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Cultural difference leads to poppycock? (几个单词的翻译)
Inițiatorul discuției: Alan Wang
ysun  Identity Verified
Statele Unite
Local time: 11:14
din engleză în chineză
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应全面理解 Zhou Xianlian 的原话 Sep 6, 2013

Zhou, Xianlian wrote:

个人认为,汉语的 “地平面” 与 “一楼” 是不能等同的,很多楼房的一楼要高出地平面。
而英语的ground level 则有 “地平面” 及 "一楼" 双层意思。

所以我觉得,要是可能的话,最好询问作者。若不可能,我会译成 “高于周围地平面”。


Alan Wang
Alan Wang  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:14
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proper Sep 6, 2013

right? I should have used the word proper.

If this thread brings you or anyone else any unpleasantness, here is my applogies.

That's enough exposure time for me for now.

Rita Pang wrote:

Alan Wang wrote:

But it's not always cute to be doing things by the book.
Sometimes you'd have the crazy idea, well, let's see what happens if I do it this way.
How do I know I was not being tested and my reaction proved to be kicking the ball to the next in line.
Actually, one or two days later, I did notice that there was one more recruiting ad.
Perhaps this is just my imgaination, although i can't help to associate these together.

Rita Pang wrote:

I can most definitely understand where you are coming from- however, that is not our job to decide. Overriding errors made in the source are only acceptable in certain occasions, and in this case I think Ysun's earlier suggestion of including "translators' notes" work best. Depending on the type of content, patents and other published articles assign the right of editorial/changes to the author alone, so even though we KNOW something is wrong and needs to be corrected, one simply cannot make changes as is seen fit in these scenarios.

I appreciate your POV, Alan, and I am not here to "take" any one's side on things. Your finesse in your work, your language capabilities and your attention to detail certainly comes out in your persistence in your viewpoints, as can be seen in many of this forum's threads. I admit, hands down, that I still have A LOT to learn on this career path, so my suggestions or methods are not always good suggestions That being said, however, I'll like to suggest the following to you: don't use words lightly. Calling others poppycock or dismissing a fellow translator's very serious suggestion as "cute" is one of the most disrespectful things you can do to a fellow forum participant.

In trans-creation projects you'll likely have a lot more liberty to try things out, so yes, you are right, "crazy ideas" can most certainly be entertained, welcomed or even encouraged. Please note that I am not here to oppose any of your ideas/suggestions. I have a lot of respect for everyone here on this forum and I always support a fellow translator's right in asserting their own way of work - we can all conclude, without a doubt, how important it is sometimes to push back a client's suggestion! So likewise I sincerely ask you to extend this same courtesy to myself. I am merely bringing out a suggestion, and you are most certainly free to agree or disagree. However, don't diss someone's serious approach in work with a simple wave of your hand. I'd like to think that you really don't mean it; but if you do, well, please try not to do it again.

Have yourself a nice day!

[Edited at 2013-09-06 02:23 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
Statele Unite
Local time: 11:14
din engleză în chineză
+ ...
不一定 Sep 6, 2013

Phil Hand wrote:


不一定洪水会把所有楼房都给淹了。是否被淹,那得看具体楼房所在地的地面高度是否低于 the highest flood elevation。

不一定所有楼房的一楼地面都低于 the highest anticipated flood elevation。因此,不能说必须搬到二楼以上。

FEMA 的这篇文章並没说必须要选择二楼或更高的楼层。

原文也好,FEMA的文章也好,只是一种 guide。具体应该搬几楼,取决于 the highest anticipated flood elevation 及其它因素。如果 the highest anticipated flood elevation 高于楼顶,那么即使把 all critical equipment 搬到楼顶也没用,只能想其它办法。例如,一栋五层楼的楼房被全部淹没,也不是不可能。

[Edited at 2013-09-06 06:46 GMT]

Jinhang Wang
Jinhang Wang  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:14
din engleză în chineză
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作者既没有将一楼排除在外,也没有必然包括在内 Sep 6, 2013

Phil Hand wrote:

Zhou, Xianlian wrote:


