Medlem sedan Apr '06

Engelska till Ryska
Svenska till Ryska
Ryska till Engelska
Svenska till Engelska
Spanska till Ryska

Tatyana Kramova
A good and trustworthy partner

Torrevieja, Murcia, Spanien
Lokal tid: 00:05 CET (GMT+1)

Modersmål: Ryska Native in Ryska
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Feedback from
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on Willingness to Work Again info
7 positive reviews
(1 unidentified)

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Experience and Areas of Specialization
Translating from English, German, Swedish, into Russian and English: business, economics, law, contracts, finance, petrol and petrochemicals, gas industry and equipment, oil & gas equipment, field equipment, piping equipment, radio-electronics, automobile electronics, mechanics, machine-building, technological chemistry, military & defense technique, marketing, advertising, exports-imports, trade, politics, gold, diamonds, agriculture and food industry, pharmaceuticals, pharmacy, medicine, psychology, statistics, computers, office equipment, IT, theoretic programming, advertising, social activities, fiction (from English into Russian), drama, cinema, feature articles. Digest writing in Russian and English, stylistic and scientific editing , proof-reading (English). Master Translator Qualification.
Native Language
Equipment and Resources
PC, Internet, Trados, MemoQ, Power Point, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator
Contact Details
Name: Tatyana Kramova
Address: Russia, Denmark
Telephone: +45 519 70 209 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              +7-499-246-55-84      end_of_the_skype_highlighting begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              +7-499-246-55-84      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
E-mail: [email protected]
Den här användaren har tjänat KudoZ-poäng genom att hjälpa andra med termer på PRO-nivå. Klicka på poängsumman/-summorna för att se översättningarna av termerna.

Totalt intjänade poäng: 4
(Alla på PRO-nivå)

Språk (PRO)
Engelska till Ryska4
Högsta allmänna området (PRO)
Högsta specifika området (PRO)
IT (informationsteknik)4

Se alla intjänade poäng >
Nyckelord: gas industry and equipment, oil & gas equipment, field equipment, piping equipment, radio-electronics, automobile electronics, mechanics, machine-building, technological chemistry, military & defence technique. See more.gas industry and equipment, oil & gas equipment, field equipment, piping equipment, radio-electronics, automobile electronics, mechanics, machine-building, technological chemistry, military & defence technique, marketing, advertising, exports-imports, trade, politics, gold, diamonds, agriculture and food industry, pharmaceuticals, pharmacy, medicine, psychology, defence conversion, statistics, computers, office equipment, IT, theoretic programming, advertising, social activities, fiction. See less.

Profilen uppdaterades senast
Aug 14