Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Sep 6 '18 ind>eng Istri Siri sirri wife pro closed ok
- Apr 12 '17 ind>eng Petugas Upacara 17 Agustus officers of flag hoisting/lowering ceremony on the Independence Day pro closed ok
- Sep 6 '16 ind>eng Pengurusan di bank for banking purpose pro closed no
- Jun 16 '16 ind>eng Penolakan anak atas nasab repudiation of a child's patrilineal descent pro closed ok
- May 26 '15 ind>eng melatarbekalangi serve as a basis for pro closed ok
- Mar 6 '11 ind>eng unsur pembantu pimpinan supportive element pro closed ok
- Sep 8 '10 ind>eng keagenan agency pro closed ok
- Jan 20 '09 ind>eng tentara bergajah elephant soldiers pro closed no
4 Dec 28 '08 ind>eng Majelis Kutab Pusat central kutab council pro closed no
4 Dec 9 '08 ind>eng Silaturahim informal gathering pro closed no
4 Dec 9 '08 ind>eng Susunan acara musyawarah conference agenda pro closed no
- Dec 8 '08 ind>eng Rujukan dan Garis Besar Penyusunan Program Kerja references and guidelines to work programme development pro closed no
4 Dec 8 '08 ind>eng Susunan Personalia Kepengurusan structure of management personnel pro closed no
4 Dec 8 '08 ind>eng Kelengkapan standard Al-Aqsha Working Group (AWG) the standard divisions of Al-Aqsha Working Group (AWG) pro closed no
4 Dec 8 '08 ind>eng Sidang Akhir final session of the conference pro closed no
- Dec 8 '08 ind>eng tujuan yang mulia noble purposes pro closed no
- Dec 8 '08 ind>eng pusat pelayanan administrasi kegiatan centre for administrative services and activities pro closed ok
- Dec 7 '08 ind>eng Musyawarah kerja work conference pro closed no
4 Dec 6 '08 ind>eng Belum/tidak bekerja unemployed pro closed no
4 Dec 6 '08 ind>eng pekebun grower pro closed no
- Nov 10 '08 ind>eng suara mayoritas dunia majority voice of the world pro closed ok
- Nov 9 '08 ind>eng sepanjang sejarah over the history pro closed ok
4 Nov 9 '08 ind>eng jalur pemukiman area of settlement pro closed ok
- Nov 9 '08 ind>eng terbantai di medan pertempuran killed in the battlefield pro closed ok
4 Oct 10 '08 ind>eng Cemagi - Pronunciation Cemagi pro closed no
- Oct 9 '08 ind>eng arus mudik journey to hometowns pro closed ok
- Sep 15 '08 ind>eng mewujudkan solidaritas dan kepedulian terhadap to build solidarity and care about pro closed ok
- Sep 7 '08 ind>eng membuat dahi berkerut makes my brow furrowed pro closed ok
- Aug 27 '08 ind>eng Lembaga Kantor Berita Nasional (LKBN) ANTARA Pusat Jakarta The Head Office of National Antara News Agency pro closed ok
4 Aug 27 '08 ind>eng Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah (DPRD) Sukabumi, Jawa Barat Sukabumi Regional House of People's Representatives pro closed no
- Aug 27 '08 ind>eng Lembaga peserta konferensi organizations participating in the (international) conference pro closed ok
- Aug 26 '08 ind>eng dengan segenap dana dan kekuatan with all existing funds and powers pro closed ok
- Aug 24 '08 ind>eng Deklarasi Jakarta untuk pembebasan Al-Aqsha Jakarta declaration for Al-Aqsha liberation pro closed no
- Aug 19 '08 ind>eng koordinator lapangan aksi organizer of the protest pro closed ok
4 Aug 18 '08 ind>eng berfirman said pro closed no
- Aug 18 '08 ind>eng bersabda speak pro closed ok
- Jul 19 '08 ind>eng putera daerah local people pro closed ok
4 Jul 19 '08 ind>eng putra-putri negeri the country's men and women pro closed ok
- Jul 6 '08 ind>eng diantar-jemput picked up and sent (to hospital) pro closed ok
- Mar 13 '08 ind>eng sarana penangkapan ikan catching gears pro closed ok
- Jan 2 '07 ind>eng Angka 48 ADD yang dibantu oleh GRS The figure 48 accounting for ADD provided for by the GRS pro closed ok
- Jan 2 '07 ind>eng AT Banda Aceh merupakan AT keberapa With respect to the chronological order, pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered