Translation glossary: Chemical Engineering

Showing entries 1-31 of 31
3-point valve stem seals三通阀阀杆密封 
English to Chinese
Acrylonitrile Catalyst, Acrylonitrile Equilibrated Catalysts丙烯腈催化剂,丙烯腈平衡催化剂 
English to Chinese
压缩机排气端座discharge end cover of a compressor 
Chinese to English
大型成套装置a large-scale integrated plant/a large-scale turnkey plant 
Chinese to English
异滴型换热管a heat exchange tube with a droplet-shaped cross-section 
Chinese to English
be instrumented to fail on signal可設置成在發生故障時根據(各種不同來源的)信號自動關閉 
English to Chinese
Blind flange盲法兰/盲板法兰/堵头盲板 
English to Chinese
coacervation techniques凝聚技术 
English to Chinese
English to Chinese
combined extracts合并后的萃取液 
English to Chinese
灰渣架桥Ash bridging/ash bridge formation 
Chinese to English
管路阀盘Pipe lines, valves and instrument panels 
Chinese to English
烷基稀土alkyl rare earth metal 
Chinese to English
甲醇合成气synthesis gas for producing methanol 
Chinese to English
靶水Target water 
Chinese to English
高过入口烟温higher than the temperature of inlet flue gas 
Chinese to English
许氏碳酸测定器Scheibler's apparatus 
Chinese to English
载体化羰基合成催化剂a (carrier-) supported catalyst for oxo synthesis 
Chinese to English
English to Chinese
Chinese to English
Open path gas monitoring and detection equipment开路式气体监测设备/開徑式氣體監測設備 
English to Chinese
Responsible Care®责任关怀 
English to Chinese
screen changer, adapter and die筛网更换器、模头连接件和模头 
English to Chinese
sulfite spirit slop含亚硫酸盐酒精废液 
English to Chinese
thermal transient热瞬变 
English to Chinese
thermal transient热瞬变/热力瞬变 
English to Chinese
under nitrogen在氮封条件下 
English to Chinese
恒温控制Thermostatic/Thermostatical control 
Chinese to English
氧化裂解Oxidation cracking 
Chinese to English
水解转化类转化剂catalysts for hydrolytic conversion 
Chinese to English
曝氣沉澱池aeration and sedimentation basin 
Chinese to English
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