
Italian to English (Tribunale di Avezzano, verified)
Memberships N/A
Software Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, MetaTexis, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, SDLX, Trados Studio, Wordfast
CV/Resume Italian (DOCX)
Professional practices Kilian Seavers endorses ProZ.com's Professional Guidelines (v1.0).

Medical and Legal Translation in Abruzzo and Lazio My status PROFILE

Professional Italian to English translator specialized in legal and medical documents. Over 8 years of full-time experience in the field and 9 years of residence in Italy. Currently based in Abruzzo. Native speaker of English. Full fluency in Italian and good working knowledge of German and French. Ability to produce top-quality work under tight deadlines. Experienced interpreter and voice talent. Flexible and easy to work with.

Voiceover-sample Presenter-sample


• Papers, studies, reports, examination results etc,

• Medical certificates, death certificates, prescriptions etc,


• Contracts: subjects ranging from insurance to investments, finance, employment, collective bargaining agreements, warranties, provision of services, etc.;

• Trial documents: a wide assortment of texts pertaining to criminal, civil, and administrative proceedings (e.g., bankruptcy, market manipulation, tax evasion, common law and civil law compared etc.);

• Independent opinions, consulting: reports drafted by corporate law firms concerning Italian securities law, the fiscal, legal and regulatory aspects of operating a business in Italy, transfer pricing policy, compliance with CONSOB regulations, etc.;


• Financial reporting: investor-relations materials for leading Italian and multinational companies, including financial statements, annual reports, press releases, etc.;

• Corporate documents: minutes of board meetings, articles of association, bylaws, presentations, business plans, correspondence, offering circulars, merger prospectuses, etc.;

• Investment fund regulations and prospectuses: UCITS, mutual funds, prospectus standards, etc.

• Taxation: Provisions issued by the Italian revenue service, taxpayer petitions and enquiries, settlements, etc.;
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Total pts earned: 189
(All PRO level)

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Keywords: italia, irlanda, lezioni d'inglese, england, ireland, dublin, rome, roma, hospital, business. See more.italia, irlanda, lezioni d'inglese, england, ireland, dublin, rome, roma, hospital, business, court, assistance, film, film and television, Avezzano, abruzzo, traduzione, traduttore, translator, translation, sworn, giurato, kilian, seavers, lezioni d'inglese, tradttore, italian, english, legal, medicine, medical translation, medical translations, medical device translation, debriding agents, medical equipment, medical equipment translations, medical software, medical software translation, diagnostic equipment, ultrasound systems, medical devices, nuclear medicine, medical equipment, automated laboratory system, patient diaries, medical products, nuclear medicine, pet systems, ct systems, osteoporosis, knee replacement, scoliosis, infertility, reproductive technologies, fertility treatments, assisted reproduction technologies, fertility, Music technology, Music Business, Acoustics, Hardware/Software Recording, Musical Instruments, Specifications, Keyboard, Mixer, Guitar, Bass, 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bio-medical device translation, biomedical device translations, bio-medical device translations, biomedical equipment, bio-medical equipment, biomedical equipment translation, bio-medical equipment translation, biomedical equipment translations, bio-medical equipment translations, biomedical software, bio-medical software, biomedical software translation, bio-medical software translation, biomedical software translations, bio-medical software translations, it translation, it translations, hardware translation, hardware translations, software translation, software translations, information technology, hardware localization, hardware localisation, software localization, software localisation, hardware documentation, software documentation, hardware manual, hardware manuals, software manual, software manuals, technical translation, technical translations, technical manual, technical manuals, technological translation, technological translations, hi-tech translation, hi-tech translations, audio video translation, audio video translations, medical document, medical documents, medical text, medical texts, medical treatise, medical treatises, scientific treatise, scientific treatises, medical review article, medical review articles, medical article, medical articles, scientific review article, scientific review articles, scientific article, scientific articles, medical web page, medical web pages, medical web site, medical web sites, medical site, medical sites, medical review article, medical article translation, medical study, medical study translation, informed consent form, patient information sheet, informed consent translation, patient information translation, medical site translation, medical device, medical devices, medical device translation, medical device translations, medical equipment, medical software, medical software translation, medical software translations, diagnostic equipment, diagnostic device, diagnostic devices, diagnostic imaging device, diagnostic imaging devices, ct system, ct systems, ct device, ct devices, ct pet system, ct pet systems, magnetic resonance imaging device, magnetic resonance imaging devices, magnetic resonance device, magnetic resonance devices, mri, mri device, mri devices, ultrasound system, ultrasound systems, treatment machine, treatment machines, treatment device, treatment devices, vital signs monitor, vital signs monitors, spirometer, spirometers, intensive care equipment, ventilator, ventilators, intra-venous infusion pump, intra-venous infusion pumps, IV infusion pump, IV infusion pumps, intra-venous infusion system, intra-venous infusion systems, IV infusion system, IV infusion systems, intra-venous pump, intra-venous pumps, IV pump, IV pumps, volumetric infusion pump, volumetric infusion pumps, volumetric intra-venous pump, volumetric intra-venous pumps, volumetric IV pump, volumetric IV pumps, volumetric infusion system, volumetric infusion systems, infusion system, infusion systems, volumetric pump, volumetric pumps, peristaltic pump, peristaltic pumps, orthopaedic implant, orthopaedic implants, orthopaedic device, orthopaedic devices, surgical instruments, surgical equipment, surgical bandages, surgical dressings, diagnostic software, diagnostic imaging software, medicl product, medical products, culture medium, culture media, reagent, reagents, immunochemistry, immunochemical analysis, immunoassay system, immunoassay systems, immunoassay device, immunoassay devices, immunoassay equipment, immunoassay software, flow cytometer, flow cytometers, cell count, biodecontamination system, biodecontamination systems, desktop computer, desktop computers, server, servers, print server, print servers, client, clients, host, hosts, workstation workstations, notebook, notebooks, laptop, laptops, laptop computer, laptop computers, printer, printers, scanner scanners, fax, faxes, cd dvd recorder, cd dvd recorders, pc processor, pc processors, memory module, memory modules, storage system, storage systems, scsi controller, scsi controllers, raid controller, raid controllers, scsi raid controller, scsi raid controllers, ata raid controller, ata raid controllers, network adapter, network adapters, nic, portable storage device, portable storage devices, usb storage device, usb storage devices, application, applications, application program, application programs, application programme, application programmes, sap, erp software, business software, web software, web survey software, barcode scanner, barcode scanners, mobile computer, mobile computers, handheld computer, handheld computers, digital camera, digital cameras, camcorder camcorders, video security camera, video security cameras, video security system, video security systems, security system, security systems, XRF analyzers, XRF analysers, XRF technology, ip telephone, ip telephones, business telephone, mobile telephone, mobile telephones, smart phones, electronics, consumer electronics, cd, cds, dvd, dvds, cd dvd, cds dvds, cd dvd player, cd dvd players, cd player, cd players, dvd player, dvd players, mp3 player, mp3 players, medicina, biologia, apparecchiatura medica, apparecchiature mediche, apparecchiatura elettromedicale, apparecchiature