Major components of essential systems and equipment are frequently placed on the lowest floors or subgrade (basement) levels...
The most effective mitigation method is to elevate all essential equipment above the highest anticipated flood elevation...elevating typically requires relocating the equipment to higher floors in the building.
Building owners may need to evaluate all available space, including the attic and second floor...



ysun  Identity Verified
Statele Unite
Local time: 11:14
din engleză în chineză
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酌情而定 Sep 6, 2013

J.H. Wang wrote:





也许有人认为上述原文写得不好,但我认为写得很好,体现了工程技术人员的精确语言。我尤其欣赏作者在 floors 一词上使用复数。这说明作者已经考虑到了各种可能性,例如建筑物所处位置和高度以及海啸、江河决堤等情况,从而提供了较多选项。

ysun  Identity Verified
Statele Unite
Local time: 11:14
din engleză în chineză
+ ...
假设作者原意是排除一楼 Sep 6, 2013

Alan Wang wrote:

Relocate all critical equipment from low-lying basement areas to floors above ground level.



Relocate all critical equipment from low-lying basement areas and ground floor to floors above the ground floor.
但他根本就没提 ground floor。由此可见,作者并未排除一楼。

此外,还请注意 “low-lying” 这一形容词。就是说,如果不是 “low-lying” 的地下室,例如地下室可能进水的位置 above the highest anticipated flood elevation,那么连地下室里的 critical equipment 都用不着搬。可见,作者的措词是十分严谨的。

Statele Unite
Local time: 12:14
din engleză în chineză
+ ...
Have yourself a nice day Sep 6, 2013

Alan Wang wrote:

首先,我不是来此传播福音的。 请不要误会。

从语言上分析,地面只有一层是 on the ground level,其它楼层才是 above ground level (除了特殊情境如 Phi Hand 所举的例子中,后者可以理解为包括地面一层)。这里的“其它楼层”除了二楼以上还能是什么呢?。



NOTE: It seems that you have tons of 糖果, why try so hard giving them away? It’s better simply enjoy them yourself (unless you have diabetes).

Alan Wang wrote:

But it's not always cute to be doing things by the book.
Sometimes you'd have the crazy idea, well, let's see what happens if I do it this way.
How do I know I was not being tested and my reaction proved to be kicking the ball to the next in line.
Actually, one or two days later, I did notice that there was one more recruiting ad.
Perhaps this is just my imgaination, although i can't help to associate these together.

Rita Pang wrote:

I can most definitely understand where you are coming from- however, that is not our job to decide. Overriding errors made in the source are only acceptable in certain occasions, and in this case I think Ysun's earlier suggestion of including "translators' notes" work best. Depending on the type of content, patents and other published articles assign the right of editorial/changes to the author alone, so even though we KNOW something is wrong and needs to be corrected, one simply cannot make changes as is seen fit in these scenarios.

p.s. if my comment here sounds off-topic in response to your quote above, it's simply because I am writing a general reply to the ongoing conversations within this particular thread.

NOTE: It is clear and obvious (学龄前儿童可不计) that Rita’s comment is mature and professional. Inserting one’s own crazy idea in Source is cute and NOT cute, certainly!

Alan Wang wrote:


I'd even encourage any one for believing in what they believe with a candystick.

NOTE: Thank You for providing the perfect portrait as a prototype!

Have yourself a nice weekend!

Phil Hand
Phil Hand  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:14
din chineză în engleză
有道理 Sep 6, 2013

ysun wrote:

不一定洪水会把所有楼房都给淹了。是否被淹,那得看具体楼房所在地的地面高度是否低于 the highest flood elevation。

不一定所有楼房的一楼地面都低于 the highest anticipated flood elevation。因此,不能说必须搬到二楼以上。


ysun  Identity Verified
Statele Unite
Local time: 11:14
din engleză în chineză
+ ...
指南只是指南 Sep 7, 2013

Phil Hand wrote:



你说得很对。由于原文只是一种防洪指南,所以不可能规定得十分详细具体。具体落实时还得由实施者根据自己的具体情况采取具体措施。按照你所提供的 FEMA advisory,更严格的说法应该是:

Relocate all critical equipment from low-lying basement areas to floors above the highest anticipated flood elevation.

