Glossary entry

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Hungarian translation:


Feb 26, 2009 19:50
15 yrs ago
English term


GBK English to Hungarian Tech/Engineering Computers: Systems, Networks
Definition from Javvin Technologies, Inc.:
In the context of computers, handshaking indicates hardware or software to establish or maintain two machines or programs in synchronisation. Handshaking often requires the exchange of messages or packets of data between two systems. Hardware handshaking signals between two computers which are carried by voltage levels or pulses on wires. There are many handshaking protocols for software handshaking. Basically, the handshaking protocol send a "hello" message to the receiving system and get a "ok" responce. When the communication between the two systems finished, a "finish" message should be send and confirmed by both systems.
Example sentences:
Once the address of another servent on the network is obtained, a TCP/IP connection to the servent is created, and a handshaking sequence is initiated. (Lime Wire)
GFI Network Server Monitor can check NNTP news servers by starting a handshake connection on the remote TCP port (normally port 119). By handshaking, GFI Network Server Monitor can verify that the remote server's NNTP protocol is online and functional. (GFI Software)
A handshaking protocol is also used to ensure the logical ordering in data communication between the modules, where we have adopted bit-serial architecture to reduce the communication costs in handshaking. One issues in the bit-serial handshaking (BSHS) system is the synchronization of the input data when the module has multiple input ports. (
Proposed translations (Hungarian)
5 +3 kézfogás
Change log

Feb 26, 2009 14:38: changed "Kudoz queue" from "In queue" to "Public"

Feb 26, 2009 19:50: Drew MacFadyen changed "Stage" from "Preparation" to "Submission"

Mar 1, 2009 19:54: changed "Stage" from "Submission" to "Completion"

Proposed translations

10 hrs


Definition from Szótár:
&quot;Két kommunikációs eszköz (például két modem) között küldött jelsorozat, amelynek segítségével az adatátvitel lebonyolításának a módját alakítják ki.&quot;<br />PANEM Angol-magyar PC&Internet számítástechnikai értelmező szótár
Example sentences:
"A protokoll konverzió során a rejtjel protokollok azonosítási, kézfogási (handshake) eljárását kellet olyan módon manipulálni, hogy a gateway a rejtjelezési folyamatba közbeékelődhessen, de a biztonság megőrzése miatt más (egy esetleges támadó) ezt ne tehesse meg." (BME)
Note from asker:
Very surprised my suggestion, with agreement from no less than three peers (as opposed to none for the answer that was selected), wasn't selected for this question...
Peer comment(s):

agree Laszlo Inotai
1 hr
agree Antal Ferenc : Jaja, kézfogásként használják számtech. értelemben is (illetve ma már alig, a faxok meg a betárcsázós modemek csinálnak/csináltak ilyet, tulajdonképpen adategyeztetés, amikor a két masina letárgyalja, hogy milyen protokollon át fognak adatokat cserélni).
13 hrs
agree Miklós Monostory
22 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
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