elettromedicali, software medico, prodotto biomedico, prodotti biomedici, informatica, prodotto informatico, prodotti informatici, hardware, software, prodotto hardware, prodotti hardware, prodotto software, prodotti software, hi-tech, prodotto hi-tech, prodotti hi-tech, telecomunicazioni, telefoni, telefonia, audio video, riviste mediche, articoli medici, studi medici, modulo di consenso informato, moduli di consenso informato, foglio informativo paziente, scheda informativa paziente, foglio informativo per il paziente, scheda informativa per il paziente, fogli informativi paziente, schede informative paziente, fogli informativi per il paziente, schede informative per il paziente, traduzione medica, traduzioni mediche, traduzioni di studi medici, traduzione elettromedicale, traduzioni elettromedicali, manuale elettromedicale, manuali elettromedicali, traduzione biologica, traduzioni biologiche, apparecchiatura biomedica, apparecchiature biomediche, prodotto biomedico, prodotti biomedici, traduzione biomedica, traduzioni biomediche, traduzione apparecchiatura biomedica, traduzioni apparecchiature biomediche, traduzione prodotto biomedico, traduzione prodotti biomedici, manuale biomedico, manuali biomedici, traduzione informatica, traduzioni informatiche, traduzione hardware, traduzioni hardware, traduzione software, traduzioni software, localizzazione hardware, localizzazione software, documentazione, documentazione software, manuale hardware, manuali hardware, manuale software, manuali software, traduzione tecnica, traduzioni tecniche, manuale tecnico, manuali tecnici, traduzione tecnologica, traduzioni tecnologiche, legal, history, fashion, food & drink, giuridico, legale, storia, moda, gastronomia, software, hardware, internet, database, programming, network, client, server, localization, l10n, internazionalization, i18n, marketing, communication, technical, engineering, automotive, mechanical, car, auto, truck, tractor, diesel, byke, engine, SAP, ERP, business, accountancy, editing, proofreading, games, sport, food, training, marketing, website, HTML, Trados, Dejavu, wordfast, CAT, programming, terminology, project, quality, management, reviewing, proofreading, quality, control, memory, office, VBA, macro, technology, american, translation, translator, marketing, advertising, finance, economics, accounting, civil, criminal, law, legal, contracts, agreements, annual, interim, financial statements, report, traduttore, italiano, inglese, stati uniti, usa, americano, madrelingua, sworn translations, judgements, arbitrations, court orders, powers of attorney, affidavits, motions, claims, deeds and legal documents, last wills, memorandum of understanding, European legislation, press releases, tourist catalogues, websites, advertising, entertainment, brochures, traduzioni, legale, finanziario, contratti, finanza, economia, bilanci, pubblicità, aziendale, contabilità, traduzioni giurate, sentenze, arbitrati, ordinanze, procure, affidavit, istanze, ricorsi, atti, dichiarazioni di successione, testamenti, risarcimenti assicurativi, mercati finanziari, comunicati stampa, atti costitutivi di società, condizioni di vendita, certificazioni ISO, accordi, legislazione europea, cataloghi e siti turistici, dépliant pubblicitari, marketing, bussiness, economy, diplomas, general correspondence, technical, Cristina, Cristina Hritcu, Hritcu, Awana, "Cristina Hritcu", "Hritcu Cristina", interpreting, Official Documents: Passport, ID, driving licence, birth certificate, marriage certificate, Notary Documents: Power of Attorney, Articles of Association, Written Undertaking, List of Authorised Signatures , Commercial Documents: Import&Export documents, customs documents, invoices, balance sheets Legal Documents, Court decrees, Legal Communications, Texts, Literature, medicine, law, chemistry, economy, accounting, agriculture, biology, dentistry, art history, history, manuals on every subject, catalogues, brochures, hotel information pages, menus and web pages, translations, proofreading, interpreting, education, tourism, websites, awana, Cristina Hritcu, Italian, English, Romanian, French, Romana, Italiana, Franceza, Engleza, computers, IT, design, finance, PR, Human Resources, religion, food and beverages, newspapers, banking, contracts, EU accession, technical, manufacturing, manuals, certificates, immigration, commercial, medical, finance, investment banking, financial research, financial reports, annual reports, corporate research, Bond and Equity markets, General economic news, business, commerce, retail, wholesale, telecommunications, accounting, psychology, botany, horticulture, automotive, human resources, management, software localisation, computer games, advertising, transcreation, marketing, market research, pharmaceutical, web, insurance, shipping, aviation, Management Law - Legal Research Banking & Finance Information Management Technical Writing, husbandry, interpreting, voice overs, simultaneous, liason, telephone interpreting, subtitling, Home Office, IND, beneffits, social services, Community Interpreting,Legal translations, Capital markets transactions, corporate matters, professional translation services, Offering circular, underwriting agreements, legal opinions, share purchase agreements, joint venture agreements, business sale agreements, confidentiality agreement, corporate documentation, By-laws, shareholders’ agreements, memoranda, IP-related documentation, patents, trademarks, domain name, Court orders, deeds, power of attorney, commercial agreements, sale, agency and distribution agreements, general terms and conditions of sale, outsourcing agreements, Publications, joint venture, trademark licence agreements, agency agreements, confidentiality agreements,Italian, Italiano, Portuguese, Spanish, español, French, francaise, bank, banca, banco, banking, bancario, finance, finanza, financial, finanziario, financiero economy, economia, economic, economico, market, mercato, mercado, capital markets, capitale, equities, azioni, acciones, stocks, bonds, bonos, obbligazioni foreign exchange, cambi, cambios, derivatives, derivati, derivados, options, opzioni, opciones, swaps, reports, informes, analysis, analisi, analisis, energy, energia, oil & gas, agriculture, agricultura, petroleo, petróleo, construction, costruzione,. See less.

Profile last updated
Sep 5, 2016

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