除搬迁之外,FEMA advisory 还提到了一些其它措施。

wherestip  Identity Verified
Statele Unite
Local time: 11:14
din chineză în engleză
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Greenbelts and Zoning Ordinances Sep 7, 2013

Phil Hand wrote:

ysun wrote:

不一定洪水会把所有楼房都给淹了。是否被淹,那得看具体楼房所在地的地面高度是否低于 the highest flood elevation。

不一定所有楼房的一楼地面都低于 the highest anticipated flood elevation。因此,不能说必须搬到二楼以上。



I agree with you that the English could go either way. But if the author really meant above the ground floor, he would have worded it that way(American English). If it was written in British English, IMHO there would have most likely been a definite article in front of "ground level", i.e., the ground level.

From an engineering standpoint and a practical one also, I agree with Yueyin and all the rest that here it means floors above the level of the ground surface.

BTW, in my neighborhood, there's a 100-year flood plain about 10 acres in area. It has nothing but trees such as live oaks on it. Almost all subdivisions in Austin have similar large expanses of low-lying greenbelt. I'm sure it is mandated by the City.

[Edited at 2013-09-07 02:04 GMT]

Danny Wu
Danny Wu  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:14
din chineză în engleză
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Just want to be part of the discussion, nothing else Sep 7, 2013

个人赞同Phil Hand的观点:从原文的语境看,basement areas和floors above ground level应是互补关系,即它们应囊括了全部的情形(地下和地面),所以个人认为作者的愿意指的是“将所有重要设备从地下室转移至地面楼层(即地平面上的楼层,包括目标受众即中国人所说的一楼)”(从地下到地面)。个人拙见,请各位大虾多多指教。

Jinhang Wang
Jinhang Wang  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:14
din engleză în chineză
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很有说服力的论证 Sep 7, 2013

ysun wrote:

Alan Wang wrote:

Relocate all critical equipment from low-lying basement areas to floors above ground level.



Relocate all critical equipment from low-lying basement areas and ground floor to floors above the ground floor.
但他根本就没提 ground floor。由此可见,作者并未排除一楼。

此外,还请注意 “low-lying” 这一形容词。就是说,如果不是 “low-lying” 的地下室,例如地下室可能进水的位置 above the highest anticipated flood elevation,那么连地下室里的 critical equipment 都用不着搬。可见,作者的措词是十分严谨的。


Jinhang Wang
Jinhang Wang  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:14
din engleză în chineză
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Welcome to this forum! Sep 7, 2013

Danny Wu wrote:

个人赞同Phil Hand的观点:从原文的语境看,basement areas和floors above ground level应是互补关系,即它们应囊括了全部的情形(地下和地面),所以个人认为作者的愿意指的是“将所有重要设备从地下室转移至地面楼层(即地平面上的楼层,包括目标受众即中国人所说的一楼)”(从地下到地面)。个人拙见,请各位大虾多多指教。

我代表 James 和广大同仁热烈欢迎你加入论坛!

Danny Wu
Danny Wu  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:14
din chineză în engleză
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Thank you all! Sep 7, 2013

J.H. Wang wrote:

Danny Wu wrote:

个人赞同Phil Hand的观点:从原文的语境看,basement areas和floors above ground level应是互补关系,即它们应囊括了全部的情形(地下和地面),所以个人认为作者的愿意指的是“将所有重要设备从地下室转移至地面楼层(即地平面上的楼层,包括目标受众即中国人所说的一楼)”(从地下到地面)。个人拙见,请各位大虾多多指教。

我代表 James 和广大同仁热烈欢迎你加入论坛!

谢谢J.H. Wang!在别的论坛上难以看到如此热烈的讨论,感觉非常兴奋和新鲜!Can't wait to participate in more discussion.

Jinhang Wang
Jinhang Wang  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:14
din engleză în chineză
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热心参与,理性探讨 Sep 7, 2013

Danny Wu wrote:

谢谢J.H. Wang!在别的论坛上难以看到如此热烈的讨论,感觉非常兴奋和新鲜!Can't wait to participate in more discussion.

有兴趣的话,你还可以参与网上 KudoZ 区的活动,帮助译友解答翻译中遇到的问题。

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Cultural difference leads to poppycock? (几个单词的翻译